Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

"There are a number of things we are going to do. We have already at the direction of the President commenced a campaign to crack down on criminals with guns." - Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Just heard this from a television talking head:

Everyone is pointing the finger at the Second Amendment (guns).

Maybe we should be taking a look at the First Amendment (freedom of speech), too.

That talking head asks: Should so many motion pictures and video games be glorifying violence as a way to solve problems?

I am very interested in this issue, as a gamer and a reader of thrillers and loving movies as I do. I've been trying to find the post that referred to a "culture of death," and I think he mentioned that an Xbox has never held up a liquor store. That was a good post, both points. We certainly do have a culture of death -- in entertainment. No Xbox has held up a liquor store, no, but I am not clear what the steady diet of "kill them first and by the dozens" in games, books, and movies is doing to our thinking. I just don't know, so don't assume I'm making a statement here. I bet we hear more about this issue. Others besides me are noticing the high level of violence in entertainment, compared with only a few decades ago.
Well you didn't say you did in any of the dozens of responses to it. So...
Well, lets talk about your mental health on a public forum, shall we? Should we talk about your hemorrhoids too?

You've got this straw man, loaded-question style.

I'm not the one who blamed mental illness for these shootings, you did.

So now that you've found out the extent to which your argument about mental illness and gun violence actually goes, suddenly you get defensive and angry because you won't even subject yourself to an examination to determine if you suffer from the thing you also claim is what's to blame for these mass shootings.

That's why you can't shit out a better response.

You're not in my head, I AM ALL UP IN YOURS, THOUGH.

Lol. That funny.

Your impotent response perfectly explains why you feel the need to own a firearm.
Do we ban all cars because 12000 people are killed every year from drunk drivers?

No, but if more guns are the answer to fewer gun deaths, do you give everyone alcohol when they drive to reduce drunk driving deaths?

Also, funny that you bring this up. The number of drunk driving deaths used to be way higher...then we passed seat belt laws and drunk driving laws, and the number of drunk driving deaths declined by 50%, according to the NIH.

So it would seem like safety laws work.
Just heard this from a television talking head:

Everyone is pointing the finger at the Second Amendment (guns).

Maybe we should be taking a look at the First Amendment (freedom of speech), too.

That talking head asks: Should so many motion pictures and video games be glorifying violence as a way to solve problems?

1999 wants its shitty scapegoating back.

Watch Live: “Deeply Troubled” Nikolas Cruz Had A History Of Mental Illness
There is no simple fix to this

There are 5 simple fixes that would significantly reduce gun deaths in this country almost overnight:

1. Universal background checks on all gun transactions and transfers, no exception.
This will reduce or completely eliminate straw purchasing, which is the main supply of guns via the various "iron pipelines" to cities like Chicago

2. All guns manufactured moving forward must have the same fingerprint ID lock my iphone has
This will reduce the amount of guns that are stolen and then used in crimes. It also would prevent children from taking their parents' guns and using them.

3. No one with a domestic violence charge or restraining order against them should be allowed to own a gun
A plurality of female victims of gun violence are killed by domestic abusers.

4. No one on the terrorist no-fly list should be allowed to own a gun
Terrorists and suspected terrorists should not be allowed to have guns...kind of a no-brainer.

5. Free, universal, open access to mental health treatment and an elimination of the stigma of mental illness
About half of all gun deaths are suicides, so better mental health will reduce those, not to mention the crazy mass-shooters.

Just doing those five things will significantly reduce gun deaths and injuries, almost immediately.
"No, you don’t want “solutions.” Stop saying you’re looking for solutions if you’ve spent the last 24-plus hours spitting vitriol & hate at law abiding firearm owners who are parents too. Stop the charade, this isn’t about fixing anything to you, it’s about your agenda." - Hannity
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
"I live abroad in China and most of my colleagues/friends here are not American. There is a persistent disbelief on their part as to why the US continues to allow shootings like #Parkland to happen. Not sure what to tell them." - Yao Ming
Because the people passionate about keeping their guns are more passionate about it than people who want them more heavily regulated

Plus the nra is a corporation of rich people and our government serves them not the people

Protect the profits not the pawns
Plus the nra is a corporation of rich people
National Rifle Association NRA Statistics - Statistic Brain

Compared to a miserable liberal who is on welfare, even a middle class black, is rich. So those who support their right to defend themselves will constantly be attacked by the welfare queens for not allowing those whiney ass liberals their right to our stuff..
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
So we take away guns and POOF....everyone's safe? God Damned Imbeciles!!!

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo..

Ya know....Leftists already accomplished all this "gun control" and more......IN VENEZUELA.

How's that working out for Venezuela?
(It takes a special kind of Imbecile to see this and still push for more gun controls)



Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...
You think you having a gun is going to keep you safe? Just might be the reason they kill you.

2 slain in shooting on Detroit's west side

Officials said the two victims were unloading packages and groceries from a vehicle when they were forced at gunpoint back into their home by three male suspects. Two of the men were armed.

Police said all three suspects were wearing hooded sweatshirts and the two who were armed wore ski masks.

After the victims were shot inside the house, a third brother fired shots at the suspects and they fled from the home through the front door, according to authorities.

Investigators said they do not know if any of the shots fired at the suspects struck any of them.
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

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