Comey not only broke long standing protocol but the Hatch Act of 1939 also

You know things are bad when socialists are screaming "lock Hillary up"
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.
Note to another clueless regressive. Comey didn't release the letter to the public, someone in congress did.

BTW you're the last person to call anyone retarded, you seem to have a habit of letting your little fingers out run your even smaller brain. Do you ever bother to proof read your posts before hitting the post reply button? Me thinks you're missing a word or two.

Of course they did and Comey would be RETARDED to not well know that it will be made public by Republicans and used as political tool.

I don't think he is retarded so I therefore have to believe that he knowingly did this.

So Comey is responsible for the actions of people in congress?

A simple yes or no is all that's required, no assumptions or spin needed.

Comey is responsible for mis-information by omission of critical facts of the matter in his letter to congressmen.

That's a flat out lie. He told congress, both republicans and commiecrats, that the pertinence of the discovery had yet to be determined. He had to reopen the investigation to get the warrants necessary to make that determination. BTW he promised congress under oath that he would inform them of any changes.

Investigation was never technically closed within FBI, so what you claim about need to re-open it is straight bullshit.

There was nothing about lack of warrant in his letter and that they didn't look at any emails yet. There was no clear communication that there was absolutely no new evidence against Hillary.

Comey's letter was used to misinform the public and he of course reasonably knew that it would be.
That's odd. I just heard an audio clip of obama's spokesperson saying they don''t believe Comey is trying to influence the election.

BOOM. There goes that excuse. You don't have the administration behind you on this one so it goes nowhere, sorry.
There is NOTHING from FBI saying that they have found something on Hillary. NOTHING. But the public has been misinformed to the contrary.
Proof that antontoo is an extremely gullible partisan hack. If the "public has been misinformed to the contrary" then how the fuck would you know that there is (and I quote) "nothing from the FBI saying they have found something on Hillary"?!? You're part of the public you douche. So unless you're going to attempt to claim that you work for the F.B.I., you just completely contradicted yourself!!!

lol dumbass read the thread before you throw in your two misinformed cents.

FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.
There is NOTHING from FBI saying that they have found something on Hillary. NOTHING. But the public has been misinformed to the contrary.
Proof that antontoo is an extremely gullible partisan hack. If the "public has been misinformed to the contrary" then how the fuck would you know that there is (and I quote) "nothing from the FBI saying they have found something on Hillary"?!? You're part of the public you douche. So unless you're going to attempt to claim that you work for the F.B.I., you just completely contradicted yourself!!!

lol dumbass read the thread before you throw in your two misinformed cents.

FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.

The emails they found would be considered "in plain sight" evidence, covered by the original warrant and admissible in court
As you know Comey sent a letter to congress, (after being advised NOT to by the Department of Justice. With their explanation that long standing protocol is that you don't make those kind of announcements within 60 days of an election). This in an effort to insure that U.S. Government agencies are not looked at, as trying to deliberately sway an outcome of an election. Comey ignored that advise and sent a very vague letter to congress, that was in effect opening a door shouting more emails, and then slamming it shut again, just 11 days before a National election.

CNN confirms James Comey violated FBI policy today by trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton
FBI Director James Comey under fire from Democrats and Republicans after Clinton email announcement
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Keep in mind that Comey is the investigator, not the prosecutor. It's his job to find and deliver evidence to the Justice Department, and it is the Justice Department's responsibility to review the evidence, and it's their decision, and their's alone to decide if they will file charges or not.

Comey may have also broken the Hatch ACT of 1939. "The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Agencies and employees prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity
Employees of the following agencies (or agency components), or in the following categories, are subject to more extensive restrictions on their political activities than employees in other Departments and agencies:

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey PROBLEM one WARNING: We know that Comey was advised against sending this vague letter to congress 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it anyway.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Comey PROBLEM two INTENT: Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this that stated: "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record." The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decision

It's clear that Comey has committed an illegal act to intervene or sway a National Election. Be assured that a full investigation will proceed.[/QUOTE

You need to reread The Hatch Act, then provide proof he did what he did in order to influence the election. You may also want to take a few minutes and sit down with our President and explain it to him because he's on record as of today saying that he does not believe Comey has any nefarious intent to influence the election and that he still has confidence in Comey's ability to do his job.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.
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The emails they found would be considered "in plain sight" evidence, covered by the original warrant and admissible in court


FBI filed and received the warrant, when are conservatives around here going to come to terms with this simple fact and stop pretending like they are suddenly law experts? You aren't and you blatantly don't know wtf you are talking about.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.

So you finally admit the case was closed, then you somehow try to rationalize that it really wasn't. This just proves you're not man enough to admit you were wrong and nothing but a political hack. Run along sonny you're dismissed.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge
Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.
There is NOTHING from FBI saying that they have found something on Hillary. NOTHING. But the public has been misinformed to the contrary.
Proof that antontoo is an extremely gullible partisan hack. If the "public has been misinformed to the contrary" then how the fuck would you know that there is (and I quote) "nothing from the FBI saying they have found something on Hillary"?!? You're part of the public you douche. So unless you're going to attempt to claim that you work for the F.B.I., you just completely contradicted yourself!!!

lol dumbass read the thread before you throw in your two misinformed cents.

FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.

The emails they found would be considered "in plain sight" evidence, covered by the original warrant and admissible in court

Ha.Ha. Those emails are not in plain site, that are related to a completely separate investigation of Weiner. Comey DID NOT make it clear that this investigation was centered around Huma--he was just trying to put it in Hillary Clinton's lap by inferring it had something to do with her server (WHEN IT DIDN'T.)

Look his goose is cooked. For the coming days all sites are on him, and the majority of this nation could care less if he comes up with more Clinton emails. He took a full year to read through the ones that were turned over to him, including Huma's and came up with NADA. These emails are more than likely duplicates of ones they have already reviewed. Huma testified that she often would forward emails to her email account to print them out. The FBI was fully aware of that, she didn't plead the 5th she was open and turned over emails to the FBI, and he didn't even bother to look to see if that was the case before he fired off a letter, (against the advice of the Justice Department.)

In that you have warning--and you have intent of deliberately trying to intervene in a National Election which is against the Hatch Act of 1939.

Everything about this is beyond precedent.

"There's never been a major party nominee under FBI investigation leading up to the election before. And how it's being handled is equally out of the ordinary.

Comey gave advance notice to top officials at the Justice Department before sending his letter to lawmakers Friday -- but he didn't get sign-off from those officials, in fact quite the opposite, they advised against it. Instead he made an independent decision to go against longstanding Justice Department and FBI practice to not comment publicly about politically sensitive investigations within 60 days of an election, a law enforcement official said.

Comey's decision adds to the unusual role he has played in the Clinton email probe, which some critics have said usurped the role of prosecutors in the Justice Department whose job is to review FBI findings and make decisions on whether to bring charges.

Comey made the unprecedented move in July to publicly announce that he would recommend no charges be brought in the email investigation, saying that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such charges. He made the July announcement without providing prior notice to Justice officials."
Hillary Clinton's FBI investigation: What you need to know -

Comey is a one man walking-talking--cop-jury-judge.

"Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said in a letter to Comey on Sunday that he may have violated the Hatch Act, barring political activity by federal officials.

"I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act," Reid said in his letter to Comey. "Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law."

On Monday, former Attorney General Eric Holder wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post criticizing Comey's decision, titled: "James Comey is a good man, but he made a serious mistake."

"I served with Jim Comey and I know him well. This is a very difficult piece for me to write. He is a man of integrity and honor. I respect him. But good men make mistakes. In this instance, he has committed a serious error with potentially severe implications," Holder wrote.
Calling Comey's letter "a stunning breach of protocol," Holder said that the departure from policy broke "fundamental principles. I fear (Comey) has unintentionally and negatively affected public trust in both the Justice Department and the FBI. And he has allowed — again without proper motive — misinformation to be spread by partisans with less pure intentions."
Hillary Clinton's FBI investigation: What you need to know -
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There is NOTHING from FBI saying that they have found something on Hillary. NOTHING. But the public has been misinformed to the contrary.
Proof that antontoo is an extremely gullible partisan hack. If the "public has been misinformed to the contrary" then how the fuck would you know that there is (and I quote) "nothing from the FBI saying they have found something on Hillary"?!? You're part of the public you douche. So unless you're going to attempt to claim that you work for the F.B.I., you just completely contradicted yourself!!!

lol dumbass read the thread before you throw in your two misinformed cents.

FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.

The emails they found would be considered "in plain sight" evidence, covered by the original warrant and admissible in court

Ha.Ha. Those emails are not in plain site,

You don't have the first clue what I'm talking about, my husband is an attorney....nuff said
:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.
From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.

Yes he did need to provide clear explanation in light of serious political ramifications of releasing this within 11 days of election. In not doing so he did a disservice to American people and the FBI.

Love how you ask about Loretta, while there is nothing about her opposing reviewing additional information and evidence as it becomes available. Her opposition was to the letter itself.
FBI Director James Comey said he’s not going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, telling Congress on Wednesday that none of the recent revelations since he closed the case in July “would come near” to triggering that extraordinary step.

He also refused to say if he’s investigating whether Mrs. Clinton lied in her testimony to Congress about her emails — but said they have received referrals from Congress asking for a new probe.

James Comey, FBI director, rejects calls to reopen Clinton email case

My oh my, how a couple of days can change things. LMFAO

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

Publicly the case was pronounced closed but INTERNALLY IN FBI IT WAS NOT actually closed yet due to bureaucratic reasons.

:haha: :link::link::link: Your feeble opinion doesn't prove a damn thing.

Further, all that is irrelevant to the fact the Comey's letter was a prop used to misinform the public 11 days before election.

How Comey's letter was used is the fault of the person using it, not his. He simply fulfilled his obligation to congress.

From anti-Hillary, FOX source

FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was "closed" is now suddenly open.

I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts.

Again Comey would have to be a total moron to not understand how partisans will use his letter and by omitting important facts about what is going in his letter he de facto mislead the media and American public. I refuse to believe he is a moron.

So you finally admit the case was closed, then you somehow try to rationalize that it really wasn't. This just proves you're not man enough to admit you were wrong and nothing but a political hack. Run along sonny you're dismissed.

you are an idiot.

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