Comey Testimony

"I'll take Willfully Blind Monkeys for a thousand, Alex."
McCain was clearly suffering from confusion. I'm not sure he even knew where he was. Poor bastard.

He even referred to Comey as "President Comey". :lol:

I think he confused Comey with Flynn and Trump. Several times when he meant to say "Flynn", he said "Comey." When he meant to say "Trump", he said "Comey."

Aphasia. He needs to take Aricept or Namenda.
It amazes me that people like the OP watched that and thought that McCain was tripping up Comey... wtf??
The Comey testimony has turned out to be the judicial equivalent to 'Pearl Harbor' for the Democrats and Obama. :p

Comey had testified that:

Former Obama US AG attempted to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, to obstruct justice by pressuring Comey to down-grade the investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting on-board her plane with Bill Clinton convinced him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Hillary investigation / scandal had been TAINTED...

Comey also testified that his 'hand in going rogue' and holding a press conference to announce he was re-opening the Hillary investigation days before the election was 'forced' by Bill Clinton and Lynch's meeting on the tarmac.

--- Hillary and the Democrats went bat-shit crazy when Comey did that...and it turns out they only have Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch to blame.

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case

Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case




Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.
McCain was clearly suffering from confusion. I'm not sure he even knew where he was. Poor bastard.

He even referred to Comey as "President Comey". :lol:

I think he confused Comey with Flynn and Trump. Several times when he meant to say "Flynn", he said "Comey." When he meant to say "Trump", he said "Comey."

Aphasia. He needs to take Aricept or Namenda.
It amazes me that people like the OP watched that and thought that McCain was tripping up Comey... wtf??

There's a reason I call them tards, you know.
The "collusion illusion" is shattered.....
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
unclassified notes cant be leaked you F'n idget ...
He didn't say jack about the leak being classified. He said Comey confirmed he was 'A' leaker, not the only leaker, but by his own admission, a person who leaked information to the press.

you should always be careful when insulting people, particularly with the cartoon word you used, given your proclivities to being a moron.

DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^

exactly .. and regardless how fucking stupid you really are UNCLASSIFIED information cant be leaked ...
In fact, it can. Just how stupid can you be? Wait....that is NOT a challenge.You've convicted without facts and therefore, completely ignorable.

woe is me ... a lying prick partisan pos has me on ignore, my life is ruined.

The "collusion illusion" is shattered.....

The Dems are all asking for their Brown Pants.
Do you or do you not understand that Russia perpetrated several attacks on our electoral system?

Yes or no. Simple question.

Do you or do you not understand that Russia has probed our weaknesses and will probably continue to attack us if we do not take measures to punish them and stop them?

Yes or no. Simple question.
The question of whether or not Trump is guilty of obstruction is justice is still hanging out there. Comey said it is going to be up to Mueller to determine that.

So that cloud did not go away today, kids. Sorry!
Honestly, McCain reminded me of being in University, not reading the assigned chapters and the prof. entering the class and stating "Let's cover what you were all assigned to read last night. You first Mr McCain".

It was painful to watch and I had the same confusion on my face as Comey did. At the end of the questioning he was quite happy to turn away to the next speaker.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
I can't help you're incapable of understanding English. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" looking into Flynn, I don't care how reading impaired you are.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
The question of whether or not Trump is guilty of obstruction is justice is still hanging out there. Comey said it is going to be up to Mueller to determine that.

So that cloud did not go away today, kids. Sorry!

Not really, Nazi boi,

Yes, the Nazi press will continue to slander and libel, but any actual chance you scum had to "get Trump" went up in flames.
Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Of course that is his opinion. That's why he says now it's up to the special counsel to determine if it's obstruction. Comey never said he felt like it was obstruction at that time.

But it's absurd to claim Comey said he was never asked to drop it when he clearly says he was.

No he diddnt. He said the opposite was true multiple times.
I can't help you're incapable of understanding English. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" looking into Flynn, I don't care how reading impaired you are.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

He said he 'hoped' he could drop it. Kind of like what the definition of

Kamala Harris is a bitch insinuating POTUS was holding a gun to Comey's head.

Frequently Asked Questions about Records Management in General
What is a record?

Records are defined in various statutes, including the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act. The definition that follows is from the Federal Records Act that governs agencies' records management responsibilities.

Records include all books, papers, maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the United States Government under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational value of the data in them (44 U.S.C. 3301).

Many of the key terms, phrases, and concepts in this statutory definition of records are defined in CFR Part 1222.12.

Wrong. Read regulations. Anything pertaining to government business are govt records and must be turned over and retained by the govt.
They were government records. And he stole them.

They were not about an investigation. They are no more government records than Comeys shopping list.
Post the regulation...

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