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Comey: It's perfectly ok for the FBI to plant agents in political campaigns to spy on candidates

frankly, you've been shouting extreme shit in headlines since i got here about...
'Extreme Shit'?

You do not think that a US President and his administration protecting a political candidate, illegally spying on another, and attempting a now-exposed failed coup attempt is not 'extreme shit'?
again - yes i do.

but again - is your interpretation of the headline the same as the story itself, or did you add to the DANGER WILL ROBINSON for effect? if something is a piece of crap i can call it a piece of crap w/o dozens of adjectives put there to express my own emotions around the topic and make it RUN FOR YOUR LIVES type stuff like you tend to do.

spare us the holier than thou bullshit

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. If you don't understand that, you're part of the problem
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. If you don't understand that, you're part of the problem

Nazis used to say the same exact fucked up mantra against the German Jews.......

Edgey is a NEO-Nazi.........same racism and prejudices using different labels.

Fuck him and his entire ilk................LMAO
frankly, you've been shouting extreme shit in headlines since i got here about...
'Extreme Shit'?

You do not think that a US President and his administration protecting a political candidate, illegally spying on another, and attempting a now-exposed failed coup attempt is not 'extreme shit'?
They were TRYING to keep this country safe from having a President obligated to an enemy foreign country. They found no reason to think that occurred. We should ALL be glad of that and move on.
frankly, you've been shouting extreme shit in headlines since i got here about...
'Extreme Shit'?

You do not think that a US President and his administration protecting a political candidate, illegally spying on another, and attempting a now-exposed failed coup attempt is not 'extreme shit'?
They were TRYING to keep this country safe from having a President obligated to an enemy foreign country. They found no reason to think that occurred. We should ALL be glad of that and move on.
they say they were doing that - but if they were lying to get to a political objective then we need to know that too. we can't let one side cry foul, demand investigations, skirt laws and hide behind "well it was pure protection".

frankly i do not believe what the left is telling me. they had their 2 years, they got their report, and they cry foul because it didn't become the end of trump. if we were to MOVE ON then nadler and co can certainly stop asking for things they know they're not going to get and keeping this alive and well.

*if* what the FBI and other agencies did was in fact going around the law for a political purpose, that needs to be found out. if not then yes, move on. if so, remove that from power and prosecute anyone breaking the law.

either side.
again - yes i do. but again - is your interpretation of the headline the same as the story itself, or did you add to the DANGER WILL ROBINSON for effect?
No 'effect' needed. I do consider this to be a danger...
They were TRYING to keep this country safe from having a President obligated to an enemy foreign country.

And which President is that?

The one who whispered to Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible and willing to co-operate after his re-election? The President who 2 years later gave Putin Uranium, Crimea, TS data off of Hillary's illegal server, and 2 years of un-challenged counter-intel ops, attempts to hack our power grid, and interference in our election....or the one who has survived a now-exposed coup attempt?
Has the OP prepared to defend himself on what the definition of spying is? Maybe Comey wasn't defending spying, but something entirely different.

Of course, before engaging in such debate we need to first establish what the meaning of "is" is. And even before that we really need to get the meaning of meaning correct.
again - yes i do. but again - is your interpretation of the headline the same as the story itself, or did you add to the DANGER WILL ROBINSON for effect?
No 'effect' needed. I do consider this to be a danger...
again, look at your headlines/subjects - EVERYTHING it seems you post is a DANGER. why change the headline in order to make it MORE *danger will robinson* in nature? that undermines your point before you begin.

you can do what you want but in my experience, when you do that enough and your rants never bear out in the end, people just tune you out.
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They were TRYING to keep this country safe from having a President obligated to an enemy foreign country.

And which President is that?

The one who whispered to Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible and willing to co-operate after his re-election? The President who 2 years later gave Putin Uranium, Crimea, TS data off of Hillary's illegal server, and 2 years of un-challenged counter-intel ops, attempts to hack our power grid, and interference in our election....or the one who has survived a now-exposed coup attempt?
actually the constitution says threats foreign and domestic. so if trump was viewed as a threat, great. but the ease of crossing valid investigation to political power play is thin and easy to miss.

if you try to PUSH your scenario in my view that in itself is a crime and needs to be validated, or defused.

now *IF* the left were being honest in their investigation then when they got the results they should simply go "hey, we looked, nothing there, let's MOVE ON" as oldlady says.

i am so ready to MOVE ON it hurts. but if we have 1 side of our gov playing tricks on the other we need to know. that is every bit as critical as RUSSIA was to the left. and again, since Mueller found nothing *IF* the left was being sincere, they would end it at the conclusion of the investigation.

they are not doing that. why?

that "why" needs to be answered. fully and completely. and unfortunately it would appear, painfully.
actually the constitution says threats foreign and domestic. so if trump was viewed as a threat, great. but the ease of crossing valid investigation to political power play is thin and easy to miss.
Except there was NEVER any evidence of a crime, NEVER any evidence of collusion, NEVER.....so there was no reason to consider Trump a 'threat'. The only one he was ever a threat to was Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats.
Comey's comment demonstrates an attitude that constitutes not only a threat against American citizens and their Constitutional Rights but also constitutes a domestic threat to the government of the United States.

Comey, the former Director of the FBI, expressed the belief that it is ok for the FBI to be above the law / Constitution and to engage in obvious illegal activity when acting in a manner THEY / IT deems justifiable.

Much like politicians, the FBI is supposed to SERVE the United States Govt / American people and have instead demonstrated they have elevated themselves to positions of un-checked power, their loyalty being to the FBI 1st and to their own bias / politics / political loyalties. Comey and the FBI leadership, in this case, chose sides, taking part in the Obama administration's protection of Hillary and the failed coup attempt against Trump.

It has never been a secret that the top government agencies - especially the CIA, FBI, and Intel Community - have grown its leaders from within the agencies and that their loyalty has always been to the Agencies 1st. They have always acted on behalf of the agencies and have acted to protect their own from sandal and punishment for their crimes.

Mueller was the former FBI Director, and as Director evidence shows he hid evidence of Russian crimes - to include intimidation, extortion, and bribery of politicians and nuclear agency employees - during the Uranium One Scandal. Evidence also shows Mueller was called before a Secret FISA Court to explain why HIS FBI illegally engaged in FISA Court Abuses at least 75 times. PROVING THAT MUELLER AND HIS FBI ENGAGED IN CRIMINAL FISA COURT ABUSES. (The fact that the US IG is now finding this criminal FBI activity continued under Comey, Mueller's protégé, shows Mueller never stopped that from happening at the FBI.

Comey, as mentioned, was Mueller's protégé, raised / groomed within the FBI to take over when Mueller left. Evidence shows, just like when Mueller was Director, the FBI continued to engage in illegal activity under Comey, and we also see the same criminal arrogance from another former FBI Director who is openly attempting to justify his and his FBI's criminal activity while attempting to defend / protect the FBI and its reputation.

Wray, the NEW FBI Director, has already demonstrated he is a carbon copy of Mueller and Comey by acting to defend the FBI and its exposed illegal spying rather than 'clean his house'. Wray actually publicly stated, like Comey, that secret illegal electronic surveillance of US citizens - and Presidential candidates and their team during elections obviously - without their knowing about it is 'NOT SPYING'.


The ONLY thing that can break this chain, IMO, is to finally appoint an FBI Director (and CIA Director) who has NOT been groomed from within the agency and whose loyalties lie with the agency 1st and political parties 2nd.

I remember several time tramp said "he only hires the best people" apparently that is not true. LOL. Don't you get sick of his lying boastful statements.
actually the constitution says threats foreign and domestic. so if trump was viewed as a threat, great. but the ease of crossing valid investigation to political power play is thin and easy to miss.
Except there was NEVER any evidence of a crime, NEVER any evidence of collusion, NEVER.....so there was no reason to consider Trump a 'threat'. The only one he was ever a threat to was Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats.

What Mueller said he could not prove conspiracy, not that it didn't occur, because Tramp Jr lies like Daddy.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

Comey also said that in his opinion Hillary should not have been prosecuted.

That is not his role. That is NEVER the role of the head of the FBI. That is for the DOJ to decide.
I remember several time tramp said "he only hires the best people" apparently that is not true. LOL. Don't you get sick of his lying boastful statements.

Arrogance / confidence is a trait in many leaders, and when you run an entire nation, you pretty much have to have that self-confidence. Considering the President's successes, they have served him well.

Don't you get sick of your own hypocrisy?

The Obama administration is the most corrupt in US history. He set a new Presidential Record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA despite claiming he would run the most transparent administration ever. The list of Cabinet Members, Directors, and administration staff who were caught perpetrating crimes is long and distinguished:

US AG Eric Holder:
Caught perjuring himself, protected, 1st and only US AG to ever be Censured for crimes

NSA Director Clapper:
Caught twice committing perjury and was protected. Once Democrats allowed him to come before Congress to 'amend' his testimony in order to avoid indictment.

CIA Director Brennan:
Caught perjuring himself before Congress numerous times, lied about spying on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices - as part of a deal to prevent his indictment Brennan had to stand before Congress and admit he had lied and that he and his CIA had spied on the US Senate.

IRS Director John Koskinen:
A Congressional committee actually played a video of his previous perjury as he sat before them to testify again. Like the other criminals in Obama's administration, he was protected from indictment.

Hillary Clinton:
Criminal former Obama FBI Director James Comey could not make an 'Obstruction' case against this criminal despite the fact that she attempted to destroy thousands of official subpoenaed documents, attempted to wipe her subpoenaed server, destroyed official subpoenaed devices, etc...

FBI Director James Comey:
Overwhelming evidence now shows Comey intentionally engaged in FISA Court abuses as part of his role in the now-exposed coup attempt. Comey also admitted he leaked classified.

Don't you ever get tired of partisanly defending proven domestic threats / traitors?
What Mueller said he could not prove conspiracy, not that it didn't occur,...

What Mueller and his team FAILED to do was produce any evidence of a crime of collusion warranting an investigation....BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED

What Mueller and his team FAILED to do was PROVE GUILT.
"Cooper followed up, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

Comey replied: "No, it’s a reasonable..."

Comey also doubled-down on insisting that secret illegal electronic surveillance on US citizens is not 'Spying'...

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with."


Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns

His time is coming. He won’t go to jail. None of them will, but a great humiliation is headed his way. He is likely in a race with Andy McCabe to be a snitch. Typical leftist political coward.
Comey also said that in his opinion Hillary should not have been prosecuted..

Thank you for reminding people that what Comey did was, as the US IG described in their report, "usurp the authority of the US AG (Lynch) / DOJ".

It is neither the FBI's nor the FBI Director's role / responsibility (or within their authority) to decide who gets indicted or not. The purpose of the FBI is to conduct professional investigations and authorized intelligence collection.

Comey and the FBI's job was to investigate and report (302s...).

The US IG report slammed Comey and the FBI for declaring THEY / HE had decided Hillary Clinton should not be recommended for indictment, especially after the FBI discovered and reported so many crimes, after he declared Hillary HAD broken laws. In doing so, Comey CLEARLY overstepped his authority.

DOJ watchdog finds James Comey defied authority as FBI director, sources say

"It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement," Rosenstein said in a letter to Trump recommending Comey be fired. "At most, the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."
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What Mueller and his team FAILED to do was PROVE GUILT.

Queasy .....you fucking IDIOT......READ the damn report or have a grown up explain to you what is states...........lol
Nat, I have read the report. I have read the report, the documents released by the State Department, the testimony of Bruce Oher released by Congress / the DOJ, the documents released by the State Department exposing how the State Department picked up immediately that Steele was lying / biased and how she informed Obama's DOJ / NSA / CIA / FBI - just as Oher had done - of this BEFORE Comey chose to illegally use the dossier to commit FISA Court Abuses.....

Your childish personal attacks simply because you do not like the facts that have been revealed mean nothing.

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