Comey Testimony

Now in progress!

Warner is testifying for Comey! He has already reached his conclusion.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
It is in print. Comey took copious notes and shared them within the FBI.

Oh, so we can see Trump being quoted flat out asking Comey to dump the investigation? If so, You should not be so happy as Comey himself not ten minutes ago said that wasn't the case. That no one asked him to drop the investigation or in anyway tried to stop it.

I heard that Comey's notes are to be considered a legal document

Comey's notes may be worthless. His alleged contemporaneous notes would have evidentiary value only if they were in fact contemporaneous. It is incumbent upon Comey to prove the notes were made when he said they were and not after he was fired. Absent proof that the notes were made prior to his firing, they prove nothing. Anyone who watched a few episodes of Judge Judy should know that.

I want to know who saw his notes and when, or in the alternative who he spoke to at that time and said the same thing as the notes depict. Without that, the notes are nothing more than a self-serving attempt to add credibility to his sworn testimony; a cheap trick by a cunning and desperate man.
The "collusion illusion" is shattered.....
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

One word bub......UMBRAGE.

The CIA has the ability to make an attack appear to originate from Russia,North Korea or Iran, or any other boogyman they choose....

So forgive me if I question the veracity of the claims.

That being said. yeah, they probably tried to influence the election. So what?
Trump tweets his ass off every day.

Show me one tweet where he expresses anger at Russia for interfering our election. Just one.

Show me where he expressed any interest in preventing them from doing it again.

Show me where he has done ANYTHING to protect us from being attacked by a hostile enemy again.

You fucking tards. " what?"

Jesus H. Christ.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
I can't help you're incapable of understanding English. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" looking into Flynn, I don't care how reading impaired you are.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

He said he 'hoped' he could drop it. Kind of like what the definition of

Kamala Harris is a bitch insinuation POTUS was holding a gun to Comey's head.


Well, Mrs. Harris actually provided major support for Trump in that poorly used analogy. As in fact, if someone is holding a gun to your head they WON'T use the word "hope", they will tell you "give me your wallet, NOW!" The fact that Trump used the word hope, suggests that he is giving his personal opinion, his wishes, his best case scenario, his best outcome. It wasn't a directive or an order at all. I believe her argument strengthened his position that he did not obstruct.

Furthermore, even Comey himself admits, since everyone reports to the Executive Branch that Trump could have on his own volition put an end to the investigation (of course it would have had political consequences). Even moreso, he could just pardon anyone and everyone involved. Not very difficult to see how easily he could had his wishes become a reality.

Ultimately, from what I can tell, Trump was not happy about the invesitgation dragging on and keeping the GOP from enacting his promises. He's a man of action, and he knows the Democrats are trying to prevent him from running the country with this narrative.
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Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
I can't help you're incapable of understanding English. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" looking into Flynn, I don't care how reading impaired you are.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

He said he 'hoped' he could drop it. Kind of like what the definition of

Kamala Harris is a bitch insinuating POTUS was holding a gun to Comey's head.


Yes, according to Comey, Trump said "he hoped" which would make it a bit of stretch to interpret as "I order you to", However the fact that the Flynn investigation wasn't dropped and Trump fired him 3 months later using a thoroughly confusing and convoluted pretense looks BAD and raises questions about Trumps ethics and integrity.

Does it rise to the level of obstruction? Probably not since it would be hard to prove and bringing criminal charges against a sitting President is next to impossible (we have an impeachment process for that).

IMHO it does some political damage to the President, probably just short term damage if Mueller doesn't come up with anything else on the Russia Investigation.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
I can't help you're incapable of understanding English. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" looking into Flynn, I don't care how reading impaired you are.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

He said he 'hoped' he could drop it. Kind of like what the definition of

Kamala Harris is a bitch insinuation POTUS was holding a gun to Comey's head.


Well, Mrs. Harris actually provided major support for Trump in that poorly used analogy. As in fact, if someone is holding a gun to your head they WON'T use the word "hope", they will tell you "give me your wallet, NOW!" The fact that Trump used the word hope, suggests that he is giving his personal opinion, his wishes, his best case scenario, his best outcome. It wasn't a directive or an order at all. I believe her argument strengthened his position that he did not obstruct.

Furthermore, even Comey himself admits, since everyone reports to the Executive Branch that Trump could have on his own volition put an end to the investigation (of course it would have had political consequences). Even more moreso, he could just pardon anyone and everyone involved. Not very difficult to see how easily he could had his wishes become a reality.

Ultimately, from what I can tell, Trump was not happy about the invesitgation dragging on and keeping the GOP from enacting his promises. He's a man of action, and he knows the Democrats are trying to prevent him from running the country with this narrative.
Do you know what event occurred which caused Nixon to resign? Do you know the exact conversation which became public which caused Republican resistance to his impeachment to collapse?
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.
Another yes or no question for the tards.

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Syria, Iran.

And so far, most of you have been afraid to step up and answer my questions, except one. And that tard's attitude was, "So what?"


Traitors and cowards.
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilities make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Yes or no. Simple questions for simple minds.
What an in the bag tool he is as McCain trips him up.
McCain is addle brained. Senility has clearly set in.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.


Poor Nazi Guno...
That being said. yeah, they probably tried to influence the election. So what?
So what? Are you fucking serious, traitor?

Governments try to influence elections all over the world every day. The USA is the biggest "influence" by far. Should the USA be condemned for putting US interests first? Should Obama be crucified for attempting to meddle in Israel's elections?

Do you have evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians in any way?

yes or no?

simple question.
I see Soggy in Nola has tagged my questions with a Funny label.

Coward can't face the questions directly.
Comey testifies that Loretta Lynch pressured him to call Hillary email investigation a "matter" and not an "investigation."

Will Dems now say Lynch obstructed justice?
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

Nothing burger so far... just like yesterday
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilities make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

Yes or no. Simple questions for simple minds.
You're talking to party first republicans What legit answer to you expect to get?
POTUS continues his WINNING streak and Loretta Lynch is in deep shit

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.

That is why Hillary needs prosecuted for aiding the Russians.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

Answer the questions. Yes or no. Very simple.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Do you understand our vulnerabilies make us susceptible to attacks from other hostile entities?

I'll answer #3 for $1000

People like Hillary Clinton who are careless with classified information aid the Russians. That is a fact. Your other questions are still under investigation for which an appropriate response to this 'matter' will be taken


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