Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
Giuliani on bombshell IG report: "Comey should go to jail."

Ole Rudy is probably suffering from a case of dementia as severe as the ole dotard currently sitting in the Oval Office playing president.
Giuliani on bombshell IG report: "Comey should go to jail."

Tucker Carlson destroys Comey in under 4 minutes.

In case you're curious, here's the Trump-hating corporate left's narrative on it.

Also, note the many faces of Tucker Carlson:


You prefer fake faces over at CNN and MSDNC ?
Something against honest reporting ?

I didn't say anything about his reporting.

Lighten up, Francis.


Bad Cop get fired and in come cases jail time. This is normal. Everything that happens in DC is apparently special bad cops don't get jail time just fired. If a Street Cop did any one of the things Comey did he would be in jail. Theft is frowned upon in the Real world. I know of one Deputy who stole inspection stickers and got two years state time in Radford Prison. Comey and McCab were and are bad cops.
Giuliani on bombshell IG report: "Comey should go to jail."

Tucker Carlson destroys Comey in under 4 minutes.

In case you're curious, here's the Trump-hating corporate left's narrative on it.

But, NOTHING will happen.

Laws are for we, the peons.


Sure seems to be the case. They are trying to disarm us so they can make this state of affairs permanent.
So the libtards still think Trump shouldn't have fired Comey without Senate approval?
The FBI has rules and policies for looks. They are meaningless. The FBI along with others are full of agents doing whatever at will. America is in a lot of trouble.
Trump's long history of defaulting on loans resulted in a nearly two decade long relationship with Deutsche Bank, a favorite institution for corrupt Russian oligarchs looking to launder their illegal gains.

What better brand to invest in than one belonging to a gold-plated grifter like Donald Trump?


"The point of the Russia investigation was to make a case against Donald Trump.

"Preferably, the case would drive him from office.

"At a minimum, it would render him unelectable by the 2020 stretch run.

"The kind of case was less important than the objective: criminal prosecution or impeachment.

"In accordance with the collusion narrative, the latter would mean trying to show that Trump was compromised by the Kremlin.

"That is the astonishing takeaway from Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on former FBI director James Comey’s handling of his memos...."

"Regardless of why IG Horowitz came to address the objectives of the Russia investigation, address them he did.

"The upshot of that was nailed by Byron York in his Washington Examiner report.

"What we learn is that Comey and his top FBI advisers prepared extensively for the then-director’s January 6, 2017, briefing of then-president-elect Trump.

"The detailed preparation owed to the fact that the FBI regarded the session at Trump Tower in New York not as a mere briefing but as an evidence-gathering opportunity.

"That’s because they were investigating Trump, which they hoped to continue doing when he took office . . . which called for putting him at ease . . . which meant telling him that they were not investigating him."

IG Report Confirms: Russia Investigation Always Targeted Trump | National Review

Regardless of Comey's many mistakes the fact remains: Trump was and still is a corrupt crony capitalist who has likely been laundering money for the Russian mob for decades.

If that is true, he is too badly compromised to continue functioning as POTUS.
They attempted to frame proud you must be....but they blew it because lets be honest...Obama didn't do anything right...he couldn't even run a successful coup.....any third world dictator could have done better...
They attempted to frame proud you must be....but they blew it because lets be honest...Obama didn't do anything right...he couldn't even run a successful coup.....any third world dictator could have done better...
What evidence do you have life-long Republicans would want to frame their fellow Republican POTUS?

IG Report Confirms: Russia Investigation Always Targeted Trump | National Review

"The plan on January 6 (i.e., the day after director Comey met with President Obama about next steps in the Russia investigation) was for Comey to hit the president-elect with a Steele-dossier allegation: the salacious and unverified claim that Trump had cavorted with prostitutes at a Moscow hotel in 2013, and been covertly recorded doing so by Russian intelligence.

"That’s not a briefing. It is Criminal Investigations 101: Get the suspect talking so a comfort level is established, then zing him with something that will rock his world.

"Thus confronted, a suspect will often blurt out either an implicit admission of guilt or a false exculpatory statement. Either one is a home run for the investigator."

Any agency concerned with US national security would have been remiss in their Constitutional duty if they had NOT investigated a gold-plated con man who was widely suspected of laundering money for rich Russian mobsters.
Giuliani on bombshell IG report: "Comey should go to jail."

Tucker Carlson destroys Comey in under 4 minutes.

In case you're curious, here's the Trump-hating corporate left's narrative on it.

But, NOTHING will happen.

Laws are for we, the peons.


Apparently, Kenn Starr, famous judiciary patriot, seems to agree with Attorney General Barr that his conduct was deplorable but "he didn't break any laws."

I almost fainted to hear that. The guy lied, The guy put a President of the United States in a very hot spot. He did it on purpose to please the Clinton Cartel. But he didn't break any laws? I am having a hard time with this one. And innocent people are going to jail not because they're guilty, but because they were tricked into lying by their interrogators telling them stuff such as what they say would be confidential, and there was no worries for putting their confidences into their conversation, lying their butts off to people who believed they were hearing the truth. After all they were the FBI!

Apparently, the FBI can lie in an FBI setting, but other Americans go to jail for lying in an FBI setting. I fail to see the justice in this whole scenario.

Here's the interview with Kenneth Starr about Jim Comey:

Russia if you are listening!!! that was a joke....where is the sense of humor on the left? was a dig at the libtard do nothing good media...
Sad but funny, falsely claims Comey was a whistleblower.

<<Former DNI Chief James Clapper defended James Comey one day after the DOJ Inspector General released a report on Comey’s mishandling of his classified memos.
Although it was determined that Comey violated FBI policies pertaining to retention, handling and dissemination of FBI records and information, Barr declined prosecution.>>

Clapper Defends Partner-in-Crime Comey as a Heroic "Whistleblower" In Wake of DOJ IG Report (VIDEO)

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!
Sorry, we don't put our political opponents in prison in this country. Are you from North Korea or what?
Maybe tell Flynn
Why don’t we appoint a special prosecutor loaded with partisan republicans to investigate him. We can kick in the door at his lawyers office and confiscate everything they have to see if we can find a crime. If not we can lie and say he is guilty anyway like they have done for three years to PDJT?

Rep. Devin Nunes called the Justice Department inspector general's report on former FBI Director James Comey a "building block" for a criminal referral he delivered to the agency.

"For a long time I have been very hesitant to get too far out in front on the IG's capabilities. I believe what today is, is another example — it's a building block. It's important information," the California Republican said Thursday evening on Fox News.

Specifically, he said, Horowitz's findings contain "very important pieces of evidence that would build into the conspiracy complaint that we have sent to the Department of Justice."

Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on Sean Hannity's show, along with fellow Reps. Mark Meadows and John Ratcliffe, to react to Inspector General Michael Horowitz's 83-page scathing report on Comey released earlier in the day.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I say broaden the investigation, and mention Hillary and Obungles as targets...

Then talk witness protection in return for FULL COOPERATION!!!

But of course, you have to remember, nothing is perfect, especially if the Fumbling Bunch of Idiots is involved!!!

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