Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

This is the funniest part:

>> Writing about Comey’s assertion that Trump intimated Comey should drop the Flynn investigation, Trump Jr. wrote: “Knowing my father for 39 years when he ‘orders or tells’ you to do something there is no ambiguity, you will know exactly what he means.” <<​

Imagines trump looking at his son going "You're.....not.....helping....."
That Warren rat, aggravated me when he made the claim that Trump had told Putin that "if he finds the 30 thousand missing e-mails, to please send them his way", (and we all know why Trump said this), it was said in the spirit of mocking the left when they were boldly claiming without a shadow of a doubt that Trump was involved with Russia, and he knew that he wasn't. Hey he may as well have fun with the crazies, so that's what he started doing, then they did get unhinged. LOL.... Comey should have never let the Demon-crats destroy him like that. Good grief, he proved he was weak. No wonder he was intimidated by Trump.
Maybe Swamp Rat Comey "The Leaker" remembers Trump "The Thumper!" :p

Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Wrong. The fact that trump didn't collude with russia makes it all go away.
the interesting thing is this, if Trump wasn't under investigation, then how could he interfere in his own investigation that didn't exist? These goofs have truly lost it. they don't get any of this.

They are trying to claim obstruction in the Russian probe or the Flynn investigation. It's very clear that trump did neither of those things if we believe Comeys testimony. In fact if comey is to be believed then trump wanted anyone Is his orbit working for the Russians exposed.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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Senator Kamala Harris summed it up perfectly:

"In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."
More merges of general Comey threads since about mid-day.. CHECK THE FORUM for a similar thread before Creating a new one..
The Trumptards who LOVED leaks when they thought they were harming Hillary NOW hate leaks.

What a shock.
I thought Liberals had a fine day. Not so good for NaziCon snowflakes.
I have asked you a good number of times not to ascribe words such as "thought" to yourself.

Please quote where you've previously asked me that.
You really expect me to go through your excruciatingly moronic collection of idiocy?

No, I just expect you to stop lying and trolling.
My apologies; I'm Indeependent.
And you're an inveterate idiot.
I thought Liberals had a fine day. Not so good for NaziCon snowflakes.

So Comey confirming that Trump isn't under investigation, revealing that Trump wanted to know if anyone in his circle is working with the Russians, and didn't try to shut down any investigations is bad for trump and the right?

How is it bad?
I thought Liberals had a fine day. Not so good for NaziCon snowflakes.

So Comey confirming that Trump isn't under investigation, revealing that Trump wanted to know if anyone in his circle is working with the Russians, and didn't try to shut down any investigations is bad for trump and the right?

How is it bad?

They are living in an alternate reality...
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

It wasn't confidential, it was public record
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!
Ah, knothead, they were his notes to leak.
Notes can contain "confidential information and even top secret info. The fact that were his notes to leak doesn't make it okay to leak anything. The idea of "leaking" gives a clue that he didn't want to be involved with the leaking of material. That is not above board. It's troubling that the FBI Director leaked ANYTHING!

It is troubling that Comey felt he had to. He apparently had a good read on the untrustworthiness of Trump and was 100% right. Nothing confidential or classified was leaked.
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

I think what astounds me is the lack of across the board anger at what is going on - it's just partisan piecemeal - but it's all looking the same to me. People inappropriately trying to subvert the justice system. Same way I felt about the Russian hacking instead of breaking down into partisan lines - shouldn't we be angry that a foreign country is trying to subvert one of the most critical institutions of our democracy?

There is no point being angry. Besides making decisions in anger is what has led us to this point.

The Russians tried like they always do and failed like the always do. So what do we do? Get angry and try to seek revenge or look for wisdom and prudence in this matter.

Comey perjured himself today about the timeline. Do we prosecute him?

I hope not. This is a time for healing. That doesn't come till we stop getting angry
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.

Your attempt at appearing to be evenhanded is falling flat. Hillary engaged in criminal activity; Trump did not. Nevertheless, you are more bothered by your "impression of abuse of power" than you are of actual misdeeds. In your world, it seems that guilt is innocence and vice versa. That truly is mind boggling.

When a person in a position of power directs another person to do something illegal - like Trump ordering Comey to end the investigation - that is criminal. The fact that you not only aren't bothered by it, but make excuses is noteworthy.

Amen! Trump basically held a gun to Comey's head.

Then why did Comey say otherwise?

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