Comey Testimony

Folks, anyone listening to RUSH. Very funny analysis of this fiasco. It is tragic also. The democrats/MSM attacking our democracy like this.

When the next attack occurs, I want all of you traitors to remember today was the day you openly surrendered to the Russians.

Trump surrendered to them long ago. And now he is aiding and abetting them.


I am not going to even request you snowflakes provide evidence to back up your false accusations. We need to assume that you snowflakes forgot to buy Preparation H to soothe the butthurtness.

Lots of words in posting nothing of substance beyond attacking the messenger. Echoing "Rush" is evidence, evidence of a witness whose words are always focused on telling those who listen to him what they want to hear, and thus dubious at best.
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
He is taking no action to protect our electoral system from further attacks.
Neither you or I can tell what he is doing about Russian hacks. He is not compelled to tell the American people of everything he is doing each day.

Comey was asked directly if Trump was doing anything about it, or if Trump even expressed any desire to act. Comey responded in the negative.
Now come on...asking Comey to read Trumps mind or work papers is asking too much, don't you think?

I do think, do you? Did you hear or read Sen. Harris' comment?
Carl Bernstein who knows a little about guilty presidents has said, " Trump does not act like an innocent man."
After today's testimony by Comey, that is confirmed 100 times over.
The biggest question is, will the Clintons have Comey suicided? Comey spilled some serious dirt on them today. I know Democrats will conveniently ignore those parts of his testimony, but it is pretty damning stuff. Loretta Lynch isn't completely off the hook yet. This Democrat Witch Hunt may be going places Democrats didn't expect. It could backfire on em bigtime..
The biggest question is, will the Clintons have Comey suicided? Comey spilled some pretty dirty stuff on them today. I know Democrats will conveniently ignore those parts of his testimony, but it is pretty damning stuff. Loretta Lynch isn't completely off the hook yet. This Democrat Witch Hunt may be going places Democrats didn't expect. It could backfire on em bigtime..
Oh lord.. the Clinton's as killers nonsense again.

I saw this and thought it funny.
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
He is taking no action to protect our electoral system from further attacks.
Neither you or I can tell what he is doing about Russian hacks. He is not compelled to tell the American people of everything he is doing each day.

Comey was asked directly if Trump was doing anything about it, or if Trump even expressed any desire to act. Comey responded in the negative.
Now come on...asking Comey to read Trumps mind or work papers is asking too much, don't you think?
Non sequitur.

If someone asked me if you have ever expressed a desire to hump a volleyball, do I need to be clairvoyant to recall if you have ever said such a thing to me?

It requires no psychic abilities to answer a question about what someone SAID.

Trump has never SAID anything in response to the Russian attacks. Not a peep. Nor has he taken any ACTION against them. Nor has he taken any ACTION to prevent further attacks.
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken

No, the evidence is conclusive, tard. You have just chosen to clamp your hands over your eyes. This makes you part of the traitorous mob aiding and abetting Russia.

As is Trump.
what evidence?
So I see you don't only act as an idiot savant with me.
Carl Bernstein who knows a little about guilty presidents has said, " Trump does not act like an innocent man."
After today's testimony by Comey, that is confirmed 100 times over.

Trump doesn't have to prove he is innocent.

Comey has proven that he himself is guilty of being The Leaker.
That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken

No, the evidence is conclusive, tard. You have just chosen to clamp your hands over your eyes. This makes you part of the traitorous mob aiding and abetting Russia.

As is Trump.
what evidence?
So I see you don't only act as an idiot savant with me.
There's nothing savant about him at all. He's all idiot.
Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.

You delusional Trump-haters keep moving the goalposts.....:rofl:

If he did "punish" the Russians you'd be screaming "he's trying to start a war!!!"

Wrong. Straw man fallacy. I insist he punish the Russians, and I especially insist he start taking aggressive measures to prevent further attacks and to protect our country.


It's YOU dumbasses who are suckups to the Russians and who would whine about retaliation.

Keep up the insults bub. It's so effective.

Trump has not said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

Wrong. He condemned it early and often.

You're a fool.


That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken

No, the evidence is conclusive, tard. You have just chosen to clamp your hands over your eyes. This makes you part of the traitorous mob aiding and abetting Russia.

As is Trump.
what evidence?
So I see you don't only act as an idiot savant with me.
oh, so you've seen evidence? I highly doubt it since there is none.

Even this guy doesn't have it and he is part of congress. so what have you seen he hasn't?
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BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation - His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes (Video)

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Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.

Mr. Comey explained why, his analogy about feeding sea gulls at the beach.
That's a good one!
What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken

No, the evidence is conclusive, tard. You have just chosen to clamp your hands over your eyes. This makes you part of the traitorous mob aiding and abetting Russia.

As is Trump.
what evidence?
So I see you don't only act as an idiot savant with me.
There's nothing savant about him at all. He's all idiot.
what you all are watching is a democrat shell game. there is nothing absolutely nothing. prove me wrong jack monkey.
And as you all can see from this exchange there is nothing russia related available. hmmmmmm what a bunch of squat juice.

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