Comey's Testimony Proves....

Well she proved without a doubt that she's stupid, careless and incompetent.

Just think. Some idiots actually think she would make a great POTUS. LMAO

Oh and she will never be held accountable for anything she does so don't hold your breath for that to happen.
look on the bright side ... you'll get to slobber "intent" for the next decade.
Like the libs have done about Bush & 'Florida'...?!


nope, like the dolts have done about a blow job.
18 years and counting
And after that fails what next?
He was convicted of perjury, plea-bargained down to a fine and disbarment.
Clinton LIED:
- She declared nothing she sent or received ever contained classified markings -- LIE (Doing so proves 'Intent')

- She lied by declaring she turned over all work-related e-mails -- LIE
--- "On her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, Comey said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

She lied about having only 1 device - she had multiple -- LIE

Hillary, described y her own staff as 'technology challenged', was described as 'not sophistcated enough' to understand 'classified markings'
--- "Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified."

Liar, deceiver, incompetent law-breaker who put national security at risk because she's too stupid to understand the concept of 'classified' and classified markings....

...Just who we need as President.

Comey calls Clinton email use ‘definition of carelessness’ at Hill hearing, defends FBI | Fox News

Obama: Hillary is most qualified presidential candidate in history | The Five | Fox News

“Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.” - James Comey
Clinton LIED:
- She declared nothing she sent or received ever contained classified markings -- LIE (Doing so proves 'Intent')

- She lied by declaring she turned over all work-related e-mails -- LIE
--- "On her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, Comey said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

She lied about having only 1 device - she had multiple -- LIE

Hillary, described y her own staff as 'technology challenged', was described as 'not sophistcated enough' to understand 'classified markings'
--- "Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified."

Liar, deceiver, incompetent law-breaker who put national security at risk because she's too stupid to understand the concept of 'classified' and classified markings....

...Just who we need as President.

Comey calls Clinton email use ‘definition of carelessness’ at Hill hearing, defends FBI | Fox News

Obama: Hillary is most qualified presidential candidate in history | The Five | Fox News

“Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.” - James Comey

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

She's also stupid, careless and incompetent. I guess its a take your pick. LOL
Comey's definition of Hillary's Perjury being 'careless' is like Bill Clinton's definition of 'Is'!

Poor Easy... Comey Claus left him a lump of coal on Christmas Morning when he thought he was getting a new bike.

Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
Not really.

The investigation was over what she allowed to pass thru her server. How does one discover if a destroyed server was hacked?

Who "destroyed" her server? I thought she voluntarily turned it over to the FBI.
'Not sophisticated enough to understand' = 'Too Stupid To Understand'

What a great testimony for the woman who wants to be Commander and Chief...
- Hillary's personal staff

From the people who know her best, more great testimony on her behalf...
Clinton LIED:
- She declared nothing she sent or received ever contained classified markings -- LIE (Doing so proves 'Intent')

- She lied by declaring she turned over all work-related e-mails -- LIE
--- "On her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, Comey said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

She lied about having only 1 device - she had multiple -- LIE

Hillary, described y her own staff as 'technology challenged', was described as 'not sophistcated enough' to understand 'classified markings'
--- "Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified."

Liar, deceiver, incompetent law-breaker who put national security at risk because she's too stupid to understand the concept of 'classified' and classified markings....

...Just who we need as President.

Comey calls Clinton email use ‘definition of carelessness’ at Hill hearing, defends FBI | Fox News

There are only two ways to look at this. Either Hillary is corrupt and was deliberately hiding her communications from the State Dept. or she really is so stupid that all this technology confounds her. Corruption cannot be tolerated, neither should stupidity. She is claiming she has yet to figure out something as simple as logging onto a secure server. Just can't buy that. The way she deliberately deleted emails after trying her best to keep them out of reach from everyone shows that she was up to something. Maybe it was about dealing with hostile countries and selling favors. Maybe it was about discussing the lies told about Benghazi or the details of where $6 Billion dollars disappeared to. All those questions remained unanswered.

The way her supporters are believing that nothing is amiss and the meeting between Bill and Lynch was innocent shows just how divided this country is and how some will believe anything told to them. They have been conditioned to obey and never question government, which has long been the goal of the tyrants.

There are some RINOs supporting Hillary. There are many Dems supporting Trump. It means some still are willing to think for themselves instead of following party lines. It's tough this year because the choices just plain suck. Really is about choosing the lesser of two evils. We know what we'll get with Hillary. She cannot be trusted and will continue Obama's policies. I will vote Trump in hopes that he appoints good people to take care of some things. At least he is interested in national security over pushing the open borders bullshit. That is a big plus. I think he'll be more friendly to the private sector, as well, and not continue the policies that are strangling small businesses.
Of course the sad thing is that Hillary LIED to the very people who are defending her...and they don't care.
In my opinion, his testimony is a light through the tunnel as to why terrorists right under the FBI 's nose/sight have been allowed to carry out their plans.
Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
Not really.

The investigation was over what she allowed to pass thru her server. How does one discover if a destroyed server was hacked?

Who "destroyed" her server? I thought she voluntarily turned it over to the FBI.
What was left of it.....yes. They removed the it was basically non-functional.
I think the only thing we've proven is that the CDS as taken full effect with the most common symptom being priapism.
This is really quite shocking: hiLIARy was not interviewed under oath, the interview was not recorded, and there is no transcript.

It's not the Crime, it's the Cover Up, folks.

During testimony before Congress on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey stated that the FBI’s interview with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not under oath or recorded, but it still would be a crime to lie to the FBI.

Comey stated that he did not personally interview Clinton, and did not talk to all of the “five or six” who did interview Clinton.

He was then asked, “did she testify or talk to them under oath?” Comey answered, “No.” But added that “it’s still a crime to lie to us.”

When asked if there was a transcript of the interview, Comey stated that there wasn’t one because the interview wasn’t recorded, but there was an analysis of Clinton’s interview.

Comey: Hillary's FBI Testimony Wasn't Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie - Breitbart
look on the bright side ... you'll get to slobber "intent" for the next decade.
Like the libs have done about Bush & 'Florida'...?!


nope, like the dolts have done about a blow job.

As usual the defense of a Clinton is a lie. It wasn't about a BJ and you damn well know it. It was perjury. Man is the left wing lame and don't give a shyt about woman's rights.
Comey said Hillary is too stupid to understand the concept of 'classifications and classified information'..

That makes her too stupid to be President.

'Nuff said

He said nothing of the sort. What's stupid is saying that an e-mail that talks about a public e-mail is "classified".

2000 of these e-mails were retroactively "classified". Tells me the standard is pretty subjective.
He proved Hillary DID send and receive documents marked classified at the time but suggested she was 'too unsophisticated (STUPID) too understand' ...

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