Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
I think it might be over for American democracy. It seems like America is a fake republic run by oligarchs behind the scenes who are above the laws passed by the citizens. Law enforcement and government officials should be held to higher standards rather then getting passes from the man behind the curtain.

J.Edgar was a master blackmailer; that's how he survived so many administrations. Comey probably had the bright idea he could do Hoover one better and have a President tossed out of office. Best keep an eye on Wray....he's probably doing the same kind of things.....he won't hand over the documents Flynn's lawyers have asked for even after all this.
One can only hope.

My fear is that the Insiders will continue to protect an Insider in order keep the two systems of Justice intact.

I noticed Barr hasn't said Comey wouldn't be indicted...a "spokesman" said that. I think they're going to do a hammer dance on McCabe and try to flip him on Comey and Brennan. Brennan is the big fish....the FBI couldn't have pulled off the dossier chain of events with the Australian ambassador and the Brits MI6...that's CIA games.
One can only hope.

My fear is that the Insiders will continue to protect an Insider in order keep the two systems of Justice intact.

I noticed Barr hasn't said Comey wouldn't be indicted...a "spokesman" said that. I think they're going to do a hammer dance on McCabe and try to flip him on Comey and Brennan. Brennan is the big fish....the FBI couldn't have pulled off the dossier chain of events with the Australian ambassador and the Brits MI6...that's CIA games.

Barr is a "by the book" kind of guy. He's not going to use the press instead of the legal process.
Barr is a "by the book" kind of guy. He's not going to use the press instead of the legal process.

I believe their thinking was a DC jury (blacks) wouldn't convict him. They're keeping their powder dry for Cardinal Comey and will likely try him elsewhere....upstate New York for instance.
Are there more rounds coming his way?...oh yeah. He supposedly signed one of the bogus FISA warrants claiming the "dossier" supposedly written by Steele, but more likely written by Nellie Ohr, was legit. There's also the fact that his meeting with the President, telling him he wasn't the subject of an investigation (lie), was followed an hour later by a meeting with the coup team. This is clear evidence of the intel chiefs' conspiracy to surveil the President and hatch an extortion attempt. Meanwhile the left finds solace in the fact Comey wasn't indicted (yet) and was instead a "whistle-blower". Ever see two Rats toast each other? :disbelief:



Get some coffee....smell it and become awake.

There’s not reason that you should except ignorance so easily.
Barr is a "by the book" kind of guy. He's not going to use the press instead of the legal process.

I believe their thinking was a DC jury (blacks) wouldn't convict him. They're keeping their powder dry for Cardinal Comey and will likely try him elsewhere....upstate New York for instance.

I doubt that the jury being black has anything to do with the calculus. The real issue is the judges in DC Circuit (with Merrick Garland as their chief justice) are biased swamp creatures. If judged guilty, Comey will likely appeal.
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Get some coffee....smell it and become awake.

There’s not reason that you should except ignorance so easily.

Difference between you and me Otto is I wake come to. Since you can't refute anything I've said, maybe you should study up and try again later....before those quarts of Colt 45 come into the picture.
I doubt that the jury being black has anything to do with the calculus.

That's what OJ's prosecutors thought too......Think about Comey on the stand talking to a black jury about seeing it as his duty to throw out a "racist bigot" president and preserve the Constitution.
Apparently it's against the law to lie to the FBI but it's not against the law for the FBI to lie to us. Iike the great philosopher Yogi Berra sez, "it ain't over till it's over". Comey may not give a shit but he has done irreparable harm to the modern legacy of the FBI.
Get some coffee....smell it and become awake.

There’s not reason that you should except ignorance so easily.

Difference between you and me Otto is I wake come to. Since you can't refute anything I've said, maybe you should study up and try again later....before those quarts of Colt 45 come into the picture.

Ah, a happy ignoramus.
Apparently it's against the law to lie to the FBI but it's not against the law for the FBI to lie to us. Iike the great philosopher Yogi Berra sez, "it ain't over till it's over". Comey may not give a shit but he has done irreparable harm to the modern legacy of the FBI.
The FBI has been shown to be a lawless agency full of agents violating rules and policies at will without consequences.
The FBI has been shown to be a lawless agency full of agents violating rules and policies at will without consequences.

Well, they did all get fired....not that it matters much in the big picture but it's not nothing.
The unstated purpose of any federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and more powerful with a bigger budget and the FBI is no different. The Bureau has had it's share of scandals like the once venerable Lab that was found to be inefficient and poorly run and then we have the case of Robert Hanssen who engaged in treason and espionage for years without the FBI noticing. The Bureau made a deal that Hanssen's family would receive a pension as if he retired honorably if he pleaded guilty without embarrassing anyone. Like many federal agencies (including the CIA) the Bureau suffers from political cronyism and a systemic lack of leadership. Comey is the end result of decades of political intrigue. Somebody needs to drain the swamp.
you'd have to be one of those see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkeys to believe Hillary and Trump were treated equally by the FBI
No, dumbass, we cared because she was running for POTUS and was, according to comey, so stupid that she didn't understand what she was doing was illegal. Fine choice for POTUS you made there, dumbass. A woman so fucking stupid she didn't understand simple computer safety. Something my 13 year old daughter does.

Uh, guy, most people in their sixties don't really understand computers, if they didn't grow up with them.

So one more time- What regular person used the wrong email and was sent to prison for it?

Still waiting for you to answer this question, third time I asked it.

Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the exact same thing Hillary did, and no one is prosecuting them.

Then they should not be running for POTUS.

Why do you want someone that stupid running the country?

Oh, that's right, you're stupid too!

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