Comey was a serial leaker,trail going back months

Stole government property for personal gain by putting up the rights to his story for sale? Really? Does that include those people who have worked in the government who also told their story of what happened while they were on the job? Stories like "13 Hours" about the Benghazi attack, or Zero Dark Thirty, or Lone Survivor, or Black Hawk Down? Are those people stealing government property also by selling their stories?

You are some kind of idiot. The FBI doesn't own Comey, and if he doesn't put out any classified information, they can't stop him from telling his story if someone wants to buy it.

You claim you were in the navy. You caught to be able to look the answer to that up in your Blue Jackets manual, or you can go to the FBI website and look it up your self, or you can go find one of the million threads and hit the link to their website that way and see for your self. But yeah, Comey made a boo boo. At a minimum he stole government property for personal gain.

Actually, I'm retired from the Navy. Got a pension and ID card and everything. As far as not being able to profit from your story while you are on active duty, you are correct. However, nothing can stop you from selling your story after you exit the military.

Comey is no longer with the FBI, and is now a private citizen. He has been since Trump fired him, meaning that he is now free to sell his story to anyone he wants to, as long as there is no classified information in it, and he submits it for review.

Try again.

Then you were a sea cadet or something because anyone who has held a federal job be it military or or post office signed a document sry similar to what we signed in the military to the effect that we were not allowed to pen a book or sleep out stories without it being cleared or seven years has elapsed. You are one of those stolen valernshit bags. You have no clue what you speak of, you are to much of a coward to simply look in any of the other threads. By the way, about that stolen valor thing, I think that's against the law you know.

Nope, I wasn't, don't even know wtf you're referring to. Must be only for certain ranks and if you had to sign something you must be pretty rank. Though GI (government issue) pertains to the military not government officials.

It's clearly printed on all the papers you sign at MEPS. Had that been the only place I signed them fine, but it wasn't. Pretty much the same thing at USDA when I worked there as well as the DOT. Why do you think all government say CYA all the time? Hell my nephew works for the post office and he signed papers to the same effect. Rank? Hardly. But those who do get security cleared , nukes and such, are held to some right ass standards.

Well I had a security clearance and also worked for the PO in the early 70's and almost certain I signed no such documents in the military or at PO.
Actually, I'm retired from the Navy. Got a pension and ID card and everything. As far as not being able to profit from your story while you are on active duty, you are correct. However, nothing can stop you from selling your story after you exit the military.

Comey is no longer with the FBI, and is now a private citizen. He has been since Trump fired him, meaning that he is now free to sell his story to anyone he wants to, as long as there is no classified information in it, and he submits it for review.

Try again.

Then you were a sea cadet or something because anyone who has held a federal job be it military or or post office signed a document sry similar to what we signed in the military to the effect that we were not allowed to pen a book or sleep out stories without it being cleared or seven years has elapsed. You are one of those stolen valernshit bags. You have no clue what you speak of, you are to much of a coward to simply look in any of the other threads. By the way, about that stolen valor thing, I think that's against the law you know.

Nope, I wasn't, don't even know wtf you're referring to. Must be only for certain ranks and if you had to sign something you must be pretty rank. Though GI (government issue) pertains to the military not government officials.

It's clearly printed on all the papers you sign at MEPS. Had that been the only place I signed them fine, but it wasn't. Pretty much the same thing at USDA when I worked there as well as the DOT. Why do you think all government say CYA all the time? Hell my nephew works for the post office and he signed papers to the same effect. Rank? Hardly. But those who do get security cleared , nukes and such, are held to some right ass standards.

Post a link to back up your bullshit. And by the way, what does a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), have to do with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), or the Department of Transportation (DOT)? The only time I could think of a MEPS having anything to do with either of the other two would be in the case of someone enlisting into the Coast Guard, because in peacetime, the Coasties belong to the DOT.

In those days they sure did. They always worked in the bowling ally. MEPS is where one signed most of their paperwork, all the ones that matter. In Oakland all branches went to the same MEPS. Now run along and go scam a free thanks for your service Starbucks. USDA and DOT are now other federal jobs I held. And I'm looking down the barrel of another now.

You DO realize that different MEPS stations are in various areas, and they ALWAYS have their own offices, as well as their own building. How do I know? I worked Amarillo MEPS from 1999 until I retired in 2002 as the LPO. I have never heard of a MEPS operating out of a bowling alley, and I joined in 1982. Yes, all branches DO use the same MEPS, but there was NEVER a USDA or DOT application processed there. Its done at another place.

Ohh...................I get are incapable of holding down a government job which is why you have had 3 so far and are looking down the barrel at another one.
You claim you were in the navy. You caught to be able to look the answer to that up in your Blue Jackets manual, or you can go to the FBI website and look it up your self, or you can go find one of the million threads and hit the link to their website that way and see for your self. But yeah, Comey made a boo boo. At a minimum he stole government property for personal gain.

Actually, I'm retired from the Navy. Got a pension and ID card and everything. As far as not being able to profit from your story while you are on active duty, you are correct. However, nothing can stop you from selling your story after you exit the military.

Comey is no longer with the FBI, and is now a private citizen. He has been since Trump fired him, meaning that he is now free to sell his story to anyone he wants to, as long as there is no classified information in it, and he submits it for review.

Try again.

Then you were a sea cadet or something because anyone who has held a federal job be it military or or post office signed a document sry similar to what we signed in the military to the effect that we were not allowed to pen a book or sleep out stories without it being cleared or seven years has elapsed. You are one of those stolen valernshit bags. You have no clue what you speak of, you are to much of a coward to simply look in any of the other threads. By the way, about that stolen valor thing, I think that's against the law you know.

Nope, I wasn't, don't even know wtf you're referring to. Must be only for certain ranks and if you had to sign something you must be pretty rank. Though GI (government issue) pertains to the military not government officials.

It's clearly printed on all the papers you sign at MEPS. Had that been the only place I signed them fine, but it wasn't. Pretty much the same thing at USDA when I worked there as well as the DOT. Why do you think all government say CYA all the time? Hell my nephew works for the post office and he signed papers to the same effect. Rank? Hardly. But those who do get security cleared , nukes and such, are held to some right ass standards.

Well I had a security clearance and also worked for the PO in the early 70's and almost certain I signed no such documents in the military or at PO.

I think he's talking about the non disclosure agreement that everyone who holds a clearance has to sign when they are discharged, stating that they won't divulge any classified information for a certain period of years. I had to sign one when I retired because not only did I work with the PRP teams loading nukes, but I also had a Top Secret while working independent duty on the USNS CONCORD (TAFS-5) and while working independent duty at MEPS.

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