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Comey: It's perfectly ok for the FBI to plant agents in political campaigns to spy on candidates


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns
It is OK for the FBI to investigate Russian contacts
Their denying this was spying is moronic at this point.

Split hairs all you want. Setting up surveillance and covertly sending in people is spying.

They don't like the word, kind of like how Loretta Lynch didn't want the FBI to refer to its investigation into Hillary as an investigation but suggested they refer to it as a "matter'.

That they are playing semantics indicates to me that it's at least partially about optics for these people right now, and it does make me wonder, if they're so lily-white on all of this, why they'd care about how their past actions are perceived.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

False narrative. I listened to it.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

False narrative, totally our of context, I listened to it.
Comey's comment demonstrates an attitude that constitutes not only a threat against American citizens and their Constitutional Rights but also constitutes a domestic threat to the government of the United States.

Comey, the former Director of the FBI, expressed the belief that it is ok for the FBI to be above the law / Constitution and to engage in obvious illegal activity when acting in a manner THEY / IT deems justifiable.

Much like politicians, the FBI is supposed to SERVE the United States Govt / American people and have instead demonstrated they have elevated themselves to positions of un-checked power, their loyalty being to the FBI 1st and to their own bias / politics / political loyalties. Comey and the FBI leadership, in this case, chose sides, taking part in the Obama administration's protection of Hillary and the failed coup attempt against Trump.

It has never been a secret that the top government agencies - especially the CIA, FBI, and Intel Community - have grown its leaders from within the agencies and that their loyalty has always been to the Agencies 1st. They have always acted on behalf of the agencies and have acted to protect their own from sandal and punishment for their crimes.

Mueller was the former FBI Director, and as Director evidence shows he hid evidence of Russian crimes - to include intimidation, extortion, and bribery of politicians and nuclear agency employees - during the Uranium One Scandal. Evidence also shows Mueller was called before a Secret FISA Court to explain why HIS FBI illegally engaged in FISA Court Abuses at least 75 times. PROVING THAT MUELLER AND HIS FBI ENGAGED IN CRIMINAL FISA COURT ABUSES. (The fact that the US IG is now finding this criminal FBI activity continued under Comey, Mueller's protégé, shows Mueller never stopped that from happening at the FBI.

Comey, as mentioned, was Mueller's protégé, raised / groomed within the FBI to take over when Mueller left. Evidence shows, just like when Mueller was Director, the FBI continued to engage in illegal activity under Comey, and we also see the same criminal arrogance from another former FBI Director who is openly attempting to justify his and his FBI's criminal activity while attempting to defend / protect the FBI and its reputation.

Wray, the NEW FBI Director, has already demonstrated he is a carbon copy of Mueller and Comey by acting to defend the FBI and its exposed illegal spying rather than 'clean his house'. Wray actually publicly stated, like Comey, that secret illegal electronic surveillance of US citizens - and Presidential candidates and their team during elections obviously - without their knowing about it is 'NOT SPYING'.


The ONLY thing that can break this chain, IMO, is to finally appoint an FBI Director (and CIA Director) who has NOT been groomed from within the agency and whose loyalties lie with the agency 1st and political parties 2nd.
Originally, there was no 'spying'.

Remember how, for years, the Ministry of Truth made fun of Trump for insisting there was spying? Phone-Tapping?

The CIA, FBI all of them denied it ever happened.

The Big Lie now is -- "Well we had to do it because we had evidence of a crime"

No they didn't. Steele Dossier has been shot to shit. Next, they'll be saying, "We had the obligation to check on the rumors"

Then they'll say, "We had the right to check on Trump"

Then it will be, "You can't prosecute us because we have Absolute Immunity during the conduct of our jobs". Mark my words. They WILL say that

And, all the while the DISGUSTING FILTH, er, er, er, I mean The Ministry of Truth will back them up.

Sure, there's no Deep State here. Move along, nothing to see here

You know that story that's all over the news? You know, about the Mosque in Philadelphia and the kids singing songs about beheading Jews? What's that? You don't? Why surely it got as much press as a Catholic kid smiling at an Indian, right?

No? That is so ODD. Not like the
Ministry of Truth MSM to mess up like that.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

False narrative. I listened to it.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

False narrative, totally our of context, I listened to it.

Evidence shows the FBI used agents to set-up and spy on Trump team members.

Since when is it 'OK' for the FBI to attempt to set-up political candidates during a Presidential election?

Since when is it the FBI's job to attempt to take down a political party candidate's opponent using false propaganda bought and paid for by that candidate...which more and more evidence shows is exactly what the FBI - actually the Obama administration (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) - did?
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

Morons.......like you.......forget a couple of issues in that little dialogue....

FIRST..........Labeling that twerp a "coffee boy" was Trumps' acolytes own derogatory term.

SECOND.............why did that "coffee boy" (probably drink) tell a foreign representative from a friendly ally that he was plotting with Russians to get dirty on Hillary???

Should the FBI (or CIA) just "forgive" such a low-life twerp because he was working for the orange moron???
Evidence shows the FBI used agents to set-up and spy on Trump team members.

Since when is it 'OK' for the FBI to attempt to set-up political candidates during a Presidential election?

Mr. fuckhead........did morons like you KNOW before voting for the idiot-in-chief that he was being investigated by the FBI???

I mean, if you want to hurt the fucking Trump campaign, the FBI would have blasted that story BEFORE people voted, don't you think, you ignorant idiot????.................LMAO
It is OK for the FBI to investigate Russian contacts
Define a Russian contact.
Should every nation that has business dealings with Russia pull out of those deals?

The paper had previously reported that in May 2016, Downer had a drink in London with Trump’s then foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, who allegedly told Downer Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.
The Australian government reportedly passed that information to US authorities in July 2016 after a cache of emails from the Democratic campaign was released. (which tramp asked for)

On Thursday the New York Times reported that within hours of the FBI opening its investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia in the summer of 2016, it had flown two agents to London to meet Downer for a highly secretive interview, after Australian officials cleared the meeting.

It has not previously been reported that Downer had been interviewed by the FBI.
Alexander Downer's secret meeting with FBI led to Trump-Russia inquiry – report

Thank goodness the FBI did it's job.
Evidence shows the FBI used agents to set-up and spy on Trump team members.

Since when is it 'OK' for the FBI to attempt to set-up political candidates during a Presidential election?

Since when is it the FBI's job to attempt to take down a political party candidate's opponent using false propaganda bought and paid for by that candidate...which more and more evidence shows is exactly what the FBI - actually the Obama administration (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) - did?

It's not okay.

The way it's supposed to work in this Country is; you investigate AFTER there is evidence of a crime. You do NOT investigate to FIND evidence of a crime. That kind of shit is what happens in socialist Countries like the USSR and National Socialist Germany. Beria, Himmler, etc

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. That's all there is to it. ALL of them. Especially the dimocrap scum voters.

The Deep State won't allow the criminals in the FBI and CIA to go to Jail. If they do, they'll sing first. And the Deep State can't have that. They'll kill them before it gets that far.

Because if they do sing, you're gonna find that the FISA Judges were in on it as well.

The whole system is corrupt. Our entire system of Justice is just one, big Organized Crime Syndicate.

The Investigators, the Prosecutors, the Judges...... The whole shebang.

Trump wants to fix it and that has them running scared.

Ain't shit gonna happen to these criminals.

Take that to the Bank.
What did these spies do? If they were just watching what went on and didn't take or copy documents or interfere, what would be wrong with that, really?
Originally, there was no 'spying'.

The State Department released documents yesterday showing their State Dept agent IMMEDIATELY knew Steele was lying during an interview when he mentioned a Russian Consulate in Miami, Fla.

This was days before the FBI / Comey chose to illegally use the Dossier, which they KNEW was unreliable / bogus to commit FISA Court Abuses in order to get an illegal warrant to SPY on Trump and his team.



The intentional illegal use of the known false dossier by Comey, Rosenstein, and Brennan was what started the illegal spying and was the 1st stages of the now-exposed coup.

Despite what Comey and Wray say...

Secret illegal electronic surveillance of US citizens IS 'SPYING', and it is NOT 'ok' for the FBI to plant agents in / near a political campaign with the intent of setting a candidate up / taking them down.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

The fact is that the FBI was investigating whether the Russians were interfering in the campaign and they received information that the Trump campaign might have been involved.

There is no evidence that any illegal electronic surveillance occurred. Wray said he has seen no evidence of illegal activity.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

The fact is that the FBI was investigating whether the Russians were interfering in the campaign and they received information that the Trump campaign might have been involved.

There is no evidence that any illegal electronic surveillance occurred. Wray said he has seen no evidence of illegal activity.
Says someone that trusts the deep state

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