Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Wrong. The fact that trump didn't collude with russia makes it all go away.

It's not a fact yet, not until the investigation is concluded.

After 5 months and nothing to show us? Yes, it's a fact.

The investigation has been impeded from the beginning, until its done, I don't think anything is a fact...I will wait :)
:lol: geez you guys are desperately spinning to try and make this a positive - it's a mixed bag at best, that looks pretty bad for Trump and not to great for Clinton.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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That is one thing seems really dirty.
Meanwhile since Swamp Rat Comey "The Leaker" is a total nutcase and leaked at least one alleged confidential conversation with President Trump, we must assume he leaked other confidential possibly classified things to the fake news media such as the WaPo and NYT. Therefore, he must be prosecuted and let the facts lead as where they will! To Crooked Hillary and Hussiane "The Butthurt" Obama!

Folks, a reminder, The Donald wins no matter what the Swamp rats throw at him! :)
Trump doesn't know when he has won he needs to STFU and take the 'win'...

During his testimony today Comey destroyed the Democrats' claims of Trump criminal activity, Trump Collusion, and Trump obstruction of justice as well as any hope they had of Impeaching Trump.... Despite saying he thought Trump is a liar, he testified all other accusations about the President are false.

Trump 'won'...but the man just doesn't know when to STFU. This was not just a win' - this was a MAJOR WIN'....but he could not leave it at that.

Comey testimony: Trump team denies accusations, tries to turn tables on ex-FBI boss

I don't know. I say turn Comey into an example for what we do to leakers. Line PA Ave with crosses and he can be the first.
Fascinating.....suggesting that the Former Head of the FBI be crucified. You're a trumpette, aren't you?
I'm an American. And people leaking secrets to the anti American MSM are traitors.
. Yes, and especially if it was leaked to a specific one, and for specific reasons otherwise like with a liberal network and such. Hmm.
Im kind of on the "mixed" train as well. I think it looked worse for the dems but only because of lynch. But I didn't catch all of it.
Lynch thing really got under my skin.

The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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Are you seriously suggesting that any time your boss takes you aside for a one on one that your boss is guilty of something?

That's insane

When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie
The Lynch thing sank any remaining respect for Clinton - that bothered me a lot. But what I got about Trump bothered me even more because of the impression of abuse of power that was way inappropriate. I don't, at this time, think there is direct colussion between Trump and Russians, but his campaign is a different story. All Trump needed to do was shut up, work on policy and let the investigation work to a conclusion like other presidents. Instead, he demands personal loyalty, attempts to subvert the process and the director, and get the investigation closed down. If he's not guilty of anything, it still is the act of someone utterly unaware of appropriate boundaries and separation and the legal process. It's mind boggling.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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Are you seriously suggesting that any time your boss takes you aside for a one on one that your boss is guilty of something?

That's insane

When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.
Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Wrong. The fact that trump didn't collude with russia makes it all go away.

It's not a fact yet, not until the investigation is concluded.

After 5 months and nothing to show us? Yes, it's a fact.

The investigation has been impeded from the beginning, until its done, I don't think anything is a fact...I will wait :)

Impeded by what? ???? Comey testified the exact opposite
Oooh, this makes Trump's collusion with Russia all go away! Waka waka!

Wrong. The fact that trump didn't collude with russia makes it all go away.

It's not a fact yet, not until the investigation is concluded.

After 5 months and nothing to show us? Yes, it's a fact.

The investigation has been impeded from the beginning, until its done, I don't think anything is a fact...I will wait :)
Impeded how? That isn't what Comey testified to. You simply don't care what is true.
Senator Kamala Harris summed it up perfectly:

"In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."

What gun?

If trump wanted the investigation shut down he would have shut it down. He legally can do that. He was comeys boss. He is the executive branch. Flynn could be caught on video committing horrendous crimes and be convicted by a jury in ten minutes and trump could legally say, we will pardon you for the. You seriously don't think hr has the authority to shut down an investigation if he wanted you?

But if he wanted to why the heck did he tell Comey to find out if any of his admin were working with Russians?

Come on people think
You know nothing about how this works.

The DOJ and the FBI are sworn in to uphold the law. Nothing is said about the President. The law is above the president, not the other way around.

Just a short time before he was fired, he had asked for more money and assets to investigate the Russian collusion charges. Trump fired him for that.
I agree.
Him asking comey to dinner and it being private is WAY over the line. Much like lynch and bill. Amazing how inconsistent both sides are about that shit.. lol
I understand he really doesn't know any better(politically speaking), but goddamn! I guarantee you people are advising against his shenanigans!!!!!
But I will add this to what you said. The DOJ trying to use power and get the head of the FBI to manipulate an investigation is almost as bad as trump. Only reason its "almost" is because he is POTUS. But if her or Hillary was, you can bet your bottom dollar they would do it too. Cant forget how Hillary conspired with DNC about Bernie and stuff.... Debate question answers, lawyers collaborating with the DNC for talking points and attacks...
Our government sucks BALLS

The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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Are you seriously suggesting that any time your boss takes you aside for a one on one that your boss is guilty of something?

That's insane

When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
Senator Kamala Harris summed it up perfectly:

"In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."

What gun?

If trump wanted the investigation shut down he would have shut it down. He legally can do that. He was comeys boss. He is the executive branch. Flynn could be caught on video committing horrendous crimes and be convicted by a jury in ten minutes and trump could legally say, we will pardon you for the. You seriously don't think hr has the authority to shut down an investigation if he wanted you?

But if he wanted to why the heck did he tell Comey to find out if any of his admin were working with Russians?

Come on people think
You know nothing about how this works.

The DOJ and the FBI are sworn in to uphold the law. Nothing is said about the President. The law is above the president, not the other way around.

Just a short time before he was fired, he had asked for more money and assets to investigate the Russian collusion charges. Trump fired him for that.

That story was proven fake the day after it came out. Investigation fund requests are made to Congress. They haven't had any request.
Senator Kamala Harris summed it up perfectly:

"In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."

What gun?

If trump wanted the investigation shut down he would have shut it down. He legally can do that. He was comeys boss. He is the executive branch. Flynn could be caught on video committing horrendous crimes and be convicted by a jury in ten minutes and trump could legally say, we will pardon you for the. You seriously don't think hr has the authority to shut down an investigation if he wanted you?

But if he wanted to why the heck did he tell Comey to find out if any of his admin were working with Russians?

Come on people think
You know nothing about how this works.

The DOJ and the FBI are sworn in to uphold the law. Nothing is said about the President. The law is above the president, not the other way around.

Just a short time before he was fired, he had asked for more money and assets to investigate the Russian collusion charges. Trump fired him for that.

The part of this I find fascinating is how desperately the right is abandoning their own morals, any principle, even logic or evidence is a vain attempt to prop this poor fool up.
Senator Kamala Harris summed it up perfectly:

"In my experience as prosecutor, when a robber holds a gun to your head and "hopes" for your wallet, "hope" is not the operative word."

What gun?

If trump wanted the investigation shut down he would have shut it down. He legally can do that. He was comeys boss. He is the executive branch. Flynn could be caught on video committing horrendous crimes and be convicted by a jury in ten minutes and trump could legally say, we will pardon you for the. You seriously don't think hr has the authority to shut down an investigation if he wanted you?

But if he wanted to why the heck did he tell Comey to find out if any of his admin were working with Russians?

Come on people think
You know nothing about how this works.

The DOJ and the FBI are sworn in to uphold the law. Nothing is said about the President. The law is above the president, not the other way around.

Just a short time before he was fired, he had asked for more money and assets to investigate the Russian collusion charges. Trump fired him for that.

That story was proven fake the day after it came out. Investigation fund requests are made to Congress. They haven't had any request.

Um, what? Comey doesn't ask congress for additional prosecutors and personnel. He asked the DOJ.

What are you talking about?
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.
The fact that he told everyone else to leave - no witnesses - shows he did know he was doing wrong.

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Are you seriously suggesting that any time your boss takes you aside for a one on one that your boss is guilty of something?

That's insane

When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?

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