Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

How has it been impeded? I really am curious about this. One thing that has been very obvious is trump really is clueless about protocol and how the government actually works. I honestly don't think he's capable of doing that sort of thing. There is certainly no evidence to support it that i know of, and believe me I have looked!

I think Trump's attempted subversion of Comey, early on, for one, then his subsequent firing by Trump. I don't think he's "clueless" so much as utterly arrogant and above the law - the details don't apply to him so he can't be bothered. Look at how he handled ethics issues - constantly proclaiming it didn't apply to him. I can't get a good read on him because he reflexively lies and then contradicts himself.

"Subversion"? I don't see evidence supporting that. I see comey interpreting a conversation one way of many ways. Trumps firing of comey doesn't impede any investigations at all. At no time did trump tell comey, or anyone for that matter, to do anything about any of the investigations. That much was made clear yesterday. I think trump actually does have a concern for ethical behavior. Everyone I have ever talked to who has had dealings with him, has given a positive review of that interaction. One of my flying buddies is a casino builder and built trumps casino in Vegas and while he doesn't like trump on a personal level he does say that he was always paid on time (rare in that world) and whenever my buddy had an issue, trump dealt with it very quickly (also a rarity in that world).

I don't agree at all. When someone in a position of power over someone else makes a "suggestion" or expresses a "hope" in a room cleared of all other people - it's tantamount to a command, especially if that person's job has been questioned (as in keeping the job) - I see no other way to construe that.

And I do recall hearing at least one senator ask if anyone had ever been charged with a crime for hoping about an outcome to which comey said no. I also heard another senator ask if after that initial ask, there had ever been a follow up and once again the answer from comey was no. Thus, in my mind it seems that trump was asking for comey to go lightly on flynn as flynn had been punished enough in trumps mind.

Put another way, what he asked of comey was far less than what comey did for hillary when he invented "intent" as a requirement for her to be charged with a felony which is a complete farce. There are at least two people sitting in Federal Prison right now for doing far less than she did and they too had no "intent" to do harm, but they broke an immutable law, that he gave her a pass on.

Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.

You've never had a one on one with your boss? Really? I have them every week. Do you honestly believe that any other president of the United States other than Trump has never had one on one conversations with the various people who serve at their pleasure? You honestly think that there is always at least one other person in the room? Would you like to buy a bridge?
I think Trump's attempted subversion of Comey, early on, for one, then his subsequent firing by Trump. I don't think he's "clueless" so much as utterly arrogant and above the law - the details don't apply to him so he can't be bothered. Look at how he handled ethics issues - constantly proclaiming it didn't apply to him. I can't get a good read on him because he reflexively lies and then contradicts himself.

"Subversion"? I don't see evidence supporting that. I see comey interpreting a conversation one way of many ways. Trumps firing of comey doesn't impede any investigations at all. At no time did trump tell comey, or anyone for that matter, to do anything about any of the investigations. That much was made clear yesterday. I think trump actually does have a concern for ethical behavior. Everyone I have ever talked to who has had dealings with him, has given a positive review of that interaction. One of my flying buddies is a casino builder and built trumps casino in Vegas and while he doesn't like trump on a personal level he does say that he was always paid on time (rare in that world) and whenever my buddy had an issue, trump dealt with it very quickly (also a rarity in that world).

I don't agree at all. When someone in a position of power over someone else makes a "suggestion" or expresses a "hope" in a room cleared of all other people - it's tantamount to a command, especially if that person's job has been questioned (as in keeping the job) - I see no other way to construe that.

And I do recall hearing at least one senator ask if anyone had ever been charged with a crime for hoping about an outcome to which comey said no. I also heard another senator ask if after that initial ask, there had ever been a follow up and once again the answer from comey was no. Thus, in my mind it seems that trump was asking for comey to go lightly on flynn as flynn had been punished enough in trumps mind.

Put another way, what he asked of comey was far less than what comey did for hillary when he invented "intent" as a requirement for her to be charged with a felony which is a complete farce. There are at least two people sitting in Federal Prison right now for doing far less than she did and they too had no "intent" to do harm, but they broke an immutable law, that he gave her a pass on.

Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.

You've never had a one on one with your boss? Really? I have them every week. Do you honestly believe that any other president of the United States other than Trump has never had one on one conversations with the various people who serve at their pleasure? You honestly think that there is always at least one other person in the room? Would you like to buy a bridge?

It's a huge difference when you get into the political realm. Certain things are simply not done to prevent the impression of corrupt action.
And I do recall hearing at least one senator ask if anyone had ever been charged with a crime for hoping about an outcome to which comey said no. I also heard another senator ask if after that initial ask, there had ever been a follow up and once again the answer from comey was no. Thus, in my mind it seems that trump was asking for comey to go lightly on flynn as flynn had been punished enough in trumps mind.

Put another way, what he asked of comey was far less than what comey did for hillary when he invented "intent" as a requirement for her to be charged with a felony which is a complete farce. There are at least two people sitting in Federal Prison right now for doing far less than she did and they too had no "intent" to do harm, but they broke an immutable law, that he gave her a pass on.

Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.

The one major thing that I learned yesterday was that comey started the one on one confabs! Yes, you heard that correctly. Comey was the first one to take trump aside for a confab and thus trump felt that that was an OK thing to do. He's wrong, of course, but if the head of the FBI does it to you, does it not make sense that you, as a newly minted politician would then feel it is OK?

That was a stunning revelation to me.

Yes, where in part Comey was trying to instruct the President on proper boundaries. I'm not sure that is analogous to sending everyone one OUT but Comey, and then talking about letting the Flynn investigation go.

It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.
After 5 months and nothing to show us? Yes, it's a fact.

The investigation has been impeded from the beginning, until its done, I don't think anything is a fact...I will wait :)

How has it been impeded? I really am curious about this. One thing that has been very obvious is trump really is clueless about protocol and how the government actually works. I honestly don't think he's capable of doing that sort of thing. There is certainly no evidence to support it that i know of, and believe me I have looked!

I think Trump's attempted subversion of Comey, early on, for one, then his subsequent firing by Trump. I don't think he's "clueless" so much as utterly arrogant and above the law - the details don't apply to him so he can't be bothered. Look at how he handled ethics issues - constantly proclaiming it didn't apply to him. I can't get a good read on him because he reflexively lies and then contradicts himself.

"Subversion"? I don't see evidence supporting that. I see comey interpreting a conversation one way of many ways. Trumps firing of comey doesn't impede any investigations at all. At no time did trump tell comey, or anyone for that matter, to do anything about any of the investigations. That much was made clear yesterday. I think trump actually does have a concern for ethical behavior. Everyone I have ever talked to who has had dealings with him, has given a positive review of that interaction. One of my flying buddies is a casino builder and built trumps casino in Vegas and while he doesn't like trump on a personal level he does say that he was always paid on time (rare in that world) and whenever my buddy had an issue, trump dealt with it very quickly (also a rarity in that world).

I don't agree at all. When someone in a position of power over someone else makes a "suggestion" or expresses a "hope" in a room cleared of all other people - it's tantamount to a command, especially if that person's job has been questioned (as in keeping the job) - I see no other way to construe that.
merely your interpretation and not valid in any rulings. sorry sweetie.
How has it been impeded? I really am curious about this. One thing that has been very obvious is trump really is clueless about protocol and how the government actually works. I honestly don't think he's capable of doing that sort of thing. There is certainly no evidence to support it that i know of, and believe me I have looked!

I think Trump's attempted subversion of Comey, early on, for one, then his subsequent firing by Trump. I don't think he's "clueless" so much as utterly arrogant and above the law - the details don't apply to him so he can't be bothered. Look at how he handled ethics issues - constantly proclaiming it didn't apply to him. I can't get a good read on him because he reflexively lies and then contradicts himself.

"Subversion"? I don't see evidence supporting that. I see comey interpreting a conversation one way of many ways. Trumps firing of comey doesn't impede any investigations at all. At no time did trump tell comey, or anyone for that matter, to do anything about any of the investigations. That much was made clear yesterday. I think trump actually does have a concern for ethical behavior. Everyone I have ever talked to who has had dealings with him, has given a positive review of that interaction. One of my flying buddies is a casino builder and built trumps casino in Vegas and while he doesn't like trump on a personal level he does say that he was always paid on time (rare in that world) and whenever my buddy had an issue, trump dealt with it very quickly (also a rarity in that world).

I don't agree at all. When someone in a position of power over someone else makes a "suggestion" or expresses a "hope" in a room cleared of all other people - it's tantamount to a command, especially if that person's job has been questioned (as in keeping the job) - I see no other way to construe that.

And I do recall hearing at least one senator ask if anyone had ever been charged with a crime for hoping about an outcome to which comey said no. I also heard another senator ask if after that initial ask, there had ever been a follow up and once again the answer from comey was no. Thus, in my mind it seems that trump was asking for comey to go lightly on flynn as flynn had been punished enough in trumps mind.

Put another way, what he asked of comey was far less than what comey did for hillary when he invented "intent" as a requirement for her to be charged with a felony which is a complete farce. There are at least two people sitting in Federal Prison right now for doing far less than she did and they too had no "intent" to do harm, but they broke an immutable law, that he gave her a pass on.

Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.
well the senators gave him what he should have done and he didn't. He could have resigned. he could have told the president it was wrong, he could have escalated it to the DOJ he did none. so your interpretation is wrong based on his own behavior.
Mr. Comey leaked his own notes, not classified information.

Nor can a claim of Executive Privilege be supported. 45 boasted to two high ranking Russian Officials he fired Mr. Comey. 45 tweeted about firing Mr. Comey. In an interview with Lester Holt of NBC, 45 said he was going to fire Mr. Comey regardless of any recommendations made to him.
Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.

The one major thing that I learned yesterday was that comey started the one on one confabs! Yes, you heard that correctly. Comey was the first one to take trump aside for a confab and thus trump felt that that was an OK thing to do. He's wrong, of course, but if the head of the FBI does it to you, does it not make sense that you, as a newly minted politician would then feel it is OK?

That was a stunning revelation to me.

Yes, where in part Comey was trying to instruct the President on proper boundaries. I'm not sure that is analogous to sending everyone one OUT but Comey, and then talking about letting the Flynn investigation go.

It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.

Trump applauded Comey's actions regarding Hillary's email investigation. Then he said that was reason for firing him? Then he changed the reasons multiple times? None of what Comey did was truly firable when compared to past FBI directors. And, listening to his testimony really kind of vindicates him in my eyes both in regards to actions taken towards and Trump and towards Clinton. My impression is that he was trying to walk a fine line between opposing forces seeking to politicize the FBI. And that's disturbing when you add being fired. It's not any one action here - it's all of them taken together.
I think Trump's attempted subversion of Comey, early on, for one, then his subsequent firing by Trump. I don't think he's "clueless" so much as utterly arrogant and above the law - the details don't apply to him so he can't be bothered. Look at how he handled ethics issues - constantly proclaiming it didn't apply to him. I can't get a good read on him because he reflexively lies and then contradicts himself.

"Subversion"? I don't see evidence supporting that. I see comey interpreting a conversation one way of many ways. Trumps firing of comey doesn't impede any investigations at all. At no time did trump tell comey, or anyone for that matter, to do anything about any of the investigations. That much was made clear yesterday. I think trump actually does have a concern for ethical behavior. Everyone I have ever talked to who has had dealings with him, has given a positive review of that interaction. One of my flying buddies is a casino builder and built trumps casino in Vegas and while he doesn't like trump on a personal level he does say that he was always paid on time (rare in that world) and whenever my buddy had an issue, trump dealt with it very quickly (also a rarity in that world).

I don't agree at all. When someone in a position of power over someone else makes a "suggestion" or expresses a "hope" in a room cleared of all other people - it's tantamount to a command, especially if that person's job has been questioned (as in keeping the job) - I see no other way to construe that.

And I do recall hearing at least one senator ask if anyone had ever been charged with a crime for hoping about an outcome to which comey said no. I also heard another senator ask if after that initial ask, there had ever been a follow up and once again the answer from comey was no. Thus, in my mind it seems that trump was asking for comey to go lightly on flynn as flynn had been punished enough in trumps mind.

Put another way, what he asked of comey was far less than what comey did for hillary when he invented "intent" as a requirement for her to be charged with a felony which is a complete farce. There are at least two people sitting in Federal Prison right now for doing far less than she did and they too had no "intent" to do harm, but they broke an immutable law, that he gave her a pass on.

Technically speaking - a lawyer could argue that...but you can't deny that when everyone else is told to leave, and Trump expresses this "hope" the optics look bad and it certainly puts Comey in a hell of an awkward position concerning his job given prior remarks regarding whether he wants to keep it (rather than looking at it in isolation it should be seen as part of a pattern). Taken all together it looks very bad. And bringing HIllary up kind of makes the point....Lynch, quite inappropriately, asked Comey to effectively downgrade the investigation into a "probe" ostensably to make it look better for Hillary during the election - again, not strictly "illegal" but it sure doesn't look very good.

I have a feeling that those who are giving a pass on Trump would not give the same pass to Clinton.

You've never had a one on one with your boss? Really? I have them every week. Do you honestly believe that any other president of the United States other than Trump has never had one on one conversations with the various people who serve at their pleasure? You honestly think that there is always at least one other person in the room? Would you like to buy a bridge?

My boss has never asked me directly or indirectly to do anything illegal or unethical and there is a big difference between my position and that of Comey and Trump.
The one major thing that I learned yesterday was that comey started the one on one confabs! Yes, you heard that correctly. Comey was the first one to take trump aside for a confab and thus trump felt that that was an OK thing to do. He's wrong, of course, but if the head of the FBI does it to you, does it not make sense that you, as a newly minted politician would then feel it is OK?

That was a stunning revelation to me.

Yes, where in part Comey was trying to instruct the President on proper boundaries. I'm not sure that is analogous to sending everyone one OUT but Comey, and then talking about letting the Flynn investigation go.

It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.

Trump applauded Comey's actions regarding Hillary's email investigation. Then he said that was reason for firing him? Then he changed the reasons multiple times? None of what Comey did was truly firable when compared to past FBI directors. And, listening to his testimony really kind of vindicates him in my eyes both in regards to actions taken towards and Trump and towards Clinton. My impression is that he was trying to walk a fine line between opposing forces seeking to politicize the FBI. And that's disturbing when you add being fired. It's not any one action here - it's all of them taken together.

No, the reason for firing him was the report from the deputy AG which declared comey was unfit to do the job. The other claims are not supported by fact.
What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.
You're a nut. Comey's notes were not classified.

"So my thinking was, if I write it in such a way that I don’t include anything that would trigger a classification, that’ll make it easier for us to discuss, within the FBI and the government, and to — to hold on to it in a way that makes it accessible to us."

Weasel skipped Comey's testimony and relied on Trump Jr's twitter feed instead. The results were predictably lackluster.

The part of this that is illustrative how desperately they cling to whatever nonsense they make up. Even when it falls apart, they keep polishing the pieces of turd.
You're so desperate you want to change the conversation from Comey being a cvnt and leaking a private conversation with the president to a hostile press outlet through a friend to what makes official documents classified or not. I said in the beginning I didn't care if it was, that's not the point.

The guy that wants to change the conversation is the loser. The big picture you are trying to hide is that Comey was not acting like a FBI director but as a political operative, which he has been for some time.

So after all the hysteria, drama, news, constant dialogue, all the left has to show for their efforts is that Trump said the FBI was in a dissaray and Comey took personal offense to it. So the big White House lie is that it's one man's opinion against another.

You poor bastards don't even understand how pathetic you truly are.

4 paragraphs of response.....and it all falls apart with one simple question:

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

You're done.
. Comey said that he didn't leak anything pertaining to the investigation, yet when Trump and him spoke concerning the investigation, then it became part of the investigation at that point, so Comey lied. Then he lied when he said he didn't use a second party who would send anything pertaining to the investigation to a third party. He himself made what Trump spoke to him as suspect and part of the investigation, so when he leaked the memo's he leaked information pertaining to the investigation in which he added himself as being part of the investigation.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.
Yes, where in part Comey was trying to instruct the President on proper boundaries. I'm not sure that is analogous to sending everyone one OUT but Comey, and then talking about letting the Flynn investigation go.

It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

I disagree - I think it was partisan politics there.

And more - the timing was really bad. There is no way to get around that.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.

Trump applauded Comey's actions regarding Hillary's email investigation. Then he said that was reason for firing him? Then he changed the reasons multiple times? None of what Comey did was truly firable when compared to past FBI directors. And, listening to his testimony really kind of vindicates him in my eyes both in regards to actions taken towards and Trump and towards Clinton. My impression is that he was trying to walk a fine line between opposing forces seeking to politicize the FBI. And that's disturbing when you add being fired. It's not any one action here - it's all of them taken together.

No, the reason for firing him was the report from the deputy AG which declared comey was unfit to do the job. The other claims are not supported by fact.
Yes, where in part Comey was trying to instruct the President on proper boundaries. I'm not sure that is analogous to sending everyone one OUT but Comey, and then talking about letting the Flynn investigation go.

It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

I disagree - I think it was partisan politics there.

And more - the timing was really bad. There is no way to get around that.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.

Trump applauded Comey's actions regarding Hillary's email investigation. Then he said that was reason for firing him? Then he changed the reasons multiple times? None of what Comey did was truly firable when compared to past FBI directors. And, listening to his testimony really kind of vindicates him in my eyes both in regards to actions taken towards and Trump and towards Clinton. My impression is that he was trying to walk a fine line between opposing forces seeking to politicize the FBI. And that's disturbing when you add being fired. It's not any one action here - it's all of them taken together.

No, the reason for firing him was the report from the deputy AG which declared comey was unfit to do the job. The other claims are not supported by fact.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
It set a precedent for trump to feel that it was OK to go one on one. Had comey not done that first, trump probably would have been more circumspect.

There is no way of really knowing that, and firing Comey on top of it looks even worse.

I disagree - I think it was partisan politics there.

And more - the timing was really bad. There is no way to get around that.

In principle I agree with you, but the fact that trump fired comey is I think not pertinent. EVERYONE, left and right, was calling for comeys head, right up until trump fired him! Then their tunes all changed.

Trump applauded Comey's actions regarding Hillary's email investigation. Then he said that was reason for firing him? Then he changed the reasons multiple times? None of what Comey did was truly firable when compared to past FBI directors. And, listening to his testimony really kind of vindicates him in my eyes both in regards to actions taken towards and Trump and towards Clinton. My impression is that he was trying to walk a fine line between opposing forces seeking to politicize the FBI. And that's disturbing when you add being fired. It's not any one action here - it's all of them taken together.

No, the reason for firing him was the report from the deputy AG which declared comey was unfit to do the job. The other claims are not supported by fact.

Yes, i do agree with you his timing was fantastically terrible.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
. Comey proved that he was way over his head in the investigating of these cases, and no telling how many more he has botched or politicized. Comey's firing was warranted, and especially after such an amature performance that he gave in that hearing.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
. Comey proved that he was way over his head in the investigating of these cases, and no telling how many more he has botched or politicized. Comey's firing was warranted, and especially after such an amature performance that he gave in that hearing.

I disagree that he was "way over his head" - he was having walk a tightrope no one should.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
. Comey proved that he was way over his head in the investigating of these cases, and no telling how many more he has botched or politicized. Comey's firing was warranted, and especially after such an amature performance that he gave in that hearing.

I disagree that he was "way over his head" - he was having walk a tightrope no one should.
. A tight rope he created for himself. Hard to believe this guy led the bureau.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
. Comey proved that he was way over his head in the investigating of these cases, and no telling how many more he has botched or politicized. Comey's firing was warranted, and especially after such an amature performance that he gave in that hearing.

I disagree that he was "way over his head" - he was having walk a tightrope no one should.
. A tight rope he created for himself. Hard to believe this guy led the bureau.
You loved him when he was driving the bus over Hillary....

Quit your whining.... Comey should be promoted for putting justice over politics finally.
Comey is a liar, and he is only trying to cover his ace on how he politicized both investigation's. He is done, now go away Comey, because you had your chance and blew it.

Hearing his testimony and reading it - I've come off with a shitload of respect for him and total disgust for Trump and Clinton.
. Comey proved that he was way over his head in the investigating of these cases, and no telling how many more he has botched or politicized. Comey's firing was warranted, and especially after such an amature performance that he gave in that hearing.

I disagree that he was "way over his head" - he was having walk a tightrope no one should.
. A tight rope he created for himself. Hard to believe this guy led the bureau.
You loved him when he was driving the bus over Hillary....

Quit your whining.... Comey should be promoted for putting justice over politics finally.
. Now why does this post have my name attached to something I didn't say ?

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