Comey Testimony

There has been no conclusive evidence Trump colluded with Russia in their attacks on us prior to the election.

However, by his inaction, Trump is colluding with them in an entirely different way. He is allowing these attacks to happen and he isn't doing anything to stop them.

It is his duty as President to take aggressive measure to punish Russia for their past attacks, and to take aggressive action to prevent future attacks.

Trump is doing neither. And THAT came out in the testimony today.

You fuckwads can't even find a single tweet where Trump condemns the Russians. That alone speaks volumes from a man who tweets up a fucking storm when he is picked on by SNL.

What "attacks" are you talking about? Russia hacking groups have been targeting US assets for years. Did Obama ever "take aggressive action to punish Russia" in his eight years? No. He didn't take any meaningful action until Hillary lost the election and the Dems needed a scapegoat to blame for their loss and the "Russia interfered in the election" lie was spawned. That's when he expelled Russian diplomats and tried to start a war with them, and the Trump staff was trying to calm them down.
Don't matter. Someone is telling lies. So far, it's looking like the folks who can't expect to be pardoned by this president.
It's looking like Trump and his administration are the ones telling lies. They gave multiple and conflicting reasons for terminating Comey and Trump denies asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.

Trump could have fired Comey for any reason he wanted be it the moon phase or whatever. No laws were broken.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

Sen. Harris' comment rings true: A man holds a gun to your head and says to you, "I hope you give me your wallet".
There has been no conclusive evidence Trump colluded with Russia in their attacks on us prior to the election.

However, by his inaction, Trump is colluding with them in an entirely different way. He is allowing these attacks to happen and he isn't doing anything to stop them.

It is his duty as President to take aggressive measure to punish Russia for their past attacks, and to take aggressive action to prevent future attacks.

Trump is doing neither. And THAT came out in the testimony today.

You fuckwads can't even find a single tweet where Trump condemns the Russians. That alone speaks volumes from a man who tweets up a fucking storm when he is picked on by SNL.

What "attacks" are you talking about? Russia hacking groups have been targeting US assets for years. Did Obama ever "take aggressive action to punish Russia" in his eight years? No. He didn't take any meaningful action until Hillary lost the election and the Dems needed a scapegoat to blame for their loss and the "Russia interfered in the election" lie was spawned. That's when he expelled Russian diplomats and tried to start a war with them, and the Trump staff was trying to calm them down.

The Russians tried to hack the RNC as well as the DND. The RNC had a proper security set up, so the hacks were not successful. The moron Dems, who SHARE A LOGIN AND PASSWORD, were wide open for hacking.

But this is all moot as the most damaging information was due to an internal DNC leaker (who has been murdered); as well as from John Podesta's email with the stupid easily hacked password.
Trump's ego couldn't handle that he was given a leg up by Putin. He LOVES Putin. He was a suck-up obsequious beggar to Putin before he was President. He sucked up to Putin and pretended they were the best of pals.

What a weak character!

This weakness has paralyzed the apprentice President. He is not taking the aggressive actions to protect our country that he should be. He has completely capitulated to his idol Putin.
Now in progress!

Warner is testifying for Comey! He has already reached his conclusion.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
So far, you are right.

Yeah...the mobster didn't say outright "I'm going to burn your house down". He only said "it'd be a shame if something were to happen to your nice house." Doesn't mean he was responsible for the arson, right?

That would depend on the evidence. How many times to people say "It would be a shame if you got fired for that" or " well, it would be a shame if the boss found out". Whole lotta same old crap.
It's looking like Trump and his administration are the ones telling lies. They gave multiple and conflicting reasons for terminating Comey and Trump denies asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.

Trump could have fired Comey for any reason he wanted be it the moon phase or whatever. No laws were broken.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

Sen. Harris' comment rings true: A man holds a gun to your head and says to you, "I hope you give me your wallet".

So Trump had a gun?
Now in progress!

Warner is testifying for Comey! He has already reached his conclusion.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
So far, you are right.

Yeah...the mobster didn't say outright "I'm going to burn your house down". He only said "it'd be a shame if something were to happen to your nice house." Doesn't mean he was responsible for the arson, right?
Well, let's take your example. It is damning, but it could be someone else thought the same thing and actually acted on it. Or, the evidence proved that the owner himself started the fire when cooking in the kitchen. And the owner told that to the police. That's why we need evidence.
Trump could have fired Comey for any reason he wanted be it the moon phase or whatever. No laws were broken.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

Sen. Harris' comment rings true: A man holds a gun to your head and says to you, "I hope you give me your wallet".

So Trump had a gun?
He had the ability to take away Comey's livelihood, dumbass.

You really suck at grasping analogies.
Let's Re-Cap:

1. Obama / Lynch, NOT Trump, obstructed justice and pressured Comey to reduce the status of Hillary's criminal investigation to an 'issue'

2. Lynch and Bill Clinton's 1-on-1 tarmac meeting convinced Comey that the Obama-directed Lynch-led DOJ had been TAINTED, forcing Comey's 'rogue' hand into announcing / re-opening the Clinton investigation days before the election AND forcing him to leak his memos to the press in an attempt to get a Special Prosecutor assigned to Hillary's case, which he thought was warranted but believed the TAINTED DOJ would never allow.

3. Comey self-identified under testimony as a 'Leaker'

4. Trump is a liar...not a criminal or a 'colluder'

5. Obama, Lynch, and Hillary are criminals....

6. This has been an extremely productive and awesome Congressional hearing!


Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case
The obstruction of justice cloud remains hanging over Trump. The ball is now in Mueller's court.
That being said. yeah, they probably tried to influence the election. So what?
So what? Are you fucking serious, traitor?

Governments try to influence elections all over the world every day. The USA is the biggest "influence" by far. Should the USA be condemned for putting US interests first? Should Obama be crucified for attempting to meddle in Israel's elections?

Do you have evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians in any way?

yes or no?

simple question.
Ah, the old pseudocon standby. Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.

As for collusion, I have been saying all along I have seen no evidence of collusion by Trump. However, Trump and his team sure are acting like guilty people.

I didn't run from your question. Now answer mine, coward.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Coward? :rofl: I take umbrage!

I have not seen "definitive" evidence that "Russia" perpetrated attacks on our electoral system. Surely you can provide the actual proof? Please post the links here.

Regardless , we need to shore up our defenses and protect our electoral system.
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?
Did they "attack" our electoral SYSTEM or were they guilty of attempting to influence the outcome via selective (compromised) information release and fabricated "news"? Both major political parties in the U.S. are guilty of the same behavior AND The U.S. has a long and colorful history of doing this sort of thing to elections in other countries. Why is it such a shocking revelation that other countries might do it to ours? Turn about is fair play after all and if the allegations are true we pretty much had it coming, perhaps we should factor that in before deciding to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?
You mean just like we do to them and every other nation state on Earth? This is the dance nation states do with each other and moving to "punish" them without careful consideration is just asking for a deterioration of the already tense relationship with the Russians, which is probably not the wisest course of action.

Do you understand our vulnerabilities make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Yes or no. Simple questions for simple minds.
Calm down, your politician & media fueled FUD appears to be getting the better of you, we cannot protect the voters from their own gullibility, lack of objectivity and inability to see anything below the surface.
Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.
Now in progress!

Warner is testifying for Comey! He has already reached his conclusion.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
So far, you are right.

Yeah...the mobster didn't say outright "I'm going to burn your house down". He only said "it'd be a shame if something were to happen to your nice house." Doesn't mean he was responsible for the arson, right?

That would depend on the evidence. How many times to people say "It would be a shame if you got fired for that" or " well, it would be a shame if the boss found out". Whole lotta same old crap.
Or when a wife tells her friend, "I could have killed him (husband) when he embarrassed here in a store." Thank goodness we need evidence.
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?
Did they "attack" our electoral SYSTEM or were they guilty of attempting to influence the outcome via selective (compromised) information release and fabricated "news"? Both major political parties in the U.S. are guilty of the same behavior AND The U.S. has a long and colorful history of doing this sort of thing to elections in other countries. Why is it such a shocking revelation that other countries might do it to ours? Turn about is fair play after all and if the allegations are true we pretty much had it coming, perhaps we should factor that in before deciding to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?
You mean just like we do to them and every other nation state on Earth? This is the dance nation states do with each other and moving to "punish" them without careful consideration is just asking for a deterioration of the already tense relationship with the Russians, which is probably not the wisest course of action.

Do you understand our vulnerabilities make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Yes or no. Simple questions for simple minds.
Calm down, your politician & media fueled FUD appears to be getting the better of you, we cannot protect the voters from their own gullibility, lack of objectivity and inability to see anything below the surface.
I'll take all that as a no.

Which is no surprise at all.
Don't matter. Someone is telling lies. So far, it's looking like the folks who can't expect to be pardoned by this president.
It's looking like Trump and his administration are the ones telling lies. They gave multiple and conflicting reasons for terminating Comey and Trump denies asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.

Trump could have fired Comey for any reason he wanted be it the moon phase or whatever. No laws were broken.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.
Do you live in Oppositeland or something? :dunno:
Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.

You delusional Trump-haters keep moving the goalposts.....:rofl:

If he did "punish" the Russians you'd be screaming "he's trying to start a war!!!"

I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
So far, you are right.

Yeah...the mobster didn't say outright "I'm going to burn your house down". He only said "it'd be a shame if something were to happen to your nice house." Doesn't mean he was responsible for the arson, right?

That would depend on the evidence. How many times to people say "It would be a shame if you got fired for that" or " well, it would be a shame if the boss found out". Whole lotta same old crap.
Or when a wife tells her friend, "I could have killed him (husband) when he embarrassed here in a store." Thank goodness we need evidence.
I've said many times that my primary sense is that Trump wanted General Flynn to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder. Trump is as loyal to his friends as he is vindictive toward his enemies.

It could have just been an innocent request to let the guy be, he's had enough.

However, there is a more sinister explanation. Trump feared further investigation into Flynn would reveal Flynn had been ordered by Trump to illegally interface with the Russians, and so Trump was protecting himself (obstructing justice) by asking Comey to back off.

I have always believed the former explanation is the most likely. However, Trump's behavior, and the behaviors of everyone around him, keeps suggesting the latter.

Whatever the case, the obstruction cloud still hangs over Trump as dark as ever after today.
Trump may not have colluded with Putin during the election, but he is colluding with Putin now by not taking aggressive measures to punish Putin and to prevent attacks by hostiles against the US in the future.

You delusional Trump-haters keep moving the goalposts.....:rofl:

If he did "punish" the Russians you'd be screaming "he's trying to start a war!!!"

Wrong. Straw man fallacy. I insist he punish the Russians, and I especially insist he start taking aggressive measures to prevent further attacks and to protect our country.


It's YOU dumbasses who are suckups to the Russians and who would whine about retaliation.
Trump has not said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

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