Comey Constitutional Crisis

Why hasn't he investigated the leakers?

Because they are Democrats. He wouldn't recommend pressing charges on Hillary even though he stated the server and mishandling of classified emails was illegal.

He stated that the unmasking of Flynn was a felony, yet refused to commit an investigation into it.

He needs to be fired, if not charged with obstruction himself.

It was a mistake to ever appoint Comey head of The FBI with his ties to HSBC and The Clinton Foundation when he worked there and managed millions of dollars in donations for The Clinton Foundaton.

There is that word again "INCIDENTAL"

You know what cracks me up. Every intelligence agency is denying there was surveillance. That is Perjury.

Now that they were caught red handed, they have switched from "IT NEVER HAPPENED" to oh, it was just INCIDENTAL.

I Incidentally phucked Comey's Wife
, and she is now Incidentally Pregnant.


So it really didn't happen unless you figure out it was me that knocked Comey's Wife up, and at that point of course, I am going to say I never meant for it to happen. And I'd never admit to it that I intentionally plotted to bed her. If you find out I am the father of the baby, well, at that point I am just going to say it was an accident. We were just caught up in the moment. It was never supposed to happen.
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Pretty big accusation there. Any reason to believe that, other than the crap Hannity said?
You can read Comey's own statements when he repeatedly lied through his teeth stating that there was no spying on President Trump or anyone on his team.

That was blown out of the water today, and Comey will sink tomorrow.

Why hasn't he investigated the leakers?

Because they are from within The FBI.

Tomorrow you say? Are you sure? Sounds like "She's going to jail any day now" to me, and we all know how well that worked out for you.

You can't send anyone to jail, even recommend an indictment or prosecution even when the whole world knows the subject of an investigation is guilty if the function of your law enforcement agency and intelligence community is to spy on the opposition and to cover for the previous administration.

In my opinion this was the cozy relationship Obama had with Comey, Lynch and Holder adn others he appointed to various key positions in Intelligence and Law Enforcement. The Obama administration had multiple scandals. People getting caught Red Handed perjuring themselves and not one person even got a slap on the wrist.

The analogy being here that it is like asking the Mafia to Investigate Itself.

Yes, it's clear that is your opinion. What isn't clear is how a rational person could agree with you.
Comey and the Admiral over the CIA have been recalled by the Committee for a closed door hearing.

One of these two folks is in trouble..

Nunes just finished his press conference. He was very cryptic and divulged nothing. He was pressed on Comey being in trouble and he refused to answer.. I suspect Comey is in deep shit!
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The Head Of The FBI Lied to cover for Obama like he covered for Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Holder, Lerner, Clapper, and Koskinen.

Let's forget about the Bombshell and Smoking Gun that is about to be dropped on The Dem Crime Family.

Comey Perjured Himself and is Protecting Obama and The Leakers within his own organization. He needs removed from office and investigated for Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Espionage and Treason.

Comey is dirty and had acted as a sweeper or fixer for The Obama Administration. He is part of The Swamp!

Justice Needs To Prevail. This is some serious Deep State Nazi Stuff and it's time to clean it up and drain the swamp!
I think Comey will be fired or forced to resign, but I also believe he was a reluctant participant in Obama's corrupt and probably illegal machinations to influence the election
Nunes is going after the illegal unmasking, collation, and distribution of un-warranted data release. This is a good strategy and will net him the perps rather quickly while avoiding the political pitfalls. Lets see who the democrats try to protect..

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