Comey Is A Goner

Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
I could say the same for all the Russian bull shit.
Yep, the bullshit is flying from both parties, as usual.

Not sure why this needs to happen so consistently.
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So the Dept of Justice is investigating the FBI, the FBI is investigating Trump and his merry band, and congress is being asked to investigate everything. How can a president create such mess in just 6 weeks?

This idea is probably anathema to folks on a political message board, but:
I wish Congress would quit all this investigating bullshit and get back to creating, debating and passing legislation for the country.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
I could say the same for all the Russian bull shit.
Yep, the bullshit is flying from both parties, as usual.

Not sure why this needs to happen so consistently.
Are they throwing dust in our faces to distract from the fact that they aren't doing a whole lot else in Congress these days?
Well, if they get rid of Comey, I guess they can replace him with someone who will do everything the way Trump wants it.

So you'd rather the FBI Director does whatever he pleases? Comey is up to his ass in alligators on this because if it wasn't the FBI who tapped Trump, sooner or later he'll have to find out who did. He's already cancelled an appearance he had scheduled for next week....dodging the press? an assassin? a pink-slip?....anybody's guess.
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


funny... normal people think the orange sociopath is a goner.

but keep on keeping on.

trump loons are so funny. :cuckoo:
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
I could say the same for all the Russian bull shit.
Yep, the bullshit is flying from both parties, as usual.

Not sure why this needs to happen so consistently.
Are they throwing dust in our faces to distract from the fact that they aren't doing a whole lot else in Congress these days?

this is the orange sociopath deflecting from his ties to Russia....
This idea is probably anathema to folks on a political message board, but:
I wish Congress would quit all this investigating bullshit and get back to creating, debating and passing legislation for the country.

I agree.....they can find out the earth turned flat but they can't do anything about it. Lying under oath is the new game show in D.C.....they get caught all the time....Clapper got caught and nothing happened. Hillary got caught in several lies...nothing happened. I suggest Trump find the leaker(s) and hang their asses on the South Lawn...that would stop it.
funny... normal people think the orange sociopath is a goner.

but keep on keeping on.

trump loons are so funny. :cuckoo:

Trump won't be a "goner" until 2020 at the earliest when he's fixed everything and goes back into real estate.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
I could say the same for all the Russian bull shit.
Yep, the bullshit is flying from both parties, as usual.

Not sure why this needs to happen so consistently.
Are they throwing dust in our faces to distract from the fact that they aren't doing a whole lot else in Congress these days?
I'm more worried about what they are doing. In the next 60 days they will announce bi-partisan support for some crap that will screw us.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out.

Not a good sign. Again.
well it is a simple exchange with Comey. Mr. Comey or whatever his first name is, explain to me how Flynn was tapped. let me, Trump, see the transcript. Then ask comey for the authorization for the transcript. D'OH
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So the Dept of Justice is investigating the FBI, the FBI is investigating Trump and his merry band, and congress is being asked to investigate everything. How can a president create such mess in just 6 weeks?

This idea is probably anathema to folks on a political message board, but:
I wish Congress would quit all this investigating bullshit and get back to creating, debating and passing legislation for the country.

Get use to it. We have an unconventional president who suffers from stream of consciousness tweeting.

There are 7 ongoing investigations in Congress and the FBI and Trump hasn't been in office 2 months.

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee
  • The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
  • The House Intelligence Committee
  • The House Judiciary Committee, with oversight over the Department of Justice
  • The FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which is in charge of cyber security investigations
  • The FBI's San Francisco office is trying to identify the people suspected of being behind the "Guccifer 2" and posting of stolen emails
And none of these include Trump's accusation of Obama wire tapping, ethics violations in the White House, the requested investigation of the FBI director, and the Attorney General.
Several Investigations Underway on Trump-Russia Connections
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So the Dept of Justice is investigating the FBI, the FBI is investigating Trump and his merry band, and congress is being asked to investigate everything. How can a president create such mess in just 6 weeks?

This idea is probably anathema to folks on a political message board, but:
I wish Congress would quit all this investigating bullshit and get back to creating, debating and passing legislation for the country.

Get use to it. We have an unconventional president who suffers from stream of consciousness tweeting.

There are 7 ongoing investigations in Congress and the FBI and Trump hasn't been in office 2 months.

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee
  • The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
  • The House Intelligence Committee
  • The House Judiciary Committee, with oversight over the Department of Justice
  • The FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which is in charge of cyber security investigations
  • The FBI's San Francisco office is trying to identify the people suspected of being behind the "Guccifer 2" and posting of stolen emails
And none of these include Trump's accusation of Obama wire tapping, ethics violations in the White House, the requested investigation of the FBI director, and the Attorney General.
Several Investigations Underway on Trump-Russia Connections

Agreed--but I was watching a program where the military has their own intelligence departments too. I couldn't possibly imagine how many intelligence known and unknown we have in this country, let alone foreign intelligence that often coordinates with ours.
Something definitely has been going on for a long time and I think the latest leak are just the tip of the iceberg.

Comey's actions never made sense in light of the lies Hillary told regarding emails. Then there was Bill Clinton's meeting with Lynch. This whole thing stinks.

"Many were stunned a few months ago when FBI Director James Comey held a press conference to reveal what he’d learned about Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her handling of classified information.

As Comey laid out the various transgressions Clinton had committed, it seemed a slam dunk that he would conclude she should be prosecuted. But then…after all that, he folded. And she walked.

This despite Hillary committing a far more egregious act than General Petraeus, whose career was ruined, and an officer who was thrown in the slammer after Comey went after him for far less than Clinton’s actions.

Now as smoking gun after smoking gun appears regarding the likelihood of illegal wire taps and surveillance on members of the Trump team and even the President himself, a new theory is emerging as to why Comey caved.

Per the Gateway Pundit,

Blackmail is one of the most effective tools to control people in power, especially politicians. Is this why Comey didn’t recommend charges for Hillary Clinton on the email investigation? If Hillary was aware of the FBI wiretapping, she could use that as blackmail against Comey.

Yesterday, TGP reported that FBI Director Comey asked the Justice Department to publicly reject Trump’s wiretapping claim. Did he order the wiretap?

Yesterday, Mark Levin named the FBI as one of the agencies involved in a blistering interview with Fox News.
It appears that Hillary Clinton was well aware of the wiretap on Trump because she tweeted about it one week before the election…


Don’t forget, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in June of 2016 just days before the first FISA request."

Is THIS The Reason Comey Let Hillary Off The Hook?
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So the Dept of Justice is investigating the FBI, the FBI is investigating Trump and his merry band, and congress is being asked to investigate everything. How can a president create such mess in just 6 weeks?

This idea is probably anathema to folks on a political message board, but:
I wish Congress would quit all this investigating bullshit and get back to creating, debating and passing legislation for the country.

Get use to it. We have an unconventional president who suffers from stream of consciousness tweeting.

There are 7 ongoing investigations in Congress and the FBI and Trump hasn't been in office 2 months.

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee
  • The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
  • The House Intelligence Committee
  • The House Judiciary Committee, with oversight over the Department of Justice
  • The FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which is in charge of cyber security investigations
  • The FBI's San Francisco office is trying to identify the people suspected of being behind the "Guccifer 2" and posting of stolen emails
And none of these include Trump's accusation of Obama wire tapping, ethics violations in the White House, the requested investigation of the FBI director, and the Attorney General.
Several Investigations Underway on Trump-Russia Connections

Agreed--but I was watching a program where the military has their own intelligence departments too. I couldn't possibly imagine how many intelligence known and unknown we have in this country, let alone foreign intelligence that often coordinates with ours.

We have dozens of intelligence organizations. When Homeland Security, was created, I thought one of the purposes was gather all intelligence agencies under one roof but that didn't happen. The FBI is under the Dept of Justice. The CIA reports to National Intelligence Director who reports to the president. NSA is part of the Dept of Defense.

Within Homeland Security you have some rather obscure intelligence agencies such as the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the National Protectorate Programs Directorate, and the Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

In addition there's the Intelligence Community composed of 16 member intelligence organizations. The IC reports to the National Intelligence Director who reports to the president.

This looks like a bureaucratic nightmare.
We have dozens of intelligence organizations. When Homeland Security, was created, I thought one of the purposes was gather all intelligence agencies under one roof but that didn't happen. The FBI is under the Dept of Justice. The CIA reports to National Intelligence Director who reports to the president. NSA is part of the Dept of Defense.

Within Homeland Security you have some rather obscure intelligence agencies such as the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the National Protectorate Programs Directorate, and the Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

In addition there's the Intelligence Community composed of 16 member intelligence organizations. The IC reports to the National Intelligence Director who reports to the president.

This looks like a bureaucratic nightmare.

Which means that Comey doesn't know whether Trump was tapped or not by the other agencies. So instead of keeping his yap shut, he tells Trump's DOJ to come out against Trump. If ever a puffed-up phony needed a good caning, it's Comey.
Something definitely has been going on for a long time and I think the latest leak are just the tip of the iceberg.

Comey's actions never made sense in light of the lies Hillary told regarding emails. Then there was Bill Clinton's meeting with Lynch. This whole thing stinks.

"Many were stunned a few months ago when FBI Director James Comey held a press conference to reveal what he’d learned about Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her handling of classified information.

As Comey laid out the various transgressions Clinton had committed, it seemed a slam dunk that he would conclude she should be prosecuted. But then…after all that, he folded. And she walked.

This despite Hillary committing a far more egregious act than General Petraeus, whose career was ruined, and an officer who was thrown in the slammer after Comey went after him for far less than Clinton’s actions.

Now as smoking gun after smoking gun appears regarding the likelihood of illegal wire taps and surveillance on members of the Trump team and even the President himself, a new theory is emerging as to why Comey caved.

Per the Gateway Pundit,

Blackmail is one of the most effective tools to control people in power, especially politicians. Is this why Comey didn’t recommend charges for Hillary Clinton on the email investigation? If Hillary was aware of the FBI wiretapping, she could use that as blackmail against Comey.

Yesterday, TGP reported that FBI Director Comey asked the Justice Department to publicly reject Trump’s wiretapping claim. Did he order the wiretap?

Yesterday, Mark Levin named the FBI as one of the agencies involved in a blistering interview with Fox News.
It appears that Hillary Clinton was well aware of the wiretap on Trump because she tweeted about it one week before the election…

View attachment 115924

Don’t forget, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in June of 2016 just days before the first FISA request."

Is THIS The Reason Comey Let Hillary Off The Hook?

It doesn't matter what and when Hillary Clinton knew anything, this is about Trump. Clearly she didn't know it prior to the election.

As far as FBI directorJames Comey, he was supposed to come out, and make one statement only. There will be no charges against Hillary Clinton and walked out--per Eric Holder and many in the Justice department. Instead he went into a speech about reckless handling of emails, and started answering questions and all kinds of shit he shouldn't have done. His statements opened up the courtroom on FOX NEWS, staring Rudi Giuliani and James Kalstrom, former FBI chief of the New York City office where Anthony Weiner was being investigated. Huma is still stating she has no idea how copies of her emails ended up on her x-husbands laptop. So it could very well be that Rudi Giuliani and James Kalstrom have a hand in this and they will also be caught up in Comey's investigation for his interference into this election.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

I think right then and there is when the Obama administration stopped trusting Comey's judgement and integrity. His sending a letter to congress 11 days before the election, violating long standing DOJ protocol, only confirmed their beliefs. Comey is also currently under investigation for his interference in this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


So the FBI director, James Comey has been definitely left out of this Russian investigation that Obama had completed BEFORE he left office.

This current Senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, and I doubt Obama has given them all the information that he has. It was reported by several sources that he "preserved the evidence" not trusting Comey, and he certainly wouldn't have turned it over to Republicans who would have squashed it.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl all of them in it before he is done. I doubt he will release all of it until Democrats take over in 2018.

Trump and company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.
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