Come November.A Choice Between Health-Care And Christmas Presents & Decorations?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

This is an issue that will hopefully be brought up in all media outlets come Thanksgiving Season. Being the Democrats have decided the choke the middle class by doubling their health-care expenses and not giving a (%$#it), this could also be a factor in Americans attitudes/approval rating of Democrats. {what is it this week? 24% ???}
And come 2014, let's hope conservative media and every conservative leader brings up the dilemma of how now, Obama-Care is making millions of American Families having to choose between buying expensive health-care, heat, and food. Can't wait for Democrats to try and spin that future crisis.
To think this year many, many Americans will have the opportunity to make such a choice, when before they could not afford health care. Interesting.
Oh, give the shitheads a break. Their dear Teabaggers are less popular than gonorrhea. The GOP is down in single digit approval in some polls. They need some more redicuous lies just to feel better.
OP- Of course like all Pub dupes, you know nothing but ridiculous bs propaganda- It's affordable and guaranteed, and you don't have to sign up until March 1. Idiot.

I'd hardly call a 120% increase in premiums "affordable".

How many have actually secured policies so far... tens of thousands?

Wait until the tens of millions see for themselves the effects on their premiums and/or deductibles. There is going to be a shitstorm of outrage.
and does anyone know what the health-care cost is going to be for a family of 5/6? looks like Christmas dinner may be down to chinese take-out.

Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four [Updated] - Forbes

The Arches program here in Utah's premiums are much lower than those above, so I suspect the far right is fabricating . . . again.
To think this year many, many Americans will have the opportunity to make such a choice, when before they could not afford health care. Interesting.


Over a billion dollars have been spent and the websites aren't working yet. The queues for Navigators are currently months long. Insurance companies have already stated that not enough information is being collected to actually write policies.

It's amazing that people who said they didn't want their healthcare to be like the DMV were told that it wasn't going to happen and they were right - it's worse.
To think this year many, many Americans will have the opportunity to make such a choice, when before they could not afford health care. Interesting.


Over a billion dollars have been spent and the websites aren't working yet. The queues for Navigators are currently months long. Insurance companies have already stated that not enough information is being collected to actually write policies.

It's amazing that people who said they didn't want their healthcare to be like the DMV were told that it wasn't going to happen and they were right - it's worse.

My current health care provider has policies available for the taking. All ACA compliant.
I've got the tables in front of me.

Just give me an age, a preferred co-pay/plan year deductible/plan year out-of-pocket/and prescription drug tier and I will quote you a per-insured premium.

Go ahead... I dare ya.

As for myself - a plan similar to my existing policy will cost me an additional 120% in premiums under ACA. And I am not eligible for subsidies.

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