Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Demon voices to school gunman attack cops called 39 times | Daily Mail Online

The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

That's not the point, you just don't like to be exposed for the real motives

Granted, I lost sight of your point somewhere between the 17 shooting deaths in Florida and guys in dresses in girls bathrooms. But you have my sympathy. Attention Deficit Disorder can be a terrible disorder.

So your entire debating strategy is to play dumb and ignorant ?

Yes you are a libtard all right.

Not at all. You have convinced me that some crazy asshole killed 17 people in Florida because men are wearing dresses and going into girls restrooms. Who could POSSIBLY argue with that?
That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

That's not the point, you just don't like to be exposed for the real motives

Granted, I lost sight of your point somewhere between the 17 shooting deaths in Florida and guys in dresses in girls bathrooms. But you have my sympathy. Attention Deficit Disorder can be a terrible disorder.

So your entire debating strategy is to play dumb and ignorant ?

Yes you are a libtard all right.

Not at all. You have convinced me that some crazy asshole killed 17 people in Florida because men are wearing dresses and going into girls restrooms. Who could POSSIBLY argue with that?
Apparently logic and sanity are as foreign to you as they are to the shooter. Another crazy we should lock up before he nuts out and hurts kids.
"I live abroad in China and most of my colleagues/friends here are not American. There is a persistent disbelief on their part as to why the US continues to allow shootings like #Parkland to happen. Not sure what to tell them." - Yao Ming
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
"I live abroad in China and most of my colleagues/friends here are not American. There is a persistent disbelief on their part as to why the US continues to allow shootings like #Parkland to happen. Not sure what to tell them." - Yao Ming
Because the people passionate about keeping their guns are more passionate about it than people who want them more heavily regulated

Plus the nra is a corporation of rich people and our government serves them not the people

Protect the profits not the pawns
"I live abroad in China and most of my colleagues/friends here are not American. There is a persistent disbelief on their part as to why the US continues to allow shootings like #Parkland to happen. Not sure what to tell them." - Yao Ming
show them the picture of the tanks rolling down the square when millions of Chinese were executed for the great experiment.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..
"The psychotropic drugs mental patients are put on list as side effects "violence, aggression, homicidal ideation." Politicians will NEVER mention this. Drugs companies are the biggest donors and lobbyists. Fear them even more than the NRA." - President Trump
MSM, including Fox, need to know that a subtle word can change the whole definition of a sentence

"I WANT to be a school shooter" does NOT mean the same thing as

"I am GOING to be a professional school shooter"

Tow completely different things

"Liberals don't understand "per capita." 11 countries have higher rates of mass shootings than U.S. - e.g. Norway, France, Belgium & Finland." - Wacky Ann Coulter
Just heard this from a television talking head:

Everyone is pointing the finger at the Second Amendment (guns).

Maybe we should be taking a look at the First Amendment (freedom of speech), too.

That talking head asks: Should so many motion pictures and video games be glorifying violence as a way to solve problems?
There is no simple fix to this. The only way gun restrictions would be effective is to take away all the guns from all the people. We could save millions of lives if we took away all the cars from all the people.

We should contemplate the consequences of manipulating language to steer the behavior of the people and the cultural tampering that force feeds all kinds of alternative lifestyles on citizens to grow the power of the government.

Central authority is raising armies of mass murderers to do the bidding of cultural Marxism which has two benefits: It provides an excuse for the government to initiate action against law abiding private citizens and it expands the government as the final arbiter of deciding what liberties the citizens are granted. This how foreign countries operate as a matter of course. They want this here.
These are Obama kids so to speak. Obama is the worst disease America ever had


"we're children. you guys are the adults. you need to take some action and play a role. work together. come over your politics and get something done!" - David Hogg - Senior at Stoneman Douglas HS
"If we ban guns they will just find another way."

Then let them find another way. Let them try to kill dozens in a matter of minutes with a goddamn butter knife. Let them hurl stones. Let's force mass murders to get creative as hell. Because I'm tired of it being easy for them.

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