Comey ‘Friend’ Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

This is a new tactic to get prosecutorial immunity in these types of investigations. If you REPRESENT someone charged with the same crime -- you can claim attorney/client privilege when the probe turns to you..

I've HEARD that the reason that Huma didn't get charged with lying to the FBI is because she was recognized as a legal rep for Hillary in previous investigations.

It's not a "new" tactic, it's as old as the hills.

And it was Cheryl Mills who was Clinton's attorney, not Huma (Huma Abedin is not a lawyer at all).
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

This is a new tactic to get prosecutorial immunity in these types of investigations. If you REPRESENT someone charged with the same crime -- you can claim attorney/client privilege when the probe turns to you..

I've HEARD that the reason that Huma didn't get charged with lying to the FBI is because she was recognized as a legal rep for Hillary in previous investigations.

It's not a "new" tactic, it's as old as the hills.

And it was Cheryl Mills who was Clinton's attorney, not Huma (Huma Abedin is not a lawyer at all).

Thanks. Makes more sense. ALTHOUGH - It's possible right for a non-bar person to BE representation on depositions/interviews ect --- RIGHT?
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

This is a new tactic to get prosecutorial immunity in these types of investigations. If you REPRESENT someone charged with the same crime -- you can claim attorney/client privilege when the probe turns to you..

I've HEARD that the reason that Huma didn't get charged with lying to the FBI is because she was recognized as a legal rep for Hillary in previous investigations.

It's not a "new" tactic, it's as old as the hills.

And it was Cheryl Mills who was Clinton's attorney, not Huma (Huma Abedin is not a lawyer at all).

Thanks. Makes more sense. ALTHOUGH - It's possible right for a non-bar person to BE representation on depositions/interviews ect --- RIGHT?

You know, I'm not sure. I don't think attorney-client privilege extends to non-lawyers, though.
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

This is a new tactic to get prosecutorial immunity in these types of investigations. If you REPRESENT someone charged with the same crime -- you can claim attorney/client privilege when the probe turns to you..

I've HEARD that the reason that Huma didn't get charged with lying to the FBI is because she was recognized as a legal rep for Hillary in previous investigations.

It's not a "new" tactic, it's as old as the hills.

And it was Cheryl Mills who was Clinton's attorney, not Huma (Huma Abedin is not a lawyer at all).

Thanks. Makes more sense. ALTHOUGH - It's possible right for a non-bar person to BE representation on depositions/interviews ect --- RIGHT?

You know, I'm not sure. I don't think attorney-client privilege extends to non-lawyers, though.
According to Wikipedia, Daniel Richman is a lawyer.

Daniel Richman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Daniel C. Richman is an American attorney. He is the Paul J. Kellner Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.[1]

This is all such a fucking joke.

We all know what happened here.

People in the DOJ with a vested interest in Hillary winning the election were/are trying to get Trump out of office any way possible.

Hillary knew that if Trump won, her corruption wouldn’t be covered up as it has been for many years.

Anyone who thinks this whole thing (Clinton Foundation, Clinton Private email Server with CLASSIFIED emails, 33,000 deleted emails, rigged DNC primaries, classified Secretary of State emails on the laptop a convicted pedophile (WEINER), Trump/Putin collusion, and the ensuing Mueller investigation, the Comey acquittal of Hillary Clinton....) is all ethical, legal, and transparent is a fucking dipshit, or a disingenuous liar.
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Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

One co-conspirator can not represent another, there's a clear conflict of interest. They clearly conspired to release documents they weren't authorized to release.

Yep, he already blogged about info, he's clearly not his lawyer....of he would be disbarred for that.
How convenient.

So now it's out Comey hired the "professor" who he leaked classified information to as his legal counsel to hide behind attorney client privilege.

Time to drag all these losers in to a Congressional hearing and shake them down in public.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney
I had to check the date on this. Ricky, that boat sailed a long time ago. Find something else to deflect with.
you have a link?
So let's see.

Is anyone on the Mueller team not part of the DNC party here? So far the answer is no.


Neither Comey nor Mueller are "part of the DNC party", to start with.


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is the heart of the Maoist democrats.
I guess that's why he was appointed by the Republicans....the ones who control both Houses of Congress and the Executive Branch. Poor helpless.
So let's see.

Is anyone on the Mueller team not part of the DNC party here? So far the answer is no.


Neither Comey nor Mueller are "part of the DNC party", to start with.
LMAO! Damn you're retarded.


Hey, I'm not the one who's having such a hard time keeping track of reality.
Reality is what I stated. Do you have some proof otherwise?

Party registration is a matter of public record, clown. This is well established.

And utterly irrelevant.

Every hope and dream the Maoists have rests on Torquemada.
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

Sounds like a pretty easy case can be made for conspiracy. I guess his "attorney" hasn't figured out that his leaking of the documents, as comeys "attorney", is a felony too. I must say, these people really ain't too bright considering where they work.
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

Sounds like a pretty easy case can be made for conspiracy. I guess his "attorney" hasn't figured out that his leaking of the documents, as comeys "attorney", is a felony too. I must say, these people really ain't too bright considering where they work.

+ apparently he "leaked" client/attorney information

clearing the path to no client /attorney privilege

Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

Sounds like a pretty easy case can be made for conspiracy. I guess his "attorney" hasn't figured out that his leaking of the documents, as comeys "attorney", is a felony too. I must say, these people really ain't too bright considering where they work.

+ apparently he "leaked" client/attorney information

clearing the path to no client /attorney privilege


Yep. It truly is amazing. If these idiots would just shut up no one would have ever found out. But they think that hilary is POTUS so they think they are safe. Complete morons.
Well shit isn't this a reunion of old buddies covering their own asses.

Comey 'Friend' Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney

Comey is being investigated by his buddy meuler and has his other buddy the one he leaked classified info to in order for release to the public is now his attorney. This is quite the convienience. Funny how all of these democrats tend to flock together in the most interesting way.

Sounds like a pretty easy case can be made for conspiracy. I guess his "attorney" hasn't figured out that his leaking of the documents, as comeys "attorney", is a felony too. I must say, these people really ain't too bright considering where they work.

+ apparently he "leaked" client/attorney information

clearing the path to no client /attorney privilege


Yep. It truly is amazing. If these idiots would just shut up no one would have ever found out. But they think that hilary is POTUS so they think they are safe. Complete morons.

attorney client privilege usually belongs to the client and can be the only one to waive it


the client is aware that the attorney "leaked " information and did nothing about it


the new special council will have a field day with that alone


...says the fuckwit who starts between 5 and 10 hysterical bullshit threads every single day.

What exactly did you say? :dunno:

Come on, man.

I realize that "I know you are but what am" is the extent of "wit" that you're capable of, but you could at least pay enough attention to not embarrass yourself.

In the 9 years that I've been posting here, I'm started a grand total of maybe 30 threads on the open board.

...says the fuckwit who starts between 5 and 10 hysterical bullshit threads every single day.

What exactly did you say? :dunno:

Come on, man.

I realize that "I know you are but what am" is the extent of "wit" that you're capable of, but you could at least pay enough attention to not embarrass yourself.

In the 9 years that I've been posting here, I'm started a grand total of maybe 30 threads on the open board.
Were any of those worth a shit? I'm having trouble thinking your replies to others is beneficial. I can't imagine how worthless a thread you started is.

...says the fuckwit who starts between 5 and 10 hysterical bullshit threads every single day.

What exactly did you say? :dunno:

Come on, man.

I realize that "I know you are but what am" is the extent of "wit" that you're capable of, but you could at least pay enough attention to not embarrass yourself.

In the 9 years that I've been posting here, I'm started a grand total of maybe 30 threads on the open board.
Were any of those worth a shit? I'm having trouble thinking your replies to others is beneficial. I can't imagine how worthless a thread you started is.

He is trying to shrug off the humiliation of being called out for his antics.

Best to just let him stew.

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