Coming around the first turn, Rubio drifts right and surges for the lead

Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.
The issue is, not the presidency but rather will a Congress work with a president, for me.
I don't want the same party to hold both houses and the potus.

But the thing is there's no way any person can work with congress unless they've had to work across the aisle before. I look at the gop field, and I see Kasich and Jeb fit that bill.
I wish we could have a debate with all the candidates from the two major parties on stage all at the same time, moderated by all the talking heads they can cram into the room. Then I wish the earth would open up and swallow them all into the depths of hell. Worthless as tits on a boar, all of them.
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.

Corporatists don't mesh well with me. You would FIGURE they wouldn't mesh well with the left either.. I find that weird :/
I would rather see Rubio or Sanders. And I cant STAND Sanders and Rubio is immature..
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.
The issue is, not the presidency but rather will a Congress work with a president, for me.
I don't want the same party to hold both houses and the potus.

But the thing is there's no way any person can work with congress unless they've had to work across the aisle before. I look at the gop field, and I see Kasich and Jeb fit that bill.
I trust Kasich more than Rubio.
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.
The issue is, not the presidency but rather will a Congress work with a president, for me.
I don't want the same party to hold both houses and the potus.

But the thing is there's no way any person can work with congress unless they've had to work across the aisle before. I look at the gop field, and I see Kasich and Jeb fit that bill.
I believe in checks and balances.
Jeb is just another corporatist so my previous post is relevant here, too.
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.
The issue is, not the presidency but rather will a Congress work with a president, for me.
I don't want the same party to hold both houses and the potus.

But the thing is there's no way any person can work with congress unless they've had to work across the aisle before. I look at the gop field, and I see Kasich and Jeb fit that bill.
I trust Kasich more than Rubio.
I used to really like Kasich. I didn't agree with everything he said, but I never do. HE just seemed.... well SANE lol.
That blockbuster thing really got me to thinking though..
Rubio will be picking up Carson supporters in the next three months as Ben stumbles.
I agree. It's my nightmare scenario. I'd actually rather risk Hillary than another 40 yr old freshman senator who doesn't like politics.
The issue is, not the presidency but rather will a Congress work with a president, for me.
I don't want the same party to hold both houses and the potus.

But the thing is there's no way any person can work with congress unless they've had to work across the aisle before. I look at the gop field, and I see Kasich and Jeb fit that bill.
I trust Kasich more than Rubio.

You should. The excerpts from his own autobiography are stunning and he is simply stupid for putting his stupidity into print, then taking exception that a CNBC moderator would quote them back to him during a debate. Doesn't get any dumber.
I think Walker scared some governors from even thinking about it. It turned out that he was not prime time material. Christe's turning out to be worse than a crook; he's an incompetent crooked governor. LOL Patake? LOL Jeb's running a great campaign ..... for the 2000 election. Kasich was never going anywhere after Medicaid.

And the sad thing is the gop does have some governors who are not career pols. But, the more the media poses policy questions to Trump and Carson, the worse they'll look. I think Carson will fall fast. Trump will retain some support, but if he loses some primaries, he may lose interest.
Kasich is probably the only one among them with a shot in the general. Rubio's whiny voice and melodious tone is very similar to Mitt Romney's in my opinion. He's less out of touch than Mitt.....but he is just as awkward. Perhaps as a VP pick for Kasich?

Will the GOP faithful realize this before it's too late?
Kasich is probably the only one among them with a shot in the general. Rubio's whiny voice and melodious tone is very similar to Mitt Romney's in my opinion. He's less out of touch than Mitt.....but he is just as awkward. Perhaps as a VP pick for Kasich?

Will the GOP faithful realize this before it's too late?
I don't think so. It's disappointing. Jeb may wake up, but I think the gop simply misunderstood that because of prior experiences a lot of people won't rule out a Clinton, but the name of Bush is pretty .... smelly.

I also like Ryan, btw. But a first term senator who doesn't like politics ...... Please God, let me see a brokered convention with Mitt actually being willing to show his tax returns which won't show anything horrible. LOL
The way he handled the hostile media during the last "debate" is the key to his current surge in popularity. It seems it's all about the media in this election. Personally I think he was the best candidate all along but the nominating process is still evolving. I wonder if democrats will see the light and nominate Jim Webb?

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