Comey testimony demolished the Leftie / media destroy Trump agenda


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.
What is? The fact that Trump said something to the effect of "I hope you can see YOUR way clearly to letting him go" is tantamount to obstruction, but, Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton for 45 minutes and telling Comey to call a criminal investigation a "matter" isn't?

The obstruction case is dead on arrival. First, "finding 'YOUR' way" means HOPING that Comey upon completing the investigation finds his way to letting him go. Second, Comey admits that Trump asked him to let him know that if anyone in his circle is implicated in this investigation. This admission totally destroys the obstruction case.

I wonder when the Democraps will get down to the people's business. Are they going to continue committing political suicide?
The OP did nothing of the sort.

Comey survived the meeting, called Trump a liar, claimed responsibility for makiing the special counsel happen, can take credit for Sessions dropping out, and giving a smooth running operation to Mueller.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.
What is? The fact that Trump said something to the effect of "I hope you can see YOUR way clearly to letting him go" is tantamount to obstruction, but, Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton for 45 minutes and telling Comey to call a criminal investigation a "matter" isn't?

The obstruction case is dead on arrival. First, "finding 'YOUR' way" means HOPING that Comey upon completing the investigation finds his way to letting him go. Second, Comey admits that Trump asked him to let him know that if anyone in his circle is implicated in this investigation. This admission totally destroys the obstruction case.

I wonder when the Democraps will get down to the people's business. Are they going to continue committing political suicide?
The FBI is currently investigating Trump’s campaign team and his associates and whether they played any role in colluding with Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 election. Former adviser NSA Flynn was being investigated for his contacts with Russian officials.--
This coup is not going to end. It'll be one thing after the next until they either succeed or they destroy themselves. It's not just about Trump, it's about undermining our republic.
This coup is not going to end. It'll be one thing after the next until they either succeed or they destroy themselves. It's not just about Trump, it's about undermining our republic.
And the responsible right to responsible left with not let the Alt Right collapse our county.
This coup is not going to end. It'll be one thing after the next until they either succeed or they destroy themselves. It's not just about Trump, it's about undermining our republic.
And the responsible right to responsible left with not let the Alt Right collapse our county.
Nope, real America will walk right over the Alt Right.
Yup, it is what tis.
I believe the issues are:

1) Did the Russians attempt to interfere in our election?

2) Did Donald Trump, or anyone acting on his directions, collude with the Russians in this effort?

3) Did Trump commit obstruction of justice when he said he "hoped" the F. B. I. would go easy on Flynn, because he was a good guy...implicitly acknowledging the fact that he that he had served his country bravely and risen to the rank of General Officer, and now fired and disgraced, very much like Petraeous was treated relatively easily for the same reasons, and because he, like Flynn had already been disgraced and humiliated...which was deemed punishment enough.

4) Is there Obstruction of Justice to be found anywhere in Trump and Comey agreeing that Trump could expect "Honest Loyalty" from Comey?

5) Has the New York Media (and its little sister, the Jeff Brazos/LiberalCocksucker-Owned Washinton Post) completely abdicated their responsibility to report facts to the American people....that implied responsibility to tell the whole truth to the American the American People could decide what they wanted to do about this Truth...a DUTY and responsibility they assumed when they were given special protection under the Constitution so they could thus inform the American People?

No. 1 is very serious, if true, and it is likely true, and likely has been going on since Harry Truman was President...but its only true now if we can trust Jame "Leak" Comey; James "Perjurer" Clapper, and John "Obama Butt-Lick" Brennan...BiG IFS, and it is only of extreme urgency now instead extremely urgent for the last 75 years....because the New York Media has been trying, and utterly failing, to to link it to #2 above--Trump Collusion, which would also be very serious, except that Comey has now testified that it is nonsense and nothing more than the collective Wet Dream of CNN, CBS, NBC, ABS, MSNBS, and the Cocksucker Bezo's Rag---New York Media plus Bezos' Rag---now collectively operating as the Propaganda "Josuf Goebbles" Wing of the Democratic Paty--i. e. Bolsheviks-in-Training. Have any of these hacks reported that Comey said many many of the New York Times leaks from Obama's insiders in Government were just dead WRONG? LIES? That this propaganda rags had effectively turned themselves into stenographers for Obama Liars in the DEEP State?

No. 3 & 4 are complete jokes, pure acts of desperation...the result of blind partisan passion & bias.

No. 5 unfortunately is the most obvious answer of all. No one doubts it; the guilty parties in New York don't even deny it any more. And the fact that the answer is so blatantly obvious makes it by far the most dangerous threat to America...heretofore, the most successful experience in Governance in the History of the World. Apparently is it too be destroyed in spite of that fact, because it is not Perfect.

Fuck Jeff Bezos. Fuck Anderson Cooper, Fuck that disgraced Liar Brian Williams. Double Fuck the failing, lying New York Times....Fuck them all.

You are not supposed to go to war with those who buy ink by the barrel. Its a tough fight. But its time for a tough fight and its time for the Pussy Republicans in Congress to stop running from it.

The OP did nothing of the sort.

Comey survived the meeting, called Trump a liar, claimed responsibility for makiing the special counsel happen, can take credit for Sessions dropping out, and giving a smooth running operation to Mueller.
Comey said that Trump's claims that about the FBI's employees having issues, and being disenchanted with their leadership, is a lie. Well of course Comey is going to say that, he's the leadership that just got fired. There were many people in the FBI that were very upset that Comey did not press charges against Hillary. And now that we just heard the Lynch piece from Comey himself, Trump was telling the truth.
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Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.
What is? The fact that Trump said something to the effect of "I hope you can see YOUR way clearly to letting him go" is tantamount to obstruction, but, Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton for 45 minutes and telling Comey to call a criminal investigation a "matter" isn't?

The obstruction case is dead on arrival. First, "finding 'YOUR' way" means HOPING that Comey upon completing the investigation finds his way to letting him go. Second, Comey admits that Trump asked him to let him know that if anyone in his circle is implicated in this investigation. This admission totally destroys the obstruction case.

I wonder when the Democraps will get down to the people's business. Are they going to continue committing political suicide?
The FBI is currently investigating Trump’s campaign team and his associates and whether they played any role in colluding with Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 election. Former adviser NSA Flynn was being investigated for his contacts with Russian officials.--
Trump's campaign is being investigated, but he isn't, despite what the fake news media has been saying for the last six months. This is nothing new. And so far, even with regards to his campaign, there is no evidence of collusion whatsoever.
It's pretty devastating for the Left, I have to admit. Not only did Trump walk away a winner, but Comey put himself in legal jeopardy, and the moron reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation, with a new avenue into corruption and obstruction implicating Loretta Lynch and Hussein Obama. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.
What is? The fact that Trump said something to the effect of "I hope you can see YOUR way clearly to letting him go" is tantamount to obstruction, but, Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton for 45 minutes and telling Comey to call a criminal investigation a "matter" isn't?

The obstruction case is dead on arrival. First, "finding 'YOUR' way" means HOPING that Comey upon completing the investigation finds his way to letting him go. Second, Comey admits that Trump asked him to let him know that if anyone in his circle is implicated in this investigation. This admission totally destroys the obstruction case.

I wonder when the Democraps will get down to the people's business. Are they going to continue committing political suicide?
The FBI is currently investigating Trump’s campaign team and his associates and whether they played any role in colluding with Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 election. Former adviser NSA Flynn was being investigated for his contacts with Russian officials.--
Trump's campaign is being investigated, but he isn't, despite what the fake news media has been saying for the last six months. This is nothing new. And so far, even with regards to his campaign, there is no evidence of collusion whatsoever.
That is what is being, investigated.
It's pretty devastating for the Left, I have to admit. Not only did Trump walk away a winner, but Comey put himself in legal jeopardy, and the moron reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation, with a new avenue into corruption and obstruction implicating Loretta Lynch and Hussein Obama. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth.
The OP did nothing of the sort.

Comey survived the meeting, called Trump a liar, claimed responsibility for makiing the special counsel happen, can take credit for Sessions dropping out, and giving a smooth running operation to Mueller.
Comey said that Trump's claims that about the FBI's employees having issues, and being disenchanted with their leadership, is a lie. Well of course Comey is going to say that, he's the leadership that just got fired. There were many people in the FBI that were very upset that Comey did not press charges against Hillary. And now that we just heard the Lynch piece from Comey himself, Trump was telling the truth.
Roudy the neo-con is pushing blackwhite narrative and fails. Trump is a liar and a true disappointment to the majority of Americans.

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