Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
Trump's long history of defaulting on loans resulted in a nearly two decade long relationship with Deutsche Bank, a favorite institution for corrupt Russian oligarchs looking to launder their illegal gains.

What better brand to invest in than one belonging to a gold-plated grifter like Donald Trump?


"The point of the Russia investigation was to make a case against Donald Trump.

"Preferably, the case would drive him from office.

"At a minimum, it would render him unelectable by the 2020 stretch run.

"The kind of case was less important than the objective: criminal prosecution or impeachment.

"In accordance with the collusion narrative, the latter would mean trying to show that Trump was compromised by the Kremlin.

"That is the astonishing takeaway from Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on former FBI director James Comey’s handling of his memos...."

"Regardless of why IG Horowitz came to address the objectives of the Russia investigation, address them he did.

"The upshot of that was nailed by Byron York in his Washington Examiner report.

"What we learn is that Comey and his top FBI advisers prepared extensively for the then-director’s January 6, 2017, briefing of then-president-elect Trump.

"The detailed preparation owed to the fact that the FBI regarded the session at Trump Tower in New York not as a mere briefing but as an evidence-gathering opportunity.

"That’s because they were investigating Trump, which they hoped to continue doing when he took office . . . which called for putting him at ease . . . which meant telling him that they were not investigating him."

IG Report Confirms: Russia Investigation Always Targeted Trump | National Review

Regardless of Comey's many mistakes the fact remains: Trump was and still is a corrupt crony capitalist who has likely been laundering money for the Russian mob for decades.

If that is true, he is too badly compromised to continue functioning as POTUS.

It was a witch hunt to get President Trump, we all knew that. Officially the President wasn’t under investigation, but we know that was a lie by Mueller. Another reason he should be investigated and go to jail.
t was a witch hunt to get President Trump, we all knew that. Officially the President wasn’t under investigation, but we know that was a lie by Mueller. Another reason he should be investigated and go to jail.
When did the FBI begin its investigation into the many links between Russia and the Trump campaign?

Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) - Wikipedia

"When the special counsel was appointed by Rod Rosenstein in May 2017, the special counsel took over an existing counterintelligence investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into what proved to be Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and numerous secretive links between Trump associates and Russian officials.[61]

"According to reports, Australian officials informed American officials that in May 2016, a Trump presidential campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, told the Australian High Commissioner to Britain, Alexander Downer, that Russian officials were in possession of politically damaging information relating to Hillary Clinton, the rival presidential candidate to Trump from Democratic Party.

"Since the FBI, in response to this information, opened an investigation into the links between Trump associates and Russian officials on July 31, 2016, the meeting between Papadopoulos and Downer is considered to be the 'spark' that led to the Mueller investigation."

Trump had been under investigation for nine months when Mueller was appointed, and it will be Trump and his idiot brood who spend the rest of their useless lives in prison for their crimes.
Only to a political whore, like you, it may not be. But to Americans, like me, who were raised in the knowledge that the ruling elite had to follow the same laws as the rest of us.....which is what makes America, America, and not the banana republic dictatorship you seem to desire, that's why it matters you freak.

Dumbass, the only reason why anyone cared was because it was Hillary.

Again- please point out where one of "the rest of us" went to jail for doing what she did.

25 years and hundreds of millions of dollars your side spent on investigating this woman... and the best you came up with was' She used the wrong email"
Why don’t we appoint a special prosecutor loaded with partisan republicans to investigate him. We can kick in the door at his lawyers office and confiscate everything they have to see if we can find a crime. If not we can lie and say he is guilty anyway like they have done for three years to PDJT?

Rep. Devin Nunes called the Justice Department inspector general's report on former FBI Director James Comey a "building block" for a criminal referral he delivered to the agency.

"For a long time I have been very hesitant to get too far out in front on the IG's capabilities. I believe what today is, is another example — it's a building block. It's important information," the California Republican said Thursday evening on Fox News.

Specifically, he said, Horowitz's findings contain "very important pieces of evidence that would build into the conspiracy complaint that we have sent to the Department of Justice."

Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on Sean Hannity's show, along with fellow Reps. Mark Meadows and John Ratcliffe, to react to Inspector General Michael Horowitz's 83-page scathing report on Comey released earlier in the day.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Personally I think that after two and a half years we have enough evidence to indict and begin trials against all those involved in the failed coup d' etat against president Trump and America. The Republicans in D.C., are too scared to pull the trigger.
I keep hearing that AG Barr is going to drop the hammer on some of the lesser players like Nellie and her husband and Page as those are the likely ones to try and cut a deal....There corroborating testimony would be enough for a Grand Jury to indict all the way up to Valerie Jarrett, maybe higher.....once Trump has his last 4 years in the bag, he is a vengeful SOB and will make their lives as miserable OR WORSE than they have put him through the last 4 years. Doesn't need a Senate or House to criminally charge many of them.expect it within the year nice and slow just like all the info is coming out slowly now.....Believe in Trump, no matter what they say, the man is a genius with a plan!

I'd like president Trump to reveal what exactly was Comey's game when he went to him as president elect and laid all this Russia hotel hooker bullshit at his door.

It was to warn the president that this shit was out there. So he wouldn’t be blindsided when this stuff came out.
Why don’t we appoint a special prosecutor loaded with partisan republicans to investigate him. We can kick in the door at his lawyers office and confiscate everything they have to see if we can find a crime. If not we can lie and say he is guilty anyway like they have done for three years to PDJT?

Rep. Devin Nunes called the Justice Department inspector general's report on former FBI Director James Comey a "building block" for a criminal referral he delivered to the agency.

"For a long time I have been very hesitant to get too far out in front on the IG's capabilities. I believe what today is, is another example — it's a building block. It's important information," the California Republican said Thursday evening on Fox News.

Specifically, he said, Horowitz's findings contain "very important pieces of evidence that would build into the conspiracy complaint that we have sent to the Department of Justice."

Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on Sean Hannity's show, along with fellow Reps. Mark Meadows and John Ratcliffe, to react to Inspector General Michael Horowitz's 83-page scathing report on Comey released earlier in the day.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Personally I think that after two and a half years we have enough evidence to indict and begin trials against all those involved in the failed coup d' etat against president Trump and America. The Republicans in D.C., are too scared to pull the trigger.
I keep hearing that AG Barr is going to drop the hammer on some of the lesser players like Nellie and her husband and Page as those are the likely ones to try and cut a deal....There corroborating testimony would be enough for a Grand Jury to indict all the way up to Valerie Jarrett, maybe higher.....once Trump has his last 4 years in the bag, he is a vengeful SOB and will make their lives as miserable OR WORSE than they have put him through the last 4 years. Doesn't need a Senate or House to criminally charge many of them.expect it within the year nice and slow just like all the info is coming out slowly now.....Believe in Trump, no matter what they say, the man is a genius with a plan!

I'd like president Trump to reveal what exactly was Comey's game when he went to him as president elect and laid all this Russia hotel hooker bullshit at his door.

It was to warn the president that this shit was out there. So he wouldn’t be blindsided when this stuff came out.
You were there? Or did President Trump tell you this?
Devin Nunes: DOJ watchdog report on James Comey contains 'evidence' for conspiracy complaint

no collusion


D Nunes is a dishonest person, his lies have been proven over & over, we need to clean up people like him in both party's, make a real effort towards honest government.
Are there more rounds coming his way?...oh yeah. He supposedly signed one of the bogus FISA warrants claiming the "dossier" supposedly written by Steele, but more likely written by Nellie Ohr, was legit. There's also the fact that his meeting with the President, telling him he wasn't the subject of an investigation (lie), was followed an hour later by a meeting with the coup team. This is clear evidence of the intel chiefs' conspiracy to surveil the President and hatch an extortion attempt. Meanwhile the left finds solace in the fact Comey wasn't indicted (yet) and was instead a "whistle-blower". Ever see two Rats toast each other? :disbelief:


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The FBI is a rogue agency who's agents can violate rules and policies at will without consequences.

They can lie through their teeth to you but you better not mis-remember something to them. "Let's send a couple guys over there"......Comey knew the new administration hadn't set up a liaison for the Cabinet members...had Strozk call Flynn to tell him he didn't need an attorney present. And then they indicted him for perjury for having a conversation he was entitled to have. Barr better eventually put this weasel in the slammer.
The FBI is a rogue agency who's agents can violate rules and policies at will without consequences.

They can lie through their teeth to you but you better not mis-remember something to them. "Let's send a couple guys over there"......Comey knew the new administration hadn't set up a liaison for the Cabinet members...had Strozk call Flynn to tell him he didn't need an attorney present. And then they indicted him for perjury for having a conversation he was entitled to have. Barr better eventually put this weasel in the slammer.
I think it might be over for American democracy. It seems like America is a fake republic run by oligarchs behind the scenes who are above the laws passed by the citizens. Law enforcement and government officials should be held to higher standards rather then getting passes from the man behind the curtain.
The real deal is the Durham investigation...especially regarding Comey's abuse of the FISA court. That's what he should be charged with.
Only to a political whore, like you, it may not be. But to Americans, like me, who were raised in the knowledge that the ruling elite had to follow the same laws as the rest of us.....which is what makes America, America, and not the banana republic dictatorship you seem to desire, that's why it matters you freak.

Dumbass, the only reason why anyone cared was because it was Hillary.

Again- please point out where one of "the rest of us" went to jail for doing what she did.

25 years and hundreds of millions of dollars your side spent on investigating this woman... and the best you came up with was' She used the wrong email"

No, dumbass, we cared because she was running for POTUS and was, according to comey, so stupid that she didn't understand what she was doing was illegal. Fine choice for POTUS you made there, dumbass. A woman so fucking stupid she didn't understand simple computer safety. Something my 13 year old daughter does.
No, dumbass, we cared because she was running for POTUS and was, according to comey, so stupid that she didn't understand what she was doing was illegal. Fine choice for POTUS you made there, dumbass. A woman so fucking stupid she didn't understand simple computer safety. Something my 13 year old daughter does.

Uh, guy, most people in their sixties don't really understand computers, if they didn't grow up with them.

So one more time- What regular person used the wrong email and was sent to prison for it?

Still waiting for you to answer this question, third time I asked it.

Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the exact same thing Hillary did, and no one is prosecuting them.
The real deal is the Durham investigation...especially regarding Comey's abuse of the FISA court. That's what he should be charged with.

Yep....his signature is on one of those warrants saying the dossier lies were "verified" and a month later he told a congressional committee it wasn't. I wonder how that FISA judge feels about getting punked? I got a feeling that book money he got will end up in lawyers' pockets trying to keep him out of Leavenworth.
The FBI is a rogue agency who's agents can violate rules and policies at will without consequences.
It sure does appear that away to me when it comes to this whole mess they created with the fake dossier, the court and the press. Very subversive.
The real deal is the Durham investigation...especially regarding Comey's abuse of the FISA court. That's what he should be charged with.

Yep....his signature is on one of those warrants saying the dossier lies were "verified" and a month later he told a congressional committee it wasn't. I wonder how that FISA judge feels about getting punked? I got a feeling that book money he got will end up in lawyers' pockets trying to keep him out of Leavenworth.

One can only hope.

My fear is that the Insiders will continue to protect an Insider in order keep the two systems of Justice intact.

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