Come November.A Choice Between Health-Care And Christmas Presents & Decorations?

If you have insurance, idiot, the cost will be covered once you hit the deductible

either you are lying or you are ignorant

the bronze plan for example

you pay 100 percent until the deductible is met

silver plan-then insurance pays 60 percent and the insured pays 40 percent

bronze - 70%-30%

gold - 80% -20%

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Do you know what "out of pocket maximum" means?

"out of pocket maximum"

means for covered services only Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf


I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.
Do you know what "out of pocket maximum" means?

"out of pocket maximum"

means for covered services only Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf


I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.

that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized
This is an issue that will hopefully be brought up in all media outlets come Thanksgiving Season. Being the Democrats have decided the choke the middle class by doubling their health-care expenses and not giving a (%$#it), this could also be a factor in Americans attitudes/approval rating of Democrats. {what is it this week? 24% ???}
And come 2014, let's hope conservative media and every conservative leader brings up the dilemma of how now, Obama-Care is making millions of American Families having to choose between buying expensive health-care, heat, and food. Can't wait for Democrats to try and spin that future crisis.

Hmm, I will be purchasing a policy for my family off of the exchange and it will have basically the same coverage as I now have. The cost will also be about the same with no subsidy. There are probably some people who will be pinched a bit but I have not seen any verified instances where anybody will be paying double or triple what they are currently paying. Now for people who are purchasing insurance for the first time and who will not receive a subsidy, they may well be shocked at the prices. Of course since we pay $8500 per year for each person's healthcare who lives in the US, nobody should be expecting insurance for $100 per month with zero deductible and that covers everything 100%. You guys crack me up. It's basic math.

Good for you and yours.
I'm glad you have been able to afford continual coverage.
That means it's been in you budget all along.

Now, how about those among us that have never had that expense....either out of lack of desire for it or just plain out couldn't afford it??
It is a line on their budget that was never there before.
Whether it's only $100/month or $300/month, that's 100-300 times more than what they have been paying

If you "lack the desire" to keep us from paying your medical bills for you, too fucking bad. If you can't afford it, you'll likely be receiving a subsidy to help you afford it. If you REALLY can't afford it, pay the penalty.

The penalty for not having health insurance, at least for 2014, is up to $95 per adult and $47.50 per child or 1 percent of your taxable income — whichever is greater. It does go up substantially in a couple of years, eventually to a maximum of 2.5 percent of taxable income. The amount you owe will be pro-rated to reflect the number of months you were without coverage.

If you owe the penalty, it is assessed on your 2014 income tax form that's due April 15, 2015. And that's how the government finds you — it asks on your income tax form if you had health insurance. People who have it will get some sort of certificate of coverage from their health insurers. If your income is so low that you do not file a tax return, you are exempt from paying the penalty.

Understanding The Health Insurance Mandate And Penalties For Going Uninsured


I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.

that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized

Primary care visit to treat an ]injury or illness

50% after
deductible is met

Specialist visit

50% after
deductible is met

Imaging (CT/PET scans,

50% after
deductible is met

Preauthorization required

outpatient surgery facility fee

50% after
deductible is met
Preauthorization required Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf

I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.

that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized

Primary care visit to treat an ]injury or illness

50% after
deductible is met

Specialist visit

50% after
deductible is met

Imaging (CT/PET scans,

50% after
deductible is met

Preauthorization required

outpatient surgery facility fee

50% after
deductible is met
Preauthorization required Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf

You think that the insured in this example must pay 50% of all expenses after the deductible is met, don't you? You think that the insured could be liable for 10's of thousands of dollars per year, don't you?

WTF am I dealing with here? Please....nutters. Bring in some ringers. This shit is sad.
that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized

Primary care visit to treat an ]injury or illness

50% after
deductible is met

Specialist visit

50% after
deductible is met

Imaging (CT/PET scans,

50% after
deductible is met

Preauthorization required

outpatient surgery facility fee

50% after
deductible is met
Preauthorization required Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf

You think that the insured in this example must pay 50% of all expenses after the deductible is met, don't you? You think that the insured could be liable for 10's of thousands of dollars per year, don't you?

WTF am I dealing with here? Please....nutters. Bring in some ringers. This shit is sad.

they are only going to pay for covered services

services not covered

do not count as out of pocket caps

it is just the way it is

and then there is the problem of pre authorizing services

if you think heart surgery is 1 guaranteed and

2 cost the insured

a few thousand dollars you are nuts

for example of you get an MRI and it is not pre authorized

the insurance is not going to pay it

if you get the service you will be expected to pay for it

from your own funds
Hmm, I will be purchasing a policy for my family off of the exchange and it will have basically the same coverage as I now have. The cost will also be about the same with no subsidy. There are probably some people who will be pinched a bit but I have not seen any verified instances where anybody will be paying double or triple what they are currently paying. Now for people who are purchasing insurance for the first time and who will not receive a subsidy, they may well be shocked at the prices. Of course since we pay $8500 per year for each person's healthcare who lives in the US, nobody should be expecting insurance for $100 per month with zero deductible and that covers everything 100%. You guys crack me up. It's basic math.

Good for you and yours.
I'm glad you have been able to afford continual coverage.
That means it's been in you budget all along.

Now, how about those among us that have never had that expense....either out of lack of desire for it or just plain out couldn't afford it??
It is a line on their budget that was never there before.
Whether it's only $100/month or $300/month, that's 100-300 times more than what they have been paying

If you "lack the desire" to keep us from paying your medical bills for you, too fucking bad. If you can't afford it, you'll likely be receiving a subsidy to help you afford it. If you REALLY can't afford it, pay the penalty.
The penalty for not having health insurance, at least for 2014, is up to $95 per adult and $47.50 per child or 1 percent of your taxable income — whichever is greater. It does go up substantially in a couple of years, eventually to a maximum of 2.5 percent of taxable income. The amount you owe will be pro-rated to reflect the number of months you were without coverage.

If you owe the penalty, it is assessed on your 2014 income tax form that's due April 15, 2015. And that's how the government finds you — it asks on your income tax form if you had health insurance. People who have it will get some sort of certificate of coverage from their health insurers. If your income is so low that you do not file a tax return, you are exempt from paying the penalty.
Understanding The Health Insurance Mandate And Penalties For Going Uninsured

Hate to break it to ya, sugarbritches, but my employer pays 100% of my premiums

I can't be concerned for those not as fortunate?

To hell with the fucking "subsidy".
They still have to pay monthly until tax time

Good luck getting all their shit out of layaway
Primary care visit to treat an ]injury or illness

50% after
deductible is met

Specialist visit

50% after
deductible is met

Imaging (CT/PET scans,

50% after
deductible is met

Preauthorization required

outpatient surgery facility fee

50% after
deductible is met
Preauthorization required Bronze Plan_No Ped Dental_FINAL_092613.pdf

You think that the insured in this example must pay 50% of all expenses after the deductible is met, don't you? You think that the insured could be liable for 10's of thousands of dollars per year, don't you?

WTF am I dealing with here? Please....nutters. Bring in some ringers. This shit is sad.

they are only going to pay for covered services

services not covered

do not count as out of pocket caps

it is just the way it is

and then there is the problem of pre authorizing services

if you think heart surgery is 1 guaranteed and

2 cost the insured

a few thousand dollars you are nuts

for example of you get an MRI and it is not pre authorized

the insurance is not going to pay it

if you get the service you will be expected to pay for it

from your own funds not covered are listed in any policy. They are things like acupuncture and long term nursing care. Pretty much all the shit a person needs covered when it comes to their health are covered. There is an OUT OF POCKET MAXIMUM that refers to 99.99% of the shit that one could need coved.

You think that the insured in this example must pay 50% of all expenses after the deductible is met, don't you? You think that the insured could be liable for 10's of thousands of dollars per year, don't you?

WTF am I dealing with here? Please....nutters. Bring in some ringers. This shit is sad.

they are only going to pay for covered services

services not covered

do not count as out of pocket caps

it is just the way it is

and then there is the problem of pre authorizing services

if you think heart surgery is 1 guaranteed and

2 cost the insured

a few thousand dollars you are nuts

for example of you get an MRI and it is not pre authorized

the insurance is not going to pay it

if you get the service you will be expected to pay for it

from your own funds not covered are listed in any policy. They are things like acupuncture and long term nursing care. Pretty much all the shit a person needs covered when it comes to their health are covered. There is an OUT OF POCKET MAXIMUM that refers to 99.99% of the shit that one could need coved.


Pretty much all the shit a person needs covered when it comes to their health are covered.

bs but not all treatments are covered


I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.

that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized

$6350 is the "max" out of pocket....yes ONLY for covered services...but one must make the decision to employ "non covered srvices"....."one" meaning the insured.

I'm sorry. I require clarification.

What do you think covered services are? See page 6 of your link for services not covered.

If I buy a bronze plan under the exchange....and then I have to have a heart transplant that costs $250,000, about how much money will I have to take out of my bank account to pay the hospital for the year that I have that surgery?

Hint: the answer is in your link.

that link is only an example

50% coinsurance after

deductible is met (and that is just the surgeon fee)

and only if preauthorized

$6350 is the "max" out of pocket....yes ONLY for covered services...but one must make the decision to employ "non covered srvices"....."one" meaning the insured.

but one must make the decision to employ "non covered services"....."one" meaning the insured.

yes of course

but then the choice is not getting the service or getting the service but paying for it yourself

we have learned quite a bit about covered and non covered services the past three years

with the wifes cancer treatment and follow ups

This is an issue that will hopefully be brought up in all media outlets come Thanksgiving Season. Being the Democrats have decided the choke the middle class by doubling their health-care expenses and not giving a (%$#it), this could also be a factor in Americans attitudes/approval rating of Democrats. {what is it this week? 24% ???}
And come 2014, let's hope conservative media and every conservative leader brings up the dilemma of how now, Obama-Care is making millions of American Families having to choose between buying expensive health-care, heat, and food. Can't wait for Democrats to try and spin that future crisis.

Interesting. It's almost like you stole Starbucks founder quote, and twisted it to your own advantage.

Starbucks Launches Crusade To End Government Shutdown

“The parties are unequal in how the problem has been created,” he said, “but both are equally responsible for trying to come up with a solution.”

One of the most vocal and best connected of America’s business leaders, Schultz was scornful of a stopgap proposal that has recently gained currency in the gridlocked capital: a lifting of the federal borrowing limit that would carry the government for six weeks.

He said that such a measure would solve none of the underlying issues and would hurt the U.S. economy by pushing the peak of the crisis into the midst of the lucrative holiday shopping season.

“It’s ridiculous and, in my mind, fool’s gold. It’s a Band-Aid,” Schultz said. “And what it will do is put it back into the middle of the holiday season, which is so irresponsible. It’s shameful. There is no question that no business, small or large, will be immune from the burden that will be placed on the American consumer by this."

Starting Friday morning, Schultz and his aides said, paper petitions will be available at roughly 8,000 to 10,000 Starbucks locations in the U.S. The petition can be signed online at or liked on Facebook. People can print out a blank petition at the website and bring signed copies to the stores. And the petition will be printed in multiple national newspapers so that readers can tear it out, sign it and bring to Starbucks.

Starbucks says it serves about 45 million customers per week in the U.S.

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