Comey Testimony

When the next attack occurs, I want all of you traitors to remember today was the day you openly surrendered to the Russians.

Trump surrendered to them long ago. And now he is aiding and abetting them.
documentary evidence: n. any document (paper) which is presented and allowed as evidence in a trial or hearing, as distinguished from oral testimony. However, the opposing attorney may object to its being admitted. In the first place, it must be proved by other evidence from a witness that the paper is genuine (called "laying a foundation"), as well as pass muster over the usual objections such as relevancy.

What trial? Which judge deemed these to be evidence?

Another Nazi making shit up and hoping no one notices...

See: What are the Rules of Evidence? - FindLaw
Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.
Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.

Mr. Comey explained why, his analogy about feeding sea gulls at the beach.
documentary evidence: n. any document (paper) which is presented and allowed as evidence in a trial or hearing, as distinguished from oral testimony. However, the opposing attorney may object to its being admitted. In the first place, it must be proved by other evidence from a witness that the paper is genuine (called "laying a foundation"), as well as pass muster over the usual objections such as relevancy.

What trial? Which judge deemed these to be evidence?

Another Nazi making shit up and hoping no one notices...

See: What are the Rules of Evidence? - FindLaw

Again stupid, there is no trial, and the judge decides what is admissible as evidence.

You are just a hack, you have no credibility.
Judge Judy? Really? I guess the testimony must have been pretty damning if you're hanging on the flotsam of "he'd better prove they were contemporaneous." Can't wait to have time to listen to the whole thing.

The Testimony WAS damning, Comey testified that HE leaked information to the Nazi York Times. What a total scumbag Comey is. The head of the FBI is a mole and a leak? Good lord, the corruption left from Obama is overwhelming.
He has been covering up scandal after Scandal for Clinton and Obama.
He managed Millions of Dollars for The Clinton Foundation, and he is bought and paid for.
Trump was right to fire him.
You're a liar and I pi$$ on your tree
Folks, anyone listening to RUSH. Very funny analysis of this fiasco. It is tragic also. The democrats/MSM attacking our democracy like this.

When the next attack occurs, I want all of you traitors to remember today was the day you openly surrendered to the Russians.

Trump surrendered to them long ago. And now he is aiding and abetting them.


I am not going to even request you snowflakes provide evidence to back up your false accusations. We need to assume that you snowflakes forgot to buy Preparation H to soothe the butthurtness.
what's the difference with meeting alone and a phone call? Was he afraid for his life? I mean that makes absolutely no fking sense otherwise.
When you don't trust someone, it's nice to have a witness, that's all..
for what purpose that wouldn't be said over a phone call?
For exactly what happened at that meeting(s). Trump put Comey in an impossible situation, asking for loyalty when it was inappropriate to do so, asking him to back off on an investigation when it was inappropriate to do so. A person might be less likely to say those kind of things when there are witnesses.
so it would matter differently if he asked him that over the phone?
Make fun of Trump on SNL, and he can't sleep. He starts a tweet storm at 3 am.

Attack our country's election system, he sleeps like a baby.

Dead silent. Takes no action.

Thin-skinned traitor.
Folks, anyone listening to RUSH. Very funny analyse of this fiasco. It tragic also. The democrats/MSM attacking our democracy like this.

When the next attack occurs, I want all of you traitors to remember today was the day you openly surrendered to the Russians.

Trump surrendered to them long ago. And now he is aiding and abetting them.


I am not going to even request you snowflakes provide evidence to back up your false accusations. We need to assume that you snowflakes forgot to buy Preparation H to soothe the butthurtness.
You obviously didn't watch Comey's testimony.

Hey, show me one instance of Trump condemning the Russian attacks, or show me one instance of him writing an EO ordering we take action to protect ourselves against future attacks.

Go ahead.

Good luck with that.

Aiding and abetting, retard.
You're a liar and I pi$$ on your tree
The Comey testimony has turned out to be the judicial equivalent to 'Pearl Harbor' for the Democrats and Obama. :p

Comey had testified that:

Former Obama US AG attempted to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, to obstruct justice by pressuring Comey to down-grade the investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting on-board her plane with Bill Clinton convinced him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Hillary investigation / scandal had been TAINTED...

Comey also testified that his 'hand in going rogue' and holding a press conference to announce he was re-opening the Hillary investigation days before the election was 'forced' by Bill Clinton and Lynch's meeting on the tarmac.

--- Hillary and the Democrats went bat-shit crazy when Comey did that...and it turns out they only have Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch to blame.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case

Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

I predicted the tards would not listen to the testimony for themselves and would wait for their propaganda outlets to tell them what to parrot and bleev.


Comey's testimony isn't even concluded and the tards are already receiving their programming. :lol:

What are you babbling about? This is coming directly from his testimony

Your are going off the deep end's also already in transcripts posted live on CNN..

He leaked non classified information after he had been dismissed. Are you sure that makes him a mole? Of course, we knew it was him behind those statements. The "anonymous friend" thing was kinda thin. Why he didn't just stand in his driveway and say it himself, I don't know.

I don't care if he leaked a grocery list, the man who was entrusted as the top law enforcement officer in the nation is a FUCKING MOLE? :eek:

This is outrageous and shows the depths the fucking left has sunk to.

The scumbag should be strung up by his balls, if he had any.
I've only had time to listen to the kick off so far--when Comey called the President a liar--"total lie" that the FBI rank & file had lost faith in him. LOL

Are we hearing the twitter twatter of little Trump fingers yet?

Nope they got him locked up, his son is though.

Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.
So basically there is no - there... there
The Comey testimony has turned out to be the judicial equivalent to 'Pearl Harbor' for the Democrats and Obama. :p

Comey had testified that:

Former Obama US AG attempted to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, to obstruct justice by pressuring Comey to down-grade the investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting on-board her plane with Bill Clinton convinced him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Hillary investigation / scandal had been TAINTED...

Comey also testified that his 'hand in going rogue' and holding a press conference to announce he was re-opening the Hillary investigation days before the election was 'forced' by Bill Clinton and Lynch's meeting on the tarmac.

--- Hillary and the Democrats went bat-shit crazy when Comey did that...and it turns out they only have Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch to blame.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case

Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

I predicted the tards would not listen to the testimony for themselves and would wait for their propaganda outlets to tell them what to parrot and bleev.


Comey's testimony isn't even concluded and the tards are already receiving their programming. :lol:

What are you babbling about? This is coming directly from his testimony

Your are going off the deep end's also already in transcripts neinp posted on CNN..

Dipshit got his copy and paste material from his favorite propaganda outlets before the testimony was even done. Look at the time stamp, dummy.

Just as I predicted.

And the "issue" thing is not in the transcripts. Comey said "matter".
The obstruction of justice cloud remains hanging over Trump. The ball is now in Mueller's court.
Folks, anyone listening to RUSH. Very funny analyse of this fiasco. It tragic also. The democrats/MSM attacking our democracy like this.

When the next attack occurs, I want all of you traitors to remember today was the day you openly surrendered to the Russians.

Trump surrendered to them long ago. And now he is aiding and abetting them.


I am not going to even request you snowflakes provide evidence to back up your false accusations. We need to assume that you snowflakes forgot to buy Preparation H to soothe the butthurtness.
You obviously didn't watch Comey's testimony.

Hey, show me one instance of Trump condemning the Russian attacks, or show me one instance of him writing an EO ordering we take action to protect ourselves against future attacks.

Go ahead.

Good luck with that.

Aiding and abetting, retard.
Isnt the immigration vetting and possible ban EO an action to protect Americans?
Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.
So basically there is no - there... there
So you deny Russia has attacked us? Just how hard did you have to clamp your chimp hands over your eyes and ears?
The Comey testimony has turned out to be the judicial equivalent to 'Pearl Harbor' for the Democrats and Obama. :p

Comey had testified that:

Former Obama US AG attempted to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, to obstruct justice by pressuring Comey to down-grade the investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting on-board her plane with Bill Clinton convinced him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Hillary investigation / scandal had been TAINTED...

Comey also testified that his 'hand in going rogue' and holding a press conference to announce he was re-opening the Hillary investigation days before the election was 'forced' by Bill Clinton and Lynch's meeting on the tarmac.

--- Hillary and the Democrats went bat-shit crazy when Comey did that...and it turns out they only have Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch to blame.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case

Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

I predicted the tards would not listen to the testimony for themselves and would wait for their propaganda outlets to tell them what to parrot and bleev.


Comey's testimony isn't even concluded and the tards are already receiving their programming. :lol:

What are you babbling about? This is coming directly from his testimony

Your are going off the deep end's also already in transcripts neinp posted on CNN..



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