Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.

Your attempt at appearing to be evenhanded is falling flat. Hillary engaged in criminal activity; Trump did not. Nevertheless, you are more bothered by your "impression of abuse of power" than you are of actual misdeeds. In your world, it seems that guilt is innocence and vice versa. That truly is mind boggling.

When a person in a position of power directs another person to do something illegal - like Trump ordering Comey to end the investigation - that is criminal. The fact that you not only aren't bothered by it, but make excuses is noteworthy.

Amen! Trump basically held a gun to Comey's head.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
what abuse to power coyote?
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

I think what astounds me is the lack of across the board anger at what is going on - it's just partisan piecemeal - but it's all looking the same to me. People inappropriately trying to subvert the justice system. Same way I felt about the Russian hacking instead of breaking down into partisan lines - shouldn't we be angry that a foreign country is trying to subvert one of the most critical institutions of our democracy?
I still don't buy the Russian state did any hacking. I have yet to see a lick of evidence. Don't forget about thos eleaked CIA documents a few months ago that talked about how the CIA can use malware that traces back to other people. In fact, it EXPLICABLY mentions the Russian Federation.
All the rest, you are so RIGHT!
My disingenuous meter is broke!
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

Of course you see it a's a mixed bag. That's being "fair and balanced". Nothing is worse than another thing unless it involves dems then its uber bad with no comparison.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.

Your attempt at appearing to be evenhanded is falling flat. Hillary engaged in criminal activity; Trump did not. Nevertheless, you are more bothered by your "impression of abuse of power" than you are of actual misdeeds. In your world, it seems that guilt is innocence and vice versa. That truly is mind boggling.

When a person in a position of power directs another person to do something illegal - like Trump ordering Comey to end the investigation - that is criminal. The fact that you not only aren't bothered by it, but make excuses is noteworthy.

Back your choo choo up, Trump never ordered any such thing
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.

Your attempt at appearing to be evenhanded is falling flat. Hillary engaged in criminal activity; Trump did not. Nevertheless, you are more bothered by your "impression of abuse of power" than you are of her actual misdeeds. It seems that, in your world, guilt is innocence and vice versa. That truly is mind boggling.

Funny. Law is based on facts - not your feelings or opinions.
remember that.
The OP thinks Seth Rich leaked data to Wikileaks.

Trump had a bad day today. He was outed as a person who tried to kill an investigation and fired his FBI director because he was investigating Russia Trump ties. Additionally, he doesn't care at all about the Russian meddling in our election.

The shit about Lynch was typical politics. The fucking email story is a huge pile of nothing. Clinton fucked up and admitted it. She's got more integrity in her little pinky than the entire Trump admin has.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Look, when you lose Chris Matthews, you've lost. I'm sure kooky conspiracy theorist Rachal Maddow will try to cook something up from the scraps, but she will just look desperate for it.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

Of course you see it a's a mixed bag. That's being "fair and balanced". Nothing is worse than another thing unless it involves dems then its uber bad with no comparison.

I think it was a mixed bag - the Lynch thing did not look good for Clinton.
When a person in a position of power directs another person to do something illegal - like Trump ordering Comey to end the investigation - that is criminal.

Do you know the difference between "when" and "if?" Even Comey didn't feel the alleged conversation was criminal. But you know better, of course.
I thought Liberals had a fine day. Not so good for NaziCon snowflakes.

yep, they haven't had a day this fine since Nov 8!



of course now that I think about it, it was like a replay of Nov 8. they won nothing, ran themselves silly trying to defeat Trump, and Clinton made them look like buffoons for ever believing a word that came out of her mouth.....
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

Of course you see it a's a mixed bag. That's being "fair and balanced". Nothing is worse than another thing unless it involves dems then its uber bad with no comparison.
Dude lynch tried to influence the election. Do you knwo what he said about her?
Take your partisan bullshit and GFY
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

Of course you see it a's a mixed bag. That's being "fair and balanced". Nothing is worse than another thing unless it involves dems then its uber bad with no comparison.
Dude lynch tried to influence the election. Do you knwo what he said about her?
Take your partisan bullshit and GFY

Go ahead and tell everyone how she did that and watch how silly you sound.
Trump doesn't know when he has won he needs to STFU and take the 'win'...

During his testimony today Comey destroyed the Democrats' claims of Trump criminal activity, Trump Collusion, and Trump obstruction of justice as well as any hope they had of Impeaching Trump.... Despite saying he thought Trump is a liar, he testified all other accusations about the President are false.

Trump 'won'...but the man just doesn't know when to STFU. This was not just a win' - this was a MAJOR WIN'....but he could not leave it at that.

Comey testimony: Trump team denies accusations, tries to turn tables on ex-FBI boss


I don't agree.

As soon as Comey testified that he was the source of leaks, I hoped Sessions would prosecute. I think prosecution of Comey is fully warranted.
The OP thinks Seth Rich leaked data to Wikileaks.

Trump had a bad day today. He was outed as a person who tried to kill an investigation and fired his FBI director because he was investigating Russia Trump ties. Additionally, he doesn't care at all about the Russian meddling in our election.

The shit about Lynch was typical politics. The fucking email story is a huge pile of nothing. Clinton fucked up and admitted it. She's got more integrity in her little pinky than the entire Trump admin has.

I'll take Alan Dershowitz's considered take over your kneejerk reaction any day of the week. But keep on dreaming.

Dershowitz: Comey confirms that I'm right - and all the Democratic commentators are wrong
I didn't see any of it from what I have been reading it sounds like Trump was helped some but on the whole there was nothing that was going to move the needle in a drastic way either way. Which is pretty much how I figured it would go along with the Trump haters and supporters each claiming victory.

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