Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

Are you seriously suggesting that any time your boss takes you aside for a one on one that your boss is guilty of something?

That's insane

When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.
When you leave out that your boss asked you to something while dangling your job over your head then it sounds so innocent.

That's why you left out specifics. When you generalize you tell general lies.

And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.

You just claimed that "he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway."

He testified that he was fired because of the Russia Investigation. He testified that he was ordered by Trump to end the investivation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

Try again.
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.

So they're classified.....because you say they are?

Because so far you've offered us nothing but you citing yourself that those notes were classified.

Try again.
And Comey said that didnt happen.

When you make crap up, You lie

You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.

Show me the quote
where Comey said that the notes he took of conversations with Trump were classified.

As so far the only person you've quoted is yourself. Spoiler Alert: You're not James Comey.

Try again.
I didn't say that you stupid jackass. But you said he was ordered to end it and now you are running from it. What a dope.
Comey just testified that he agreed with President Trump that unauthorized leaks of government information should be stopped, but then leaked his notes of confidential information (through a third party) to the press. What a guy!

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.

So they're classified.....because you say they are?

Because so far you've offered us nothing but you citing yourself that those notes were classified.

Try again.
When did I say that? Idiot.
You only said "that" didn't happen. Go ahead and quote where Comey said it didn't.

Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.

Show me the quote
where Comey said that the notes he took of conversations with Trump were classified.

As so far the only person you've quoted is yourself. Spoiler Alert: You're not James Comey.

Try again.
I didn't say that you stupid jackass. But you said he was ordered to end it and now you are running from it. What a dope.

So who says that the notes that Comey took was classified.

There's you citing yourself and.......


What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.

So they're classified.....because you say they are?

Because so far you've offered us nothing but you citing yourself that those notes were classified.

Try again.
When did I say that? Idiot.

Me: What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

You: His official notes with the POTUS.

If even YOU are going to ignore you, why would the rest of us give a shit what you have to say?

I ask again, what did Comey 'leak' that was classified? Anyone? As Weasel's clearly got jack shit.
Are you joking? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your pretending he didn't testify that Trump didn't ask him to stop the investigation or impede it in anyway.

Even Chris Matthews realized this is over

Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.

Show me the quote
where Comey said that the notes he took of conversations with Trump were classified.

As so far the only person you've quoted is yourself. Spoiler Alert: You're not James Comey.

Try again.
I didn't say that you stupid jackass. But you said he was ordered to end it and now you are running from it. What a dope.

So who says that the notes that Comey took was classified.

There's you citing yourself and.......


I asked you when I said that, cricket brain. You aren't even a decent liar.
His official notes with the POTUS. Libs are getting dumber by the minute.

And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.

So they're classified.....because you say they are?

Because so far you've offered us nothing but you citing yourself that those notes were classified.

Try again.
When did I say that? Idiot.

Me: What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

You: His official notes with the POTUS.

If even YOU are going to ignore you, why would the rest of us give a shit what you have to say?

I ask again, what did Comey 'leak' that was classified? Anyone? As Weasel's clearly got jack shit.
Post the quote you lying sack of shit.
Um, huh?

Comey said he fired because of the Russia investigation. And that Comey was ordered by Trump to end the investigation into Flynn's ties to Russia.

You may want to listen to what Comey actually said rather than just spouting Trump Jr's twitter feed.
Comey said. I guess he is a god and his word is doctrine. And no, he didn't say he was ordered to end anything, follow your own advice.

Show me the quote
where Comey said that the notes he took of conversations with Trump were classified.

As so far the only person you've quoted is yourself. Spoiler Alert: You're not James Comey.

Try again.
I didn't say that you stupid jackass. But you said he was ordered to end it and now you are running from it. What a dope.

So who says that the notes that Comey took was classified.

There's you citing yourself and.......


I asked you when I said that, cricket brain. You aren't even a decent liar.

Right here in this thread;
What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

His official notes with the POTUS.

Post 118: Comey decries leaks but is a prime example himself

That was what? 13 minutes ago. And you're already running from your own bullshit claim.

I ask for a third time: What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?
And who, pray tell, claims these are classified?
I don't know but he said he did it in response to a tweet ....except the tweet came out after. Oops.

So they're classified.....because you say they are?

Because so far you've offered us nothing but you citing yourself that those notes were classified.

Try again.
When did I say that? Idiot.

Me: What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

You: His official notes with the POTUS.

If even YOU are going to ignore you, why would the rest of us give a shit what you have to say?

I ask again, what did Comey 'leak' that was classified? Anyone? As Weasel's clearly got jack shit.
Post the quote you lying sack of shit.

Post 118 in this thread, 14 minutes ago.

So I ask a 4th time....and don't even bother trying to answer Weasel, as you've clearly got jack shit:

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

OK, if you insist.

FBI Comey admitting he leaked classified memos to the New York Times 6 8 2017

And where does Comey claim that his memos were classified?

Give us the time stamp in the video.
YOU keep claiming it wasn't because he didn't say it. You asked who claissifies and and I said I didn't know but the subject was the memos with the POTUS then you cherry picked when I repeated the notes with the POTUS. If they were official how were they not classified? Makes no sense. Either they are official government documents or they aren't. Which is it?
What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

OK, if you insist.

FBI Comey admitting he leaked classified memos to the New York Times 6 8 2017

And where does Comey claim that his memos were classified?

Give us the time stamp in the video.
YOU keep claiming it wasn't because he didn't say it. You asked who claissifies and and I said I didn't know but the subject was the memos with the POTUS then you cherry picked when I repeated the notes with the POTUS. If they were official how were they not classified? Makes no sense. Either they are official government documents or they aren't. Which is it?

You're the one who claimed that Comey's notes were classified.

Prove it.

You're the one who offered Comey's testimony as evidence of your claims.

Um......Comey never said his notes were classified.
That was you. Not Comey.

So your source that Comey's notes were yourself. And you're nobody. Try again.
What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

OK, if you insist.

FBI Comey admitting he leaked classified memos to the New York Times 6 8 2017

And where does Comey claim that his memos were classified?

Give us the time stamp in the video.
YOU keep claiming it wasn't because he didn't say it. You asked who claissifies and and I said I didn't know but the subject was the memos with the POTUS then you cherry picked when I repeated the notes with the POTUS. If they were official how were they not classified? Makes no sense. Either they are official government documents or they aren't. Which is it?

You're the one who claimed that Comey's notes were classified.

Prove it.

You're the one who offered Comey's testimony as evidence of your claims.

Um......Comey never said his notes were classified.
That was you. Not Comey.

So your source that Comey's notes were yourself. And you're nobody. Try again.
Look who's talking, Mr. Hot Air himself. I gave you a source, watch the video. And...

Comey Says He Was Behind Leak of FBI Memos to The New York Times

The Times article in question only had a few short quotes from the memo. It is possible the Times was given knowledge of the memo’s contents, but the memo itself had not yet been leaked to it.

In addition to identifying himself as a source of leaked information, Comey may have also revealed other individuals behind the stream of media leaks coming out of the Russia investigation.

In its May 11 story, The New York Times identified its sources as “several people close to him,” who were asked to “not discuss it publicly while he was F.B.I. director.” It notes that after Comey was fired, “they felt free to discuss it on the condition of anonymity.”

During his testimony, Comey identified the “several people close to him,” whom he provided with copies of the memo, while responding to questions from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

The only people he provided them to were senior leaders at the FBI, whom he listed as the FBI “deputy director, my chief of staff, general counsel, deputy director’s chief counsel, and then—more often than not—the number three person at the FBI, the associate deputy director. And quite often, head of the national security branch.”

Comey acknowledged in his testimony that some of the memos he had written contained classified information. It is unclear whether the memos he leaked to the media were classified, and why Comey still had access to the memos written in his capacity as the director of the FBI after leaving office.
What did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

OK, if you insist.

FBI Comey admitting he leaked classified memos to the New York Times 6 8 2017

And where does Comey claim that his memos were classified?

Give us the time stamp in the video.
YOU keep claiming it wasn't because he didn't say it. You asked who claissifies and and I said I didn't know but the subject was the memos with the POTUS then you cherry picked when I repeated the notes with the POTUS. If they were official how were they not classified? Makes no sense. Either they are official government documents or they aren't. Which is it?

You're the one who claimed that Comey's notes were classified.

Prove it.

You're the one who offered Comey's testimony as evidence of your claims.

Um......Comey never said his notes were classified.
That was you. Not Comey.

So your source that Comey's notes were yourself. And you're nobody. Try again.
Look who's talking, Mr. Hot Air himself. I gave you a source, watch the video. And...

Comey Says He Was Behind Leak of FBI Memos to The New York Times

The Times article in question only had a few short quotes from the memo. It is possible the Times was given knowledge of the memo’s contents, but the memo itself had not yet been leaked to it.

In addition to identifying himself as a source of leaked information, Comey may have also revealed other individuals behind the stream of media leaks coming out of the Russia investigation.

In its May 11 story, The New York Times identified its sources as “several people close to him,” who were asked to “not discuss it publicly while he was F.B.I. director.” It notes that after Comey was fired, “they felt free to discuss it on the condition of anonymity.”

During his testimony, Comey identified the “several people close to him,” whom he provided with copies of the memo, while responding to questions from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

The only people he provided them to were senior leaders at the FBI, whom he listed as the FBI “deputy director, my chief of staff, general counsel, deputy director’s chief counsel, and then—more often than not—the number three person at the FBI, the associate deputy director. And quite often, head of the national security branch.”

Comey acknowledged in his testimony that some of the memos he had written contained classified information. It is unclear whether the memos he leaked to the media were classified, and why Comey still had access to the memos written in his capacity as the director of the FBI after leaving office.

Prove that the memos were classified.

There's you citing yourself. one. And you don't know what you're talking about.

So......for the 7th time, what did Comey 'leak' that was classified?

Comey memo said Trump asked him to drop Flynn investigation in February

Chaffetz’s letter demanding records of Trump and Comey’s communications, sent to acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, set a May 24 deadline for the internal documents to be delivered to the House committee.

In testimony to the Senate last week, McCabe said, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”

McCabe was referring to the broad investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. The investigation into Flynn is separate.

A spokesman for the FBI declined to comment.

Comey created similar memos — including some that are classified — about every phone call and meeting he had with the president, the two people said.

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