Comey Is A Goner

I will never understand why President Trump kept Comey. :mad-61:

They always say it's for "continuity"....look what it got Bush43 for when he kept Tenant on at the CIA....9/11.
There is no doubt that Comey saved our nation. However, there is a foul stench coming from somewhere. Comey better be careful or he will end up on a plane headed to Belize to vacation with Vince Foster.
Comey saved our nation? Comey saved himself and no one else!! On the matter of Pizza Gate he not only let down his own FBI agents who wanted to put the entire sick bunch behind bars for life, he let down innocent victims - small children who are still at risk thanks to him shutting down the investigation into Clinton's emails on Wieners computer. He's a disgrace! How does the man sleep at night?
Comey saved our nation? Comey saved himself and no one else!! On the matter of Pizza Gate he not only let down his own FBI, he let down innocent victims - small children who are still at risk thanks to him shutting down the investigation into Clinton's emails on Wieners computer. He's a disgrace! How does the man sleep at night?

Comey himself admitted friends at the FBI walked past him in the hallways eyes straight ahead.....they knew what he'd done to their reputation.
United States Attorney General. ... The attorney general serves as a member of the Cabinet of the President of the United States and is the only cabinet officer who does not have the title "Secretary of". The Attorney General is appointed by the President and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate.
Just so's you know.

Ms Poppins....Comey is the FBI Director, not the Attorney General. :uhh:
Oh shit, thanks. I thought it was strange Moonglow got that mixed up. LOL
I didn't..they guy is selected by the president and then elected by the Senate to his position..
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?
Comey saved our nation? Comey saved himself and no one else!! On the matter of Pizza Gate he not only let down his own FBI, he let down innocent victims - small children who are still at risk thanks to him shutting down the investigation into Clinton's emails on Wieners computer. He's a disgrace! How does the man sleep at night?

Comey himself admitted friends at the FBI walked past him in the hallways eyes straight ahead.....they knew what he'd done to their reputation.
People who work for the FBI didn't just wake up one day and say, "Sounds like an easy job, I'll look into it." They had to make the grade with a clean record, numerous interviews and testing, schooling, training and before they did any of that they had made up their lives to lay down their lives for their country. These guys are the ones who are trained to go to the finish line and for Comey cut them off short of it and say, Nothing here folks! I'm shutting it down.........must have made their blood boil!
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
You fucking stoner... you don't even know what day of the week it is!
It really doesn't matter...
Trump has a long history of making accusations without proof.


Voter fraud that made him lose the popular vote

His Electoral College win the biggest since 1984

Immigrant ban needed to stop dangerous people

The media have a lower approval rating than Congress

His proposed $54 billion boost to defense spending is a “historic increase”

There was major terrorist attack on Feb. 17 in Sweden

ETC, ETC......

The lack of evidence has never stopped Trump from making accusations. It's his greatest weapon.

When his followers don't need evidence to believe sure.
Trump followers take him seriously. His opponents take him literally.
I'm hearing a guy at work explain this. When Trump says he's going to charge other countries or pull out of NATO, we say he's crazy but then the next month those countries are paying us for our defending them.

He may not mean build a wall but maybe build a wall where one makes sense and then patrol the sections of the border that a wall would not make sense. It isn't impossible to stop the flow of illegals. At least the vast majority of them. Sure some will still get in but if it's an almost impossible mission how many won't even try.

Best thing would be if companies stopped hiring them when they got here. Then they'd stop coming.

On Edge After Immigration Raids, Families Make Plans For If They Get Split Up

Recent deportation raids by ICE have made many immigrant communities around the country nervous. WAMU reporter Armando Trull spoke to a family who fears being split up and is preparing for the worst.
I think Trump does mean build a wall. Assuming it happens, it will be a wall, a fence, and natural barriers. You don't build a wall across a river or over a mountain. Even if you have a 2000 mile wall a hundred feet high, 50% of illegal immigrants will continue to enter the country through legal board crossing. Entry by sea and air will then become a primary method of entry.
United States Attorney General. ... The attorney general serves as a member of the Cabinet of the President of the United States and is the only cabinet officer who does not have the title "Secretary of". The Attorney General is appointed by the President and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate.
Just so's you know.

Ms Poppins....Comey is the FBI Director, not the Attorney General. :uhh:
Oh shit, thanks. I thought it was strange Moonglow got that mixed up. LOL
I didn't..they guy is selected by the president and then elected by the Senate to his position..
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?
No. The FBI director reports to AG and AG reports to president. The president appoints him for a 10 year term and unless Congress passes special legislation, he can not be reappointed by the president. Legally, he can be fired without cause by the president. However, for a president to do so without evidence of serious misconduct or malfeasance would put his motives in question by congress and the media particular if there were any pending investigations against the administration.

The FBI director is a special type of appointment since he serves multiple presidents. Although he is appointed by the president, his appointment is not considered political. His loyalty and oath is to the United States, not any president. So when presidents change, there is no reappointment. His duty is to investigate and enforce federal law. The director has the right to investigate any member of the administration including the president.
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The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
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United States Attorney General. ... The attorney general serves as a member of the Cabinet of the President of the United States and is the only cabinet officer who does not have the title "Secretary of". The Attorney General is appointed by the President and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate.
Just so's you know.

Ms Poppins....Comey is the FBI Director, not the Attorney General. :uhh:
Oh shit, thanks. I thought it was strange Moonglow got that mixed up. LOL
I didn't..they guy is selected by the president and then elected by the Senate to his position..
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?
No it is up to the decision of whoever is president..
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

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No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

By a decision they elect, it either will either make or break the selection..
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

By a decision they elect, it either will either make or break the selection..

Elections and confirmations are completely different. An election is done to select not appoint.
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

By a decision they elect, it either will either make or break the selection..

Elections and confirmations are completely different. An election is done to select not appoint.
When one person elects or selects it's the same..
Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

By a decision they elect, it either will either make or break the selection..

Elections and confirmations are completely different. An election is done to select not appoint.
When one person elects or selects it's the same..

Sweet baby Jesus--an election is used to determine who the winner will be between two candidates. Sessions nor Flynn "won" any election. Trump appointed them as his National Security adviser, and Attorney General who then go to the Senate for confirmation hearings, and then the Senate votes to either deny or confirm them.
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.


I think you're reading this wrong.

FBI Director Comey is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into the election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If you remember Obama wanted this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and indeed it was. He has preserved a lot of the intelligence gathered, and he certainly would not have turned it over to Comey, or put it in the hands of Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

In fact this is where these leaks are coming from. Obama is sitting back waiting patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and out pops another leak that proves that they were lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.

The on-going senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for show only. Obama will wait again until another Trump surrogate commits perjury, and then another leak will come out. He's is probably waiting until Democrats take over in 2018 and then he'll release it all. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to ensnarl all of them in it, before he's done.

Trump & company have been wholly outfoxed by Obama.


NOW FOR JAMES COMEY--To do all this Obama would have had to avoid Comey and instead work with people within the Justice Department (secretly). What Comey is pissed off about, is he's finally realized that he's been kept out of the loop. Trump makes the claim that Obama had the Trump Tower wiretapped and Comey wasn't aware of it.

Comey asked the DOJ to correct the record and publicly admit that there was NO wiretap ordered on the Trump Tower. THEY DIDN'T. They ignored Comey's request.

"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness. The confrontation between the two is the most serious consequence of Mr. Trump’s weekend Twitter outburst, and it underscores the dangers of what the president and his aides have unleashed by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration. .
Along with concerns about potential attacks on the bureau’s credibility, senior F.B.I. officials are said to be worried that the notion of a court-approved wiretap will raise the public’s expectations that the federal authorities have significant evidence implicating the Trump campaign in colluding with Russia’s efforts to disrupt the presidential election."
Comey Asks DOJ To Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower

Now for wiretapping: " No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

This is why Trump supporters should be hoping that Trump is lying about it, because then it's very serious, as explained by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham: Obama Wiretap of Trump's Phones Would Be 'Biggest Political Scandal Since Watergate'

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So the Dept of Justice is investigating the FBI, the FBI is investigating Trump and his merry band, and congress is being asked to investigate everything. How can a president create such mess in just 6 weeks?
No, indeed, I got it mixed up. I never knew that. So to remove him, does that also require a vote by the senate?

Bart's memory is clocked at between 8 and 15 seconds.....the Senate CONFIRMS the candidate..they don't "elect" anybody.
They elect to keep the selection..

You mean they vote to keep the selection. The senate nor congress doesn't "elect" Trump's selection for attorney general or National Security adviser.

The problem with Sessions--is he actually filled out a form prior to the confirmation hearing and checked a box that he had no contact with Russians, then went into the hearing and lied again about it. The form is the reason Sessions is refusing to go back into congress and testify under oath again.

To add insult to injury--General Flynn LIED to the FBI which is another felony, and Sessions being in charge of the DOJ, decided not to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

They're nothing but a bunch of Comrade Trump's croni's.

When people are continually LYING is usually because they're trying to hide something. Now if any Democrat would have done half this shit--you Reich wingers would be demanding a public hanging.

The Attorney General has to be confirmed by the Senate. The National Security Advisory (Assistant to the President for National Security) is one among many appointments by the president that does require confirmation.
List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation - Wikipedia

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