Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s – Just Like Brennan

Don't forget Nellie Ohr. She wrote a paper as a college professor about how great Stalin was. If the intelligence agencies and the justice department are full of these people, who is looking out for us against China and Russia, or even Europe? We owe McCarthy a Huge apology. We know that the Soviets planted people in our politics during the Cold War, the question is how successful were they? Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department, Media. The don't even pretend anymore.
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
One day they'll be saying similar bad things about you retards that voted for Trump

Well if Sanders win the 2020 nomination for the Democratic Party you might as well call yourself a Communist...

Sure, he claims he is not but his policies will mimic the Communist Party line...
You have something against Jewish candidates for President?

Au contraire.

I would like to endorse Jared Kushner for President in 2024.
Don't forget Nellie Ohr. She wrote a paper as a college professor about how great Stalin was. If the intelligence agencies and the justice department are full of these people, who is looking out for us against China and Russia, or even Europe? We owe McCarthy a Huge apology. We know that the Soviets planted people in our politics during the Cold War, the question is how successful were they? Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department, Media. The don't even pretend anymore.

Great point DustyInfinity Imagine if you will the damage that has been done by Tenured Professors and Faculty members at the Colleges and Universities all over the freakin world... I am trying to convince my kids (38 and 39) that a 4 year degree may not be the wisest thing for their kids...
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
One day they'll be saying similar bad things about you retards that voted for Trump
Yeah because Trump and his supporters compare to a sociopolitical ideology that is responsible for over 100 million deaths and counting ?
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan

He still is a communist, just like all left wing Marxists.
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
One day they'll be saying similar bad things about you retards that voted for Trump

Well if Sanders win the 2020 nomination for the Democratic Party you might as well call yourself a Communist...

Sure, he claims he is not but his policies will mimic the Communist Party line...
You have something against Jewish candidates for President?
Obviosly one of your senators does. She feels a calming about the holocaust.
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
Great article. The elite continue to betray the American people.
The A-Holes in Washington want to play King instead of serve the people. It is rule the people not represent. They want their own little Soviet Kingdom.
The Tards are all commies.....

Just look at what they support and how

they try to suppress our political speech.

So every, single Liberal is a communist?

And where is your link to unbiased, proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

And if you cannot provide said statement, then your words mean nothing.
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan

Probably a very big reason why obama gave him the job.

obama appointed brennan also....he is also a muslim convert...Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
march through the institutions nah its just a conspiracy
commie traitors everywhere ....

Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
One day they'll be saying similar bad things about you retards that voted for Trump

Well your going to have to defend yourself to future historians for putting Trump in office by electing the jiffy lube guy from Chicago

Don't forget Nellie Ohr. She wrote a paper as a college professor about how great Stalin was. If the intelligence agencies and the justice department are full of these people, who is looking out for us against China and Russia, or even Europe? We owe McCarthy a Huge apology. We know that the Soviets planted people in our politics during the Cold War, the question is how successful were they? Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department, Media. The don't even pretend anymore.

Their friends in corporate 'leadership' routinely hire Red Chinese spies on green cards to come over here and put them in labs and engineering slots, as do our universities and government research facilities. They're busy buying American companies and also lots of farmlands. They also have their own American Senators and Congressmen as lobbyists, like Diane Fienstein and many others, mostly Democrats but also many Republican 'globalists' as well. They also get support from 'Libertarians' as well; they love cheap labor and are fond of babbling about 'open borders' and 'free trade' along with the rest of Wall Street.

The idea of a free America has little or no support among American 'elites', business leaders, and academia these days. The biggest shills for unrestricted immigration, a way to dilute the vote of citizens and reduce their economic means, are the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and their membership. You Deplorables are just going to have to learn your place again, and let yourselves be genocided out of the way by herds of cheap labor and particularly racist La Raza

types. It's actually funny watching black politicians sucking up to the vermin, and the dumbass hood rats actually supporting their Party on this replacement policy. They must think the La Raza racists will share the spoils or something.
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Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
So I clicked on your link and in big, bold letters, I'm entertained with...

CORRECTION. Comey Actually Didn’t Vote Communist in the 70s

... don't you ever feel stupid for spreading fake news?

Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
Great article. The elite continue to betray the American people.

It was fake news.
All this about “Russians” and the Russians were them.

Exactly.....if congress had not shifted to the democrats....Trump would be in a position now to throw these traitors...I am speaking primarily of comey, brennan and clapper and the other guy at the FBI whose name escapes me at the moment....into jail.

They all should be charged indicted and brought to trial.
Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
Great article. The elite continue to betray the American people.

It was fake news.

What is your source? Multiple sources are reporting that it is true. Comey has claimed he was just joking??? hmmmmmmm maybe ....maybe not.

Not even to mention I have never seen you be right about if you have a source for your claim now is the time to present it. Otherwise STFU boyo.

Pass the popcorn!

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s - Just Like Brennan
Great article. The elite continue to betray the American people.

It was fake news.

What is your source? Multiple sources are reporting that it is true.

Not even to mention I have never seen you be right about if you have a source for your claim now is the time to present it. Otherwise STFU boyo.

My source is the link in the OP.

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