Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

I expect the Dems to make a lot of noise and then allow this charade a quiet death. The more they delve, the more the Clinton/Obama cabal becomes a prime target for further investigation.
Comey cracked me up when I saw that on the one hand he was this 6'5" tall fearless FBI director with a distinguished career, and then on the other hand he was this scared little mouse trying not to be intimidated by that nasty ole feller named Trump... Talk about political theater from Hell today... Good grief... Comey should have never tried that bullcrap today. LOL.
Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Close, what information did you use to come to the conclusion that there was collusion between Trump and Putin? You had better share that with your party, because they have been looking for months and months for it and ....nuthin.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

I think what astounds me is the lack of across the board anger at what is going on - it's just partisan piecemeal - but it's all looking the same to me. People inappropriately trying to subvert the justice system. Same way I felt about the Russian hacking instead of breaking down into partisan lines - shouldn't we be angry that a foreign country is trying to subvert one of the most critical institutions of our democracy?

I've been posting my fury that so many Americans support America's enemy more than they support America.

Maybe it's my age. I'm of a time when you sided against an enemy. Instead, President Obama was vilified for bringing sanctions against Russia and trump is lifting those sanctions.

And the hero to the right is a man who supposedly personifies everything the right hates.

I don't agree that Comey's testimony was bad for Dems. We could an investigation an apple but that wouldn't change that it's an investigation.

There was nothing incriminating about Secty Clinton. To my knowledge, there has never been proof that she committed a crime.

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:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.

Your attempt at appearing to be evenhanded is falling flat. Hillary engaged in criminal activity; Trump did not. Nevertheless, you are more bothered by your "impression of abuse of power" than you are of actual misdeeds. In your world, it seems that guilt is innocence and vice versa. That truly is mind boggling.

When a person in a position of power directs another person to do something illegal - like Trump ordering Comey to end the investigation - that is criminal. The fact that you not only aren't bothered by it, but make excuses is noteworthy.

When the prez says he wants you to do something, phrasing isn't all that critical. It's the prez so you just do it.

RWs have a bad case of wishful thinking but the one thing we all know is trump has no ethics, no morals and his daily actions always include lying, cheating and stealing. That's what his whole life has been and it's not going to change now.

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Trump doesn't know when he has won he needs to STFU and take the 'win'...

During his testimony today Comey destroyed the Democrats' claims of Trump criminal activity, Trump Collusion, and Trump obstruction of justice as well as any hope they had of Impeaching Trump.... Despite saying he thought Trump is a liar, he testified all other accusations about the President are false.

Trump 'won'...but the man just doesn't know when to STFU. This was not just a win' - this was a MAJOR WIN'....but he could not leave it at that.

Comey testimony: Trump team denies accusations, tries to turn tables on ex-FBI boss

I don't know. I say turn Comey into an example for what we do to leakers. Line PA Ave with crosses and he can be the first.
Fascinating.....suggesting that the Former Head of the FBI be crucified. You're a trumpette, aren't you?
People have had occasion to wonder if at all, Donald Trump tends to make Hispanics nervous, or uncomfortable, in meetings. People have had occasion to wonder if at all, Donald Trump makes Gold Star families nervous, or uncomfortable, in meetings. People have had occasion to wonder if at all, Donald Trump tends to make Moslems nervous, or uncomfortable in meetings. People have had occasion to wonder if at all, Donald Trump tends to make even bimbos(?), really nervous, and uncomfortable in meetings. Even Cosby is alleged to have been able to provide calming substance. Dictators and Russians do not seem to get nervous, and even uncomfortable in meetings with Donald Trump. People have had occasion to notice the mainly Donald makes any U. S. allies: All nervous and uncomfortable in meetings.

Even FBI could be said nervous, and uncomfortable--maybe even now in further meetings. Is there a loyalty requirement, or not? Delivery of outcomes and indicated, and hoped for, seems now to be protocol certain.

Probably, this may be why the Democrats had managed to invent Billy Beer, years ago. Rumor has it that mostly Southerners kept any of the concoction as collectibles. It could be said to have a calming influence, certain(?). There is apparently enough around to make the collectibles mostly worthless. This was beer named after Jimmy Carter's little brother. Anyone could notice that the boy had managed to grow along with it, himself(?).

Nothing impeachable appears to have happened in the nine famous "Don Knotts" level meetings. Whenever asked if the comedian was ever all really nervous and uncomfortable, invariably the answer was "No!" and shaking!

People do have to conclude that the United States is really very rich. Billy Beer, maybe not: But the viewing rooms were open way before the hearing and testimony got started---and really calmly!

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And how no one managed to report any Tweets Presidential, also appears to have been noted!)
Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Wrong. The fact that trump didn't collude with russia makes it all go away.
the interesting thing is this, if Trump wasn't under investigation, then how could he interfere in his own investigation that didn't exist? These goofs have truly lost it. they don't get any of this.

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