Commander a$$hat...

Stripping freedom from citizens vs non citizens rights they don't have HMMMM?

Background checks, smaller magazines and waiting periods don't strip your freedoms.
Yes they do. Tell me, how would that stuff have solved anything?

How? How are you less free if you have to wait? How are smaller magazines restricting your freedom?

If one life is saved by any of those measures, how is it not worth the wait?
The fact is there is no need for smaller magazines, that measure will not save one single life.
Not only that, might slow another Lanzo up when taking out a grade school. Ya, man, can't infringe on that man's freedom. Gotta make sure the next Dear has plenty of ammo. Yessirreeeeeeeee Bob.

Not only that, might slow another Lanzo up when taking out a grade school.

Only thing that slowed Lanza was him taking the time to kill his mother to get his hands on one of her firearms.

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