Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.
First step is to vote out republicans who won’t do anything about gun control
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087

And they have their balls to say we missed taking our MEDS LMFAO.......... meanwhile it's them who take ten pills a day and are too stupid to piece together EVERYONE of these shooters were on PRESCRIBED MEDS.....go figure.
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

because those who point it our aren't racist it's those who accuse the informant of being racist, it is they who are racist . Weak minds can only use race as their argument of debate. Because most of you are to fkn stupid to realize that is a weapon used to SHUT SOMEONE DOWN well here is what we say to your . RACE CARD BS....SIT DOWN SHUT THE FK UP AND TAKE YOU RACE BS AND SHOVE IT WAY UP YOUR OBAMA LOVER'S AZZ.
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.

No, but if more guns are the answer to fewer gun deaths, do you give everyone alcohol when they drive to reduce drunk driving deaths?

Also, funny that you bring this up. The number of drunk driving deaths used to be way higher...then we passed seat belt laws and drunk driving laws, and the number of drunk driving deaths declined by 50%, according to the NIH.
Airbags and seat belts have been around a long time now...what is lowering drunk driving deaths are a massive information campaign and enforcement operations like roadblocks and fines to bars and restaurants to reduce drunk driving...
When the FBI continues to drop the ball and in doing so allow crazy people to buy guns we are not doing our best in regards to guns...every gun sale goes through an FBI back round check...they had this kid Cruz's name and still couldn't stop him from buying a gun and shooting up his school...
My belief is they didn't want to stop him just like they didn't want to stop the Vegas shooter...they knew he was amassing weapons at an unusual pace and never went to speak to him about it...just one visit to these potential shooters could go a long way to stopping this shit...
But what do we get this morning from the FBI? Lies...they are continuing to lie about Cruz and what they shame from them at apology to the school or the families of the victims...just bold face lies...
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.

PROOF you are just another clueless stupid ass democrat who doesn't know how much history was left out on purpose to keep you sheep dumbed down.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
Live Leak ^

Posted on 8/6/2009, 9:59:36 AM by IrishMike

The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism, he said.

"Although it is relatively unreported today, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party," Barton writes in his book. "In fact, a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

"The Klan terrorized black Americans through murders and public floggings; relief was granted only if individuals promised not to vote for Republican tickets, and violation of this oath was punishable by death," he said. "Since the Klan targeted Republicans in general, it did not limit its violence simply to black Republicans; white Republicans were also included."

Barton also has covered the subject in one episode of his American Heritage Series of television programs, which is being broadcast now on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Cornerstone Television.

Barton told WND his comments are not a condemnation or endorsement of any party or candidate, but rather a warning that voters even today should be aware of what their parties and candidates stand for.

His book outlines the aggressive pro-slavery agenda held by the Democratic Party for generations leading up to the Civil War, and how that did not die with the Union victory in that war of rebellion.

Even as the South was being rebuilt, the votes in Congress consistently revealed a continuing pro-slavery philosophy on the part of the Democrats, the book reveals.

Three years after Appomattox, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting blacks citizenship in the United States, came before Congress: 94 percent of Republicans endorsed it.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
The intellectuals believe you can solve societal problems by going into schools and stretching condoms over cucumbers. It's not surprising that they think mass shootings can be prevented by taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

Society is out of control as a result of the same central planning that fails in all socialist countries. Why do you think Trump got elected? The world is watching and after the sham investigation of Russian collusion is exposed the world will follow us as we return to building a peaceful civilization.
Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough
You may be tortured by truth but others are not...we have laws for buying must go through an FBI back round check... Cruz legally purchased his legal weapon after the FBI was given his name and his haunting you tube post...they let him slip through their fingers...they let the Vegas shooter buy hundreds of guns bump stocks and thousands of rounds of ammo in a three month period of time...until the FBI gets their shit together no new gun law will do anything to stop this...
You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.

PROOF you are just another clueless stupid ass democrat who doesn't know how much history was left out on purpose to keep you sheep dumbed down.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
Live Leak ^

Posted on 8/6/2009, 9:59:36 AM by IrishMike

The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism, he said.

"Although it is relatively unreported today, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party," Barton writes in his book. "In fact, a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

"The Klan terrorized black Americans through murders and public floggings; relief was granted only if individuals promised not to vote for Republican tickets, and violation of this oath was punishable by death," he said. "Since the Klan targeted Republicans in general, it did not limit its violence simply to black Republicans; white Republicans were also included."

Barton also has covered the subject in one episode of his American Heritage Series of television programs, which is being broadcast now on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Cornerstone Television.

Barton told WND his comments are not a condemnation or endorsement of any party or candidate, but rather a warning that voters even today should be aware of what their parties and candidates stand for.

His book outlines the aggressive pro-slavery agenda held by the Democratic Party for generations leading up to the Civil War, and how that did not die with the Union victory in that war of rebellion.

Even as the South was being rebuilt, the votes in Congress consistently revealed a continuing pro-slavery philosophy on the part of the Democrats, the book reveals.

Three years after Appomattox, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting blacks citizenship in the United States, came before Congress: 94 percent of Republicans endorsed it.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)

But now the KKK is GOP and TRUMP defends them. This is how things are currently. I don't care about ancient history.
But now the KKK is GOP and TRUMP defends them. This is how things are currently. I don't care about ancient history
Knowing and understanding history is essential in learning...not surprised that you don't care about it...and stop with the KKK shit everyone knows the KKK began in the democrat party...
First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and not need guns anymore..

You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.
Says the moron who votes for the very people who want to get rid of our constitution. Keep it up, Sealybunghead, and you too will join the ignore list.
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black...Only an idiot like you thinks you could ever ban guns in America.

I never said I was in favor of banning guns. IN FACT, what I said was that it was unrealistic.

But you immediately jumping to the straw man of me wanting to ban guns is paranoia. And paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Say what , that's your solution it always has been, that's what you do you post in simplistic ways to think you can solve a complex problem what the left started in the first place .

No, it's not. You can go through all my posts and you'll never find one where I called for bans on guns or confiscation of guns. Go ahead! Look through all my posts. You have that ability with the search function on this forum. You're just a piece of shit, is all. That's what this conversation is really about; how shitty of a garbage person you are.
The intellectuals believe you can solve societal problems by going into schools and stretching condoms over cucumbers. It's not surprising that they think mass shootings can be prevented by taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

Society is out of control as a result of the same central planning that fails in all socialist countries. Why do you think Trump got elected? The world is watching and after the sham investigation of Russian collusion is exposed the world will follow us as we return to building a peaceful civilization.

Are Conservative States' Sex Ed Programs Failing to Make the Grade?
Airbags and seat belts have been around a long time now...what is lowering drunk driving deaths are a massive information campaign and enforcement operations like roadblocks and fines to bars and restaurants to reduce drunk driving...

All of which started just 40 years ago, which was my point. That safety laws were passed and the result was a drop in drunk driving deaths. So all you're doing is restating that which I already said, and trying to frame the point as yours. What a fucking loser.

When the FBI continues to drop the ball and in doing so allow crazy people to buy guns we are not doing our best in regards to guns...every gun sale goes through an FBI back round check...they had this kid Cruz's name and still couldn't stop him from buying a gun and shooting up his school...

First of all, setting Cruz aside, if mental illness is to blame for mass shootings, then the solution would be for free, open, and encouraged access to mental health treatment, therapy, and counseling for people. Most people with mental illness either don't think they have mental illness or don't know they have it. So that means they go without a diagnosis, which means they don't show up on a background check. So how do you prevent mentally ill people, who don't think they're mentally ill, from getting a gun? The only answer is to mandate that all gun owners must subject themselves to a mental health evaluation. After all, if you're saying mental illness is to blame, then the responsible gun owners should get themselves checked out for mental illness, right?

My belief is they didn't want to stop him just like they didn't want to stop the Vegas shooter...they knew he was amassing weapons at an unusual pace and never went to speak to him about it...just one visit to these potential shooters could go a long way to stopping this shit...

You believe the FBI deliberately let Cruz amass an arsenal and shoot up the school, to what end? Paranoia is a sign of mental illness by the way, and this shit sounds downright paranoid. As a "responsible gun owner" have you acted responsibly and gotten screened by a mental health professional? Doesn't seem like it since you're a fucking lazy person. You can't really call yourself a responsible gun owner if you're not going to be responsible enough to get tested for mental illness, which you blame for gun violence.
All of which started just 40 years ago, which was my point. That safety laws were passed and the result was a drop in drunk driving deaths. So all you're doing is restating that which I already said, and trying to frame the point as yours. What a fucking loser

You believe the FBI deliberately let Cruz amass an arsenal and shoot up the school, to what end?
To get people like you screaming for gun laws and restrictions in the hopes that total confiscation will's working on you...
You cons will never believe you don't need them anymore, so right there alone you are lying. And are you suggesting you cons don't raise dysfunctional little terrorists? Bullshit. Just the fact they have a gun means they aren't that liberal, right?
Until all the guns are taken from the criminals, I will keep my weapons and sleep well at night.. pansy ass liberals like you, deserve to be a victim of the next liberal who wants to shoot people...

You don't really want everyone to have a gun. Just you. I'm the same way.
I just said I want all mentally defective individuals to be prevented from getting a gun.

View attachment 177087
Proof you don't even know the liberal position.

Or what is and isn't constitutional. You are a cherry picker. You don't realize what Ted Cruz thinks is unconstitutional, maybe Jeb doesn't agree. And what Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional maybe Trump doesn't think so. Just depends on how much of a right wing radical you are. You guys are not to decide what is and isn't constitutional especially when you interpret things so bizarrely

'An unconstitutional partisan gerrymander’: Judges toss N.C. congressional map

Here is an example of when Republicans don't mind being unconstitutional yourselves.

Republicans' attempt to release Nunes memo is unconstitutional

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

YOU guys are the unconstitutional ones.
Says the moron who votes for the very people who want to get rid of our constitution. Keep it up, Sealybunghead, and you too will join the ignore list.
How do you talk to morons who believe the shit you say?

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