Comey not only broke long standing protocol but the Hatch Act of 1939 also

Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.

Yes he did need to provide clear explanation in light of serious political ramifications of releasing this within 11 days of election. In not doing so he did a disservice to American people and the FBI.
Love how you ask about Loretta, while there is nothing about her opposing reviewing additional information and evidence as it becomes available. Her opposition was to the letter itself.

No he didn't. He did not explain this was about Huma Albien, Clinton's aid. By re-opening a case that he had closed in July, he inferred this had something to do with Hillary Clinton's server, when it did not. He did NOT even have possession of these emails when he fired off the letter to congress.

"When FBI Director James Comey wrote his bombshell letter to Congress on Friday about newly discovered emails that were potentially “pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, agents had not been able to review any of the material, because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them, as three government officials who have been briefed on the probe stated.

At the time Comey wrote the letter, “he had no idea what was in the content of the emails,” one of the officials said, referring to recently discovered emails that were found on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl."
Exclusive: FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails linked to Clinton probe
There are four devices under investigation. One is a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner under investigation for a sexting scandal. Weiner gave permission to access his laptop. A warrant was not necessary.
There are four devices under investigation. One is a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner under investigation for a sexting scandal. Weiner gave permission to access his laptop. A warrant was not necessary.

Can you READ? I just gave you a link to that Comey hadn't even obtained a search warrant for those emails, to get into Weiners lap-top whom is being investigated in a totally separate case over sexting a 15 year old. He didn't even have possession of those emails, prior to firing off a letter to congress, and (against the advice of the DOJ.) The FBI investigating a separate case is not just going to say,--here's your emails on Huma--whom also is unrelated to Wiener's case. without a judge ordered search warrant.

FURTHERMORE--Why didn't Comey send a letter to congress to notify them that the FBI has an investigation going on about Trump's ties to Russia. He could have sent a letter to congress notifying them of that, but he didn't.
Is the FBI Also Investigating Donald Trump and Possible Ties to Russian Hackers?
Top Dems to FBI: Spill on Trump’s Russia Ties
Where's the link? Investigations don't close until the statute of limitations runs out or there's a trial verdict. Try again.


Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.

Yes he did need to provide clear explanation in light of serious political ramifications of releasing this within 11 days of election. In not doing so he did a disservice to American people and the FBI.

Love how you ask about Loretta, while there is nothing about her opposing reviewing additional information and evidence as it becomes available. Her opposition was to the letter itself.

Based on what? You agreed he got the warrant and thus was able to continue the investigation. Without the letter, he could not do it.

Lynch comes into the case because she criticized Comey and alluded to the Hatch Act. She is walking a fine line between obstruction of justice, a felony, considering she's the top DA of the country. To give her opinion on Comey with what happened to the investigation, the background of the case and what is at stake makes her an influence on the election as well. She should've just stayed out.
There are four devices under investigation. One is a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner under investigation for a sexting scandal. Weiner gave permission to access his laptop. A warrant was not necessary.

Can you READ? I just gave you a link to that Comey hadn't even obtained a search warrant for those emails, to get into Weiners lap-top whom is being investigated in a totally separate case over sexting a 15 year old. He didn't even have possession of those emails, prior to firing off a letter to congress, and (against the advice of the DOJ.) The FBI investigating a separate case is not just going to say,--here's your emails on Huma--whom also is unrelated to Wiener's case. without a judge ordered search warrant.

FURTHERMORE--Why didn't Comey send a letter to congress to notify them that the FBI has an investigation going on about Trump's ties to Russia. He could have sent a letter to congress notifying them of that, but he didn't.
Is the FBI Also Investigating Donald Trump and Possible Ties to Russian Hackers?
Top Dems to FBI: Spill on Trump’s Russia Ties

We can read, but can you? Comey sent a letter in order let them know that he was re-opening the investigation. This added to his testimony already on record in Congress. If there was no testimony, then he could've just got the extended search warrant.
There is NOTHING from FBI saying that they have found something on Hillary. NOTHING. But the public has been misinformed to the contrary.
Proof that antontoo is an extremely gullible partisan hack. If the "public has been misinformed to the contrary" then how the fuck would you know that there is (and I quote) "nothing from the FBI saying they have found something on Hillary"?!? You're part of the public you douche. So unless you're going to attempt to claim that you work for the F.B.I., you just completely contradicted yourself!!!

lol dumbass read the thread before you throw in your two misinformed cents.

FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.
Then the public isn't being "misinformed" you tool! You just admitted it. So your oringal post was a complete and total lie (as usual).
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FBI didn't have a warrant to look at any non-Wiener emails on that pc. HENCE the could not have been any any new evidence based on which to claim any new evidence against Hillary.
That's the special kind of stupid that could only come from progressives such as antontoo. While doing computer forensics they would have to look at an email before they could determine if it was a "Weiner email".

In addition - they unquestionably found something because they reopened the investigation and they alerted Congress. You are such an immature partisan hack. It is what it is. She got caught. Grow up and deal with it. Accept it.
This coming from the tool whining about how the "public" is being "mislead" while declaring Hitlery Clinton 100% innocent. When I pointed out how that idiotic statement completely contradicts itself (as Antontoo isnt a member of the F.B.I. and thus has the same public info that he is crying about) his second idiotic response is "read this thread before commenting". Uh....this thread is public. So either the public is properly informed (and Antontoo is an idiot for crying about that) or Hitlery Clinton is not 100% innocents (and Antontoo is a repulsive liar for declaring as much).

Either way.....crazy much?!? You contradict your own position. :lmao:
There are four devices under investigation. One is a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner under investigation for a sexting scandal. Weiner gave permission to access his laptop. A warrant was not necessary.

Can you READ? I just gave you a link to that Comey hadn't even obtained a search warrant for those emails, to get into Weiners lap-top whom is being investigated in a totally separate case over sexting a 15 year old. He didn't even have possession of those emails, prior to firing off a letter to congress, and (against the advice of the DOJ.) The FBI investigating a separate case is not just going to say,--here's your emails on Huma--whom also is unrelated to Wiener's case. without a judge ordered search warrant.

FURTHERMORE--Why didn't Comey send a letter to congress to notify them that the FBI has an investigation going on about Trump's ties to Russia. He could have sent a letter to congress notifying them of that, but he didn't.
Is the FBI Also Investigating Donald Trump and Possible Ties to Russian Hackers?
Top Dems to FBI: Spill on Trump’s Russia Ties
Once Weiner gave permission to paw through his laptop anything they found was fair game.

Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.

Yes he did need to provide clear explanation in light of serious political ramifications of releasing this within 11 days of election. In not doing so he did a disservice to American people and the FBI.

Love how you ask about Loretta, while there is nothing about her opposing reviewing additional information and evidence as it becomes available. Her opposition was to the letter itself.

Based on what? You agreed he got the warrant and thus was able to continue the investigation. Without the letter, he could not do it.

Lynch comes into the case because she criticized Comey and alluded to the Hatch Act. She is walking a fine line between obstruction of justice, a felony, considering she's the top DA of the country. To give her opinion on Comey with what happened to the investigation, the background of the case and what is at stake makes her an influence on the election as well. She should've just stayed out.

1. Comey fired off the letter before he got the warrant to search Weiner's laptop
There are four devices under investigation. One is a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner under investigation for a sexting scandal. Weiner gave permission to access his laptop. A warrant was not necessary.

Can you READ? I just gave you a link to that Comey hadn't even obtained a search warrant for those emails, to get into Weiners lap-top whom is being investigated in a totally separate case over sexting a 15 year old. He didn't even have possession of those emails, prior to firing off a letter to congress, and (against the advice of the DOJ.) The FBI investigating a separate case is not just going to say,--here's your emails on Huma--whom also is unrelated to Wiener's case. without a judge ordered search warrant.

FURTHERMORE--Why didn't Comey send a letter to congress to notify them that the FBI has an investigation going on about Trump's ties to Russia. He could have sent a letter to congress notifying them of that, but he didn't.
Is the FBI Also Investigating Donald Trump and Possible Ties to Russian Hackers?
Top Dems to FBI: Spill on Trump’s Russia Ties

We can read, but can you? Comey sent a letter in order let them know that he was re-opening the investigation. This added to his testimony already on record in Congress. If there was no testimony, then he could've just got the extended search warrant.

Here is the way it works. The police show up at your house to do a search warrant, & they don't find what they want. That doesn't give them the right to walk across the street and enter my house with YOUR search warrant, because "they think there may be something there." A judge has to issue another warrant, with probable cause as to why they now want to search my house.

This is NOT Hillary Clinton's device, it's Anthony Weiner's device--which is also being reviewed and used as evidence in a separate and unrelated case called sexting. Wiener has his own attorney's, there is another judge involved, there are other FBI agents involved who do not want to jeopardize their case against Wiener, so Comey can read a recipe on how to bake a German cake, and look at what Hillary Clinton's daily schedule was for the last 20 years, which is what Huma did as a personal aid.


"FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI's name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former bureau official tells CNBC.

The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.

In the end, the Department of Homeland Security and The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the statement on Oct. 7, saying: "The U.S. intelligence community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of emails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations. ... These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process."


Zach Gibson | AFP | Getty Images
FBI Director James Comey

An FBI spokesperson declined to comment on Comey's role in the decision-making surrounding the Oct. 7 statement.

According to the former official, Comey agreed with the conclusion the intelligence community came to: "A foreign power was trying to undermine the election. He believed it to be true, but was against putting it out before the election." Comey's position, this official said, was "if it is said, it shouldn't come from the FBI, which as you'll recall it did not."
FBI's Comey opposed naming Russians, citing election timing: Source
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Case did not need to be re-filed to file for warrant. PERIOD.

Yes and no. Yes, on the case wasn't actually closed.

The investigation was completed, so the letter was to explain re-opening the investigation.

No, on Comey violating the Hatch Act. This from top constitutional law experts.

Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Those twelve facts consist of:

  1. On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl.
  2. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
  3. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it.
  4. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment.
  5. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. “The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her,” a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
  6. Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI’s investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier.
  7. FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day.
  8. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open.
  9. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times, warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy.
  10. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server are on this laptop, according to CNN.
  11. Many of the emails were “either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
  12. Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.
12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Top Constitutional Law Expert: Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

The violation was not in announcing new evidence being considered, the violation was in announcing it within 11 days WITHOUT CLEAR EXPLANATION that no new evidence was found against Hillary at the time the letter was written.

The impression media and public received from the letter was that FBI did find some new damning evidence against Hillary and it was wrong for Comey to write it in that vague way that left so much space to false speculations at such critical time in campaign.

He didn't need to provide clear explanation nor new evidence, but only explain why the investigation was being re-opened. He did so to add to his testimony before Congress. What's even more troubling is DOJ's response to Comey's letter. Was Loretta Lynch against Comey re-opening the investigation? And what department policy was she referring to? People should be questioning her motives.

DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress | Zero Hedge.

Yes he did need to provide clear explanation in light of serious political ramifications of releasing this within 11 days of election. In not doing so he did a disservice to American people and the FBI.

Love how you ask about Loretta, while there is nothing about her opposing reviewing additional information and evidence as it becomes available. Her opposition was to the letter itself.

Based on what? You agreed he got the warrant and thus was able to continue the investigation. Without the letter, he could not do it.

Lynch comes into the case because she criticized Comey and alluded to the Hatch Act. She is walking a fine line between obstruction of justice, a felony, considering she's the top DA of the country. To give her opinion on Comey with what happened to the investigation, the background of the case and what is at stake makes her an influence on the election as well. She should've just stayed out.

"I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
View attachment 96015
we'll get this public/private position question sorted on the record correctly soon enough, no worries.

I doubt you will now. I believe that even if they EVER did find something Incriminating, regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that the Justice Department would be very reluctant in pursuing anything--(due to Comey's recent actions.) All hell would break loose and they know it.

Here you have the LEAD investigator in an attempt to sway an election to Trump. I think a Federal Court Judge or the U.S. Supreme court would look at all the evidence Comey has gathered and say BURN IT.

Heaven forbid we look at evidence.

Burning it would make so much sense.
This coming from the tool whining about how the "public" is being "mislead" while declaring Hitlery Clinton 100% innocent. When I pointed out how that idiotic statement completely contradicts itself (as Antontoo isnt a member of the F.B.I. and thus has the same public info that he is crying about) his second idiotic response is "read this thread before commenting". Uh....this thread is public. So either the public is properly informed (and Antontoo is an idiot for crying about that) or Hitlery Clinton is not 100% innocents (and Antontoo is a repulsive liar for declaring as much).

Either way.....crazy much?!? You contradict your own position. :lmao:

Look I'll take Hillary Clinton's emails, something that has already taken one year to investigate, ending up in no Charges in July.

NOW You take:

1. You take the ongoing FBI investigation into Trumps ties with Russia.
The FBI is reportedly looking into Donald Trump's former campaign manager's alleged ties to Russia
Democrats ask the FBI to investigate Trump advisers’ Russia ties

2. You take the New York State Attorney Generals office recently ordering a cease & desist order on the Trump Foundation, that will lead to an investigation. They actually have 2 cancelled checks totaling $258,000.00 in charitable donations that Trump used to pay off non related legal claims, and 2 self portraits of himself. That will require an investigation.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

3. You take those 3,500 civil law suits that Trump is involved in, many having to do with non-payment of small business contractors that were never paid by Trump for work completed
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

4. You take Trump University that is already scheduled on the Court Docket--that Trump has tried to get out of, but a judge ruled against him. Then you can listen to this woman as the first witness for the plaintiff.

Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

You have nominated a man that has NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, immature, emotionally unstable MALE drama queen to ever seek elected office.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Then when you're doing reading all the articles, and watching the video, you come back with a straight face and tell me that Donald Trump is FIT to be POTUS.

I will be sticking with Hillary Clinton, she's already been investigated. In fact she is most certainly the most vetted candidate in the history of this nation. And just because some FBI agent who wanted to get his additional 15 minutes of fame, intervenes into a National Election, against the advice of the DOJ, and who did it in violation of the Hatch act, is never going to change my mind about who Donald Trump really is.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!
The FBI's Nothing Burger
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"I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
View attachment 96015
we'll get this public/private position question sorted on the record correctly soon enough, no worries.

I doubt you will now. I believe that even if they EVER did find something Incriminating, regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that the Justice Department would be very reluctant in pursuing anything--(due to Comey's recent actions.) All hell would break loose and they know it.

Here you have the LEAD investigator in an attempt to sway an election to Trump. I think a Federal Court Judge or the U.S. Supreme court would look at all the evidence Comey has gathered and say BURN IT.

Heaven forbid we look at evidence.

Burning it would make so much sense.

Comey's actions would be the reason, that a Federal Court Judge or the U.S Supreme court would say BURN IT ALL. Comey has overstepped his boundaries, he is being accused right now of intervening into a National Election, in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939. He was warned by the DOJ not to do this, and that he was well within the 60 days of making such an announcement.

When a lead investigator VIOLATES the law, that evidence is thrown out court and there is no case.

Right now all sites are on Comey--not more Hillary Clinton emails. As the Reich wing ALWAYS does they overplay their hands and it's taken an effect. 75% of the American public are sick and tired of hearing about emails & Benghazi.

By Comey taking this action, he has fired up her base like nothing you've ever seen. She has 500,000 people walking the streets, knocking on doors and making certain those ballots get in.

For those millions on the fence, after Comey, they probably believe Hillary Clinton when she says she's been dealing with a vast Reich wing conspiracy for the last 25 years, and they'll be voting for her too.

There was absolutely NO REASON for Comey to make this announcement 11 days from a National election. He fired off a letter to congress, before he asked a judge for a search warrant on Weiners laptop.
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"I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
View attachment 96015
we'll get this public/private position question sorted on the record correctly soon enough, no worries.

I doubt you will now. I believe that even if they EVER did find something Incriminating, regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that the Justice Department would be very reluctant in pursuing anything--(due to Comey's recent actions.) All hell would break loose and they know it.

Here you have the LEAD investigator in an attempt to sway an election to Trump. I think a Federal Court Judge or the U.S. Supreme court would look at all the evidence Comey has gathered and say BURN IT.

Heaven forbid we look at evidence.

Burning it would make so much sense.

Comey's actions would be the reason, that a Federal Court Judge or the U.S Supreme court would say BURN IT ALL. Comey has overstepped his boundaries, he is being accused right now of intervening into a National Election, in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939. He was warned by the DOJ not to do this, and that he was well within the 60 days of making such an announcement.

When a lead investigator VIOLATES the law, that evidence is thrown out court and there is no case.

Right now all sites are on Comey--not more Hillary Clinton emails. As the Reich wing ALWAYS does they overplay their hands and it's taken an effect. 75% of the American public are sick and tired of hearing about emails & Benghazi.

By Comey taking this action, he has fired up her base like nothing you've ever seen. She has 500,000 people walking the streets, knocking on doors and making certain those ballots get in.

For those millions on the fence, after Comey, they probably believe Hillary Clinton when she says she's been dealing with a vast Reich wing conspiracy for the last 25 years, and they'll be voting for her.

I can't laugh any harder at this little fairy tale.

You don't burn evidence. Sorry, but that is simply stupid.

What Comey has done is still up for judgement (and not yours by the way....and least not that anyone cares about).

As to the rest of your projections....I don't see any support for your claims.
"I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
View attachment 96015
we'll get this public/private position question sorted on the record correctly soon enough, no worries.

I doubt you will now. I believe that even if they EVER did find something Incriminating, regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that the Justice Department would be very reluctant in pursuing anything--(due to Comey's recent actions.) All hell would break loose and they know it.

Here you have the LEAD investigator in an attempt to sway an election to Trump. I think a Federal Court Judge or the U.S. Supreme court would look at all the evidence Comey has gathered and say BURN IT.

Heaven forbid we look at evidence.

Burning it would make so much sense.

Comey's actions would be the reason, that a Federal Court Judge or the U.S Supreme court would say BURN IT ALL. Comey has overstepped his boundaries, he is being accused right now of intervening into a National Election, in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939. He was warned by the DOJ not to do this, and that he was well within the 60 days of making such an announcement.

When a lead investigator VIOLATES the law, that evidence is thrown out court and there is no case.

Right now all sites are on Comey--not more Hillary Clinton emails. As the Reich wing ALWAYS does they overplay their hands and it's taken an effect. 75% of the American public are sick and tired of hearing about emails & Benghazi.

By Comey taking this action, he has fired up her base like nothing you've ever seen. She has 500,000 people walking the streets, knocking on doors and making certain those ballots get in.

For those millions on the fence, after Comey, they probably believe Hillary Clinton when she says she's been dealing with a vast Reich wing conspiracy for the last 25 years, and they'll be voting for her.

I can't laugh any harder at this little fairy tale.

You don't burn evidence. Sorry, but that is simply stupid.

What Comey has done is still up for judgement (and not yours by the way....and least not that anyone cares about).

As to the rest of your projections....I don't see any support for your claims.

Sweet Baby Jesus--when an investigator is in violation of laws, they will not accept any evidence that the investigator supplies, ESPECIALLY when he is showing this rancor deliberate bias against a certain candidate, and is trying to sway an election against her.

The court would throw it out immediately. Now--unless Comey can find the email, where Hillary Clinton states: "She knew she was doing wrong by setting up a private server, but did it anyway", there's nothing else to look at, except more emails. And right now, if by some miracle he found a statement like that from Hillary Clinton, be assured that would be challenged in a higher court because of Comey's violating long standard protocol, and the Hatch Act of 1939. They could say he manufactured an email to save his own ass. Basically he screwed himself to get an additional 15 minutes of fame. You can bet his career is over after this stunt.

Huma was a personal assistant to Hillary Clinton, meaning she handled her daily schedules, and testified that she often forwarded emails to her home to print them out. I doubt very seriously they're classified information, or would be of any interest to anyone. In fact they're probably duplicates of emails the FBI has already seen.
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As you know Comey sent a letter to congress, (after being advised NOT to by the Department of Justice. With their explanation that long standing protocol is that you don't make those kind of announcements within 60 days of an election). This in an effort to insure that U.S. Government agencies are not looked at, as trying to deliberately sway an outcome of an election. Comey ignored that advise and sent a very vague letter to congress, that was in effect opening a door shouting more emails, and then slamming it shut again, just 11 days before a National election.

CNN confirms James Comey violated FBI policy today by trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton
FBI Director James Comey under fire from Democrats and Republicans after Clinton email announcement
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Keep in mind that Comey is the investigator, not the prosecutor. It's his job to find and deliver evidence to the Justice Department, and it is the Justice Department's responsibility to review the evidence, and it's their decision, and their's alone to decide if they will file charges or not.

Comey may have also broken the Hatch ACT of 1939. "The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Agencies and employees prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity
Employees of the following agencies (or agency components), or in the following categories, are subject to more extensive restrictions on their political activities than employees in other Departments and agencies:

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey PROBLEM one WARNING: We know that Comey was advised against sending this vague letter to congress 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it anyway.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Comey PROBLEM two INTENT: Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this that stated: "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record." The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decision

It's clear that Comey has committed an illegal act to intervene or sway a National Election. Be assured that a full investigation will proceed.
Harry Reid broke the hatch rule
As you know Comey sent a letter to congress, (after being advised NOT to by the Department of Justice. With their explanation that long standing protocol is that you don't make those kind of announcements within 60 days of an election). This in an effort to insure that U.S. Government agencies are not looked at, as trying to deliberately sway an outcome of an election. Comey ignored that advise and sent a very vague letter to congress, that was in effect opening a door shouting more emails, and then slamming it shut again, just 11 days before a National election.

CNN confirms James Comey violated FBI policy today by trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton
FBI Director James Comey under fire from Democrats and Republicans after Clinton email announcement
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Keep in mind that Comey is the investigator, not the prosecutor. It's his job to find and deliver evidence to the Justice Department, and it is the Justice Department's responsibility to review the evidence, and it's their decision, and their's alone to decide if they will file charges or not.

Comey may have also broken the Hatch ACT of 1939. "The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Agencies and employees prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity
Employees of the following agencies (or agency components), or in the following categories, are subject to more extensive restrictions on their political activities than employees in other Departments and agencies:

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey PROBLEM one WARNING: We know that Comey was advised against sending this vague letter to congress 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it anyway.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Comey PROBLEM two INTENT: Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this that stated: "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record." The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decision

It's clear that Comey has committed an illegal act to intervene or sway a National Election. Be assured that a full investigation will proceed.
Harry Reid broke the hatch rule


The Hatch Act of 1939, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia
You have nominated a man that has NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, immature, emotionally unstable MALE drama queen to ever seek elected office.
Here is the difference between you and I, oreo:

1. I didn't nominate Donald Trump. I vehemently oppose him. You nominated Hitlery Clinton and vehemently support her.

2. I accept that Donald Trump is a world-class dirt-bag. You deny the fact that Hitlery Clinton is a world-class dirt-bag.

3. I recognize that Donald Trump has no honor, no respect, and no dignity. You refuse to accept that Hitlery Clinton has no honor, no integrity, and no decency.

4. I realize that Donald Trump really is emotionally unstable. You deny that Hitlery Clinton is even worse. The Secret Service used to have to restrain her because she would be throwing objects at Bill Clinton while he was president. She brow-beats and berates her own staff. She can't maintain her composure and she is desperate for power.
I love how libtards adore that Hitlery Clinton meme about how the investigations have "turned up nothing". Yeah....uh....the investigations have turned up everything. For instance, we now know unequivocally that a YouTube video was not responsible for Benghazi. We now know unequivocally that she used a private email server to circumvent oversight (and there is only one reason a person would do that - because they are engaging in criminal activity) and that she illegally wiped the server when it was subpoenaed for evidence to cover up her crimes. We know unequivocally that she stole from the White House.

The truth (and Dumbocrats know this too) is that she's guilty as hell but above the law because hubby is former President of the United States and her former boss is current President of the United States. Progressives don't have the integrity to indict one of their own.

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