Comey not only broke long standing protocol but the Hatch Act of 1939 also

Seems to have broke his foot off in her ass too..

Have you noticed that these overly aggressive Reich wing males will always eventually fall on their own swords when they're dealing with Hillary Clinton?

For the past year, Comey has been reading all of Hillary Clinton's emails, basically not coming up with anything, and in one single brain fart--he does what he has been looking for in a 15 minute letter to himself.--LOL

Chin up, old chap. Just let it out and tomorrow will be a better day ...

Seems to have broke his foot off in her ass too..
Have you noticed that these overly aggressive Reich wing males will always eventually fall on their own swords when they're dealing with Hillary Clinton?

For the past year, Comey has been reading all of Hillary Clinton's emails, basically not coming up with anything, and in one single brain fart--he does what he has been looking for in a 15 minute letter to himself.--LOL

Chin up, old chap. Just let it out and tomorrow will be a better day ...

Holy shit kaz - that was hilarious. Hands down the post of the day. :lmao:
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As you know Comey sent a letter to congress, (after being advised NOT to by the Department of Justice. With their explanation that long standing protocol is that you don't make those kind of announcements within 60 days of an election). This in an effort to insure that U.S. Government agencies are not looked at, as trying to deliberately sway an outcome of an election. Comey ignored that advise and sent a very vague letter to congress, that was in effect opening a door shouting more emails, and then slamming it shut again, just 11 days before a National election.

CNN confirms James Comey violated FBI policy today by trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton
FBI Director James Comey under fire from Democrats and Republicans after Clinton email announcement
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Keep in mind that Comey is the investigator, not the prosecutor. It's his job to find and deliver evidence to the Justice Department, and it is the Justice Department's responsibility to review the evidence, and it's their decision, and their's alone to decide if they will file charges or not.

Comey may have also broken the Hatch ACT of 1939. "The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Agencies and employees prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity
Employees of the following agencies (or agency components), or in the following categories, are subject to more extensive restrictions on their political activities than employees in other Departments and agencies:

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey PROBLEM one WARNING: We know that Comey was advised against sending this vague letter to congress 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it anyway.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Comey PROBLEM two INTENT: Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this that stated: "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record." The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decision

It's clear that Comey has committed an illegal act to intervene or sway a National Election. Be assured that a full investigation will proceed.

The IRS targeted conservative didn't care.......Bush's guy during the Bush/clinton race indicted 4 days before the guys didn't care.....

Comey violated nothing....he updated congress.....he didn't tell the public...congress did....
> FBI Director Comey Is Under Federal Investigation For His Smear Campaign Against Hillary, This Is Unprecedented.
“The F.B.I.’s job is to investigate, not to influence the outcome of an election. Such acts could also be prohibited under the Hatch Act, which bars the use of an official position to influence an election. That is why the F.B.I. presumably would keep those aspects of an investigation confidential until after the election,” said a former White House ethics lawyer. He was explaining why the OSC is looking into Comey to see if he will be charged with a crime.
I have to wonder if that whopper of a lie she told about comey saying her statements were truthful when she thought this was over with got jammed in Comey's craw.

Typical for her too. She used Powell openly, she attempted to use Comey, but that one may have blown up in her lying face.

fuck em all. me, me, me, me, me.

Vile creature deserves whatever she gets....
> FBI Director Comey Is Under Federal Investigation For His Smear Campaign Against Hillary, This Is Unprecedented.
“The F.B.I.’s job is to investigate, not to influence the outcome of an election. Such acts could also be prohibited under the Hatch Act, which bars the use of an official position to influence an election. That is why the F.B.I. presumably would keep those aspects of an investigation confidential until after the election,” said a former White House ethics lawyer. He was explaining why the OSC is looking into Comey to see if he will be charged with a crime.
Nobody is trying to "influence" the election you conspiracy theory, immature tool. Comey did his job and the criminal progressives in government (like Loretta Lynch) are just pissed off about justice.
When the definitive post mortem of this dismal election is finally published, it should go something like this: The Republican establishment was foolish; the Democratic establishment was ruthless. The Republicans fumbled around incompetently and spinelessly in the face of an unforeseen challenge; the Democrats willfully and intentionally did all they could to carry a corrupt politician over the finish line, forcing the American public to choose between one known liar and another. Let’s review the facts:
  • The FBI continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s maybe-criminal abuse of the Clinton Foundation as a front for systematic influence-peddling and her maybe-criminal mishandling of our nation’s secrets. Neither of these scandals is new. They both predate the launch of her presidential campaign.
  • Questions have swirled around the Clinton Foundation since Hillary was confirmed as secretary of state. Damaging evidence of outright influence-peddling — including evidence of large-scale donations made to the foundation as the State Department considered a crucial uranium deal — broke less than two weeks after her campaign announcement.
  • On April 23, 2015, the New York Times published an extraordinary story detailing the amount of money that was funneled to the Clinton Foundation (and to Bill Clinton directly) as the State Department considered whether to sign off on the sale of “one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States” to a Russian-controlled corporation. The chairman of the corporation donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian investment bank promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton a whopping $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow. The Clintons violated an agreement with the White House to “publicly identify all donors” by failing to disclose the Uranium One contributions. Hillary’s State Department approved the deal.
  • One month before the Uranium One story, as Clinton was preparing to announce her candidacy, the Times broke the news that still dominates the campaign today: Hillary “exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business.” Given the Clintons’ longstanding history of personal corruption, it should have been obvious to Democrats then that Hillary’s scandals were going to dog the party throughout the campaign, and, if she won, throughout her presidency. It would be a repeat of the 1990s, when an entire party was hijacked into relentlessly defending conduct that they would loudly condemn if it were attributed to any Republican.
  • Instead, the party did far more than merely acquiesce in Hillary’s decision to run. It did virtually everything it could to guarantee her victory. Scandal-free progressive politicians such as Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden stood aside. Superdelegates signed on with Hillary en masse. The DNC put its thumb on the scales to such an extent that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ultimately fired to appease the Sanders holdouts. When angry Trump voters were accusing incompetent Republicans of “rigging” the system against their man, ruthless Democrats were were actually rigging the system for Hillary.
The Democratic Establishment Has Enabled Hillary’s Corruption at Every Turn
Yeah, because why should the American people know that the person they may be about to elect a president is under investigation by the FBI for the second fucking time during the campaign. Yeah, nobody needs to know that in order to make an informed decision

Know what? Did we really need to know, 11 days before an election, that emails no one knows the actual content of were found on a computer that did not belong to Hillary Clinton? Why do you need to know that?
Yeah, because why should the American people know that the person they may be about to elect a president is under investigation by the FBI for the second fucking time during the campaign. Yeah, nobody needs to know that in order to make an informed decision

Know what? Did we really need to know, 11 days before an election, that emails no one knows the actual content of were found on a computer that did not belong to Hillary Clinton? Why do you need to know that?
Why wouldn't you need to know that? Why wouldn't you need to know that the F.B.I. is looking into a candidate? Why wouldn't you want to know that? You do realize what law enforcement engages in is a matter of public record, don't you?
Yeah, because why should the American people know that the person they may be about to elect a president is under investigation by the FBI for the second fucking time during the campaign. Yeah, nobody needs to know that in order to make an informed decision

Know what? Did we really need to know, 11 days before an election, that emails no one knows the actual content of were found on a computer that did not belong to Hillary Clinton? Why do you need to know that?
Why wouldn't you need to know that? Why wouldn't you need to know that the F.B.I. is looking into a candidate? Why wouldn't you want to know that? You do realize what law enforcement engages in is a matter of public record, don't you?

They aren't. The FBI has no idea if the emails relate to Clinton at all. Comey acted horribly irresponsibly and violated long held rules of the Justice Department. There is a reason prosecutors from all sides of the political spectrum are denouncing Comey's actions.
Yeah, because why should the American people know that the person they may be about to elect a president is under investigation by the FBI for the second fucking time during the campaign. Yeah, nobody needs to know that in order to make an informed decision

Know what? Did we really need to know, 11 days before an election, that emails no one knows the actual content of were found on a computer that did not belong to Hillary Clinton? Why do you need to know that?
Why wouldn't you need to know that? Why wouldn't you need to know that the F.B.I. is looking into a candidate? Why wouldn't you want to know that? You do realize what law enforcement engages in is a matter of public record, don't you?

They aren't. The FBI has no idea if the emails relate to Clinton at all. Comey acted horribly irresponsibly and violated long held rules of the Justice Department. There is a reason prosecutors from all sides of the political spectrum are denouncing Comey's actions.
Um...anything law enforcement engages in is a matter of public record. That's how it works. Now granted, some things (such as an undercover investigation) needs to remain private a little longer than a "normal" investigation but all of it is public record.

All Comey did was inform Congress. It was 100% legal and 100% correct. I find it remarkable that the left despised transparent government so much. This is a good thing. This is a great thing. Guess what happens if Trump wins this election SW? Your side stops electing unethical criminals. We'll get more honest, more ethical candidates in the future. How is that anything but great?

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