Comedy Central writer calls 10 year old Barron Trump a date rapist to be

Oh my. You elected an idiot who brags about grabbing pussy and not paying his bills and then you want to say Democrats are the problem? If he's anything like his father, he probably will be a date rapist, and a golden shower participant..
Children of presidents are off limits asshole. Do you want payback if another ?Dem is elected Prez again?
The left....keep doing things like this.....I encourage you to tear off your masks and show normal American people, who don't usually pay attention to politics, exactly what you are.......
Oh my. You elected an idiot who brags about grabbing pussy and not paying his bills and then you want to say Democrats are the problem? If he's anything like his father, he probably will be a date rapist, and a golden shower participant..

Hey you know who Vernon Jordan is...? He is a D.C. political insider and businessman who used to play golf with bill the rapist......he was once asked what he and bill the rapist talked about while they played...he the difference between bill the rapist and Trump....Trump's conversation was secretly recorded, while bill the rapist was protected by the press....oh, and bill clinton is a rapist and sexual predator...
What sad is, leftist are accepting the comedy skit as a truth and keep running with it, just as they did with "I can see Russia from my house".

Finally someone telling the media not to create news, but to report the news.
Just because our President mocked a handicapped man is no reason to believe it is OK to mock his son

Can we get some Political Correctness people?

Another lie. He mocked the man, but not his handicap. The reporter changed his story in an attempt to discredit Trump. He got caught lying.
Here is Trump mocking Ted Cruz the very same way:

Was he making fun of Cruz's handicap too?

Didn't look the same to me

Trump mocked a handicapped man for no reason.....just because the guy didn't back up the LIES Trump was telling

Wow, you really don't know anything about it do you?

He mocked him for changing his story. He had written a story after 9/11 were he cited police officers responding to reports of Muslims celebrating on 9/11. He then tried to backtrack on it. He got caught lying, like a typical liberal. Trump was making fun of him trying to explain himself, the same way he did to Cruz. Trump had no idea the guy was handicapped.

He did not change his story. He reiterated that there was no evidence that thousand, let alone hundreds of Muslims were celebrating
Trump became enraged that Kovaleski would not back up his lies
Kavaleski's story never even said they were Muslim (they weren't) Trump lied and mocked a handicapped man to retaliate
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?

You seem to equate political correctness with lies.

By the way, what happened with "Malia and Sasha are off limits"?
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?

Epic Fail #2.

Still waiting for that crack whore reference RW....
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?

You seem to equate political correctness with lies.

By the way, what happened with "Malia and Sasha are off limits"?

Those were kinder and gentler days......a time we were considerate of others
Days of unicorns and rainbows

Now we know the dangers of Political Correctness and nobody is safe from scrutiny

We call it telling it like it is
Any conjecture that Barron is a future date rapist is just that

Just because he was raised by a pussy grabbing misogynist who married his former escort mother does not make you a potential date rapist.....for all we know, the kid may be gay
<not that there is anything wrong with that>

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This is the beauty of Freedom of Expression.

A nasty, hateful bigot says something vicious about a child, and we can use him as an example.

No need to punish him or fine him or destroy his business or ruin his career, as the PC zealots would do. Just shine the light on him and those here who are spinning for him.

That's enough.
This is the beauty of Freedom of Expression.

A nasty, hateful bigot says something vicious about a child, and we can use him as an example.

No need to punish him or fine him or destroy his business or ruin his career, as the PC zealots would do. Just shine the light on him and those here who are spinning for him.

That's enough.

For all we know....a nasty, hateful bigot who would call a 10 year old a future date rapist could get elected President

Stranger things have happened
This is the beauty of Freedom of Expression.

A nasty, hateful bigot says something vicious about a child, and we can use him as an example.

No need to punish him or fine him or destroy his business or ruin his career, as the PC zealots would do. Just shine the light on him and those here who are spinning for him.

That's enough.

For all we know....a nasty, hateful bigot who would call a 10 year old a future date rapist could get elected President

Stranger things have happened
When he does that, let me know.

This guy did it.
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?

A real man would stand for a child....think hard, snowflake
There is no evidence that 10 year old Barron is a date rapist. Any determination would have to be deferred till he actually dates and the women can be questioned on whether they were raped

Until then, we need to remain Politically Correct and not hurt the young mans feelings....Right Snowflakes?

This is what's wrong with you leftists. You think leaving Barron alone is PC. You dumb shit, it's common sense, common decency. pc my ass, smh
Oh my. You elected an idiot who brags about grabbing pussy and not paying his bills and then you want to say Democrats are the problem? If he's anything like his father, he probably will be a date rapist, and a golden shower participant..
He doesn't have to be anything. Liberals will make it up and lie just like they do about his father. I'm surprised that democrats have not phonied up allegations against, not only the ten year old, but the rest of the family as well.

No need. The unethical actions of Trump are well known.
The left....keep doing things like this.....I encourage you to tear off your masks and show normal American people, who don't usually pay attention to politics, exactly what you are.......
They didn't learn a thing from the election.

I'd say they've even doubled down, but I'm not sure that's possible.

I only know of two who get it:



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