Comey Testimony

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?
Did they "attack" our electoral SYSTEM or were they guilty of attempting to influence the outcome via selective (compromised) information release and fabricated "news"? Both major political parties in the U.S. are guilty of the same behavior AND The U.S. has a long and colorful history of doing this sort of thing to elections in other countries. Why is it such a shocking revelation that other countries might do it to ours? Turn about is fair play after all and if the allegations are true we pretty much had it coming, perhaps we should factor that in before deciding to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?
You mean just like we do to them and every other nation state on Earth? This is the dance nation states do with each other and moving to "punish" them without careful consideration is just asking for a deterioration of the already tense relationship with the Russians, which is probably not the wisest course of action.

Do you understand our vulnerabilities make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Yes or no. Simple questions for simple minds.
Calm down, your politician & media fueled FUD appears to be getting the better of you, we cannot protect the voters from their own gullibility, lack of objectivity and inability to see anything below the surface.
I'll take all that as a no.

That's probably your safest course of action since simplistic answers seem to work best for simple minded people. However hopes of a meaningful response remain given that some individuals still possess the capacity to understand nuance and perceive shades beyond black & white.

Good luck with your "Spread the FUD" campaign, hope you find it full of fun & adventure.:rolleyes:
Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.

Mr. Comey explained why, his analogy about feeding sea gulls at the beach.

He violated his office and made the FBI a partisan joke.

Federal Bureau of furthering the aims of the DNC...
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
He is taking no action to protect our electoral system from further attacks.
Neither you or I can tell what he is doing about Russian hacks. He is not compelled to tell the American people of everything he is doing each day.

Comey was asked directly if Trump was doing anything about it, or if Trump even expressed any desire to act. Comey responded in the negative.
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
He is taking no action to protect our electoral system from further attacks.
Neither you or I can tell what he is doing about Russian hacks. He is not compelled to tell the American people of everything he is doing each day.

Comey was asked directly if Trump was doing anything about it, or if Trump even expressed any desire to act. Comey responded in the negative.
Now come on...asking Comey to read Trumps mind or work papers is asking too much, don't you think?
The ball is in Mueller's court now. The obstruction cloud still hangs over Trump.

Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a Russian bank which is under US sanctions.

Mueller will have to find out about Paul Manafort's contacts with the Russians during the campaign.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.
More Breaking 'Bad News' For Obama In Comey Testimony....

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Never Warned State Election Officials Of Russian Election ‘Hacking’

Obama claimed his administration detected the Russians trying to hack the actual state election processes and that he threatened Putin, telling him to back off. Gee, then why wouldn't he inform the states about what was going on? Why would he tell them, instead, the complete OPPOSITE?

"Neither former President Barack Obama nor any member of his cabinet warned state election officials of any Russian effort to hack or interfere with the country’s electoral systems, according to the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

“And over-and-over again, they did say there was no credible threat that they had found. And they said that right through the election, and the next administration reiterated that. Over and over again when we asked, we were told there was no actual threat that they knew of,” Merrill said."

This is just more evidence that the entire 'The Russians hacked THE ELECTION' claims were nothing but CRAP!
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken

No, the evidence is conclusive, tard. You have just chosen to clamp your hands over your eyes. This makes you part of the traitorous mob aiding and abetting Russia.

As is Trump.
what evidence?
Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.

Mr. Comey explained why, his analogy about feeding sea gulls at the beach.

He violated his office and made the FBI a partisan joke.

Federal Bureau of furthering the aims of the DNC...

Because you've not been able to offer an argument for you opinion(s), my response to follow is not an ad hominem or in any manner a logical fallacy:

You are both stupid and an asshole; the documentary evidence exists in every post you make.
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
He is taking no action to protect our electoral system from further attacks.
Neither you or I can tell what he is doing about Russian hacks. He is not compelled to tell the American people of everything he is doing each day.

Comey was asked directly if Trump was doing anything about it, or if Trump even expressed any desire to act. Comey responded in the negative.
Now come on...asking Comey to read Trumps mind or work papers is asking too much, don't you think?
Show me a tweet from Trump expressing anger at the Russians for their attacks.

Just one.

You can't pretend he wouldn't tweet about them if he was mad at them. This is the thinnest skinned human being on the planet who tweets whenever someone makes fun of him or offends him in the slightest way.

He clearly isn't offended by the Russians.

The man has completely surrendered to his man crush Putin.
The ball is in Mueller's court now. The obstruction cloud still hangs over Trump.

Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a Russian bank which is under US sanctions.

Mueller will have to find out about Paul Manafort's contacts with the Russians during the campaign.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.

There is no cloud. It's a clear blue day over PTOUS

Show me a tweet from Trump expressing anger at the Russians for their attacks.

Post any evidence of Russia doing any such thing and maybe The Donald will consider Tweeting about it you crazy snowflake! :p
I am not sure, but I think today's Comey testimony counts as ANOTHER 'historic, record-setting loss' for Democrats.

Trump has not said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

Marlo, he wasn't like Bammer who promised the Russians stuff after his election.
The ball is in Mueller's court now. The obstruction cloud still hangs over Trump.

Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a Russian bank which is under US sanctions.

Mueller will have to find out about Paul Manafort's contacts with the Russians during the campaign.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.

There is no cloud. It's a clear blue day over PTOUS

You are just another tard who avoided watching the testimony and who will obediently parrot what he has been told to parrot.

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