Commander In Chump Prepares to Shitcan 550 O-4s

550 displaced servicemen and their families.
See the Libberhoid "compassion" folks?
I hope the next President institutes the draft.
Maybe once these pole-smoking Libberhoids experience getting shot at a few times, they'll value our veteran's a little more.
And why only worry about the 500 Majors etc being cut, the army is cutting more than 20,000 enlisted service men, who WILL find it hard to find another job, while the Majors will be scooped up by Defense Contractors, the FAA, and other Federal Civil Service jobs and the National Guard?

I don't worry about the Majors losing their jobs, they will get retirement and the benefits that go with it, ALONG WITH the good civil service etc jobs....

but the enlisted men being drawn down, will surely have a problem getting work right away...
Warrior, do you REALLY think Barry has the management skills to look at a Giant Pentagon Payroll and say "Ok there's the problem. We have too many 0-4's. Get rid of 550 of them".

This aint his plan, he's just the fall guy.
Fall guy, my ass! He's the instigator in chief. He wants the military to fail. He wants America to fall.

550 Majors?

Who cares? The armed forces are cutting back after the end of the Iraq and Afganistan wars. Why should we keep a force level we don't need?
Right! When there's no threat on the table, we drop our guard and get rid of the man power.

When we need it next, it won't be there! Armies don't just pop up overnight ready to use.

Obama would rather hire government workers in the IRS to administer his failed healthcare law than to protect our citizens from foreign powers and terrorists.
And why only worry about the 500 Majors etc being cut, the army is cutting more than 20,000 enlisted service men, who WILL find it hard to find another job, while the Majors will be scooped up by Defense Contractors, the FAA, and other Federal Civil Service jobs and the National Guard?

I don't worry about the Majors losing their jobs, they will get retirement and the benefits that go with it, ALONG WITH the good civil service etc jobs....

but the enlisted men being drawn down, will surely have a problem getting work right away...

You're assuming all these Majors are hard-chargers.
I disagree.
The Army isn't letting go of the hard-chargers. My guess is these 550 Majors have been passed over countless times. Are shitbirds. They'd be a good frag for their own troops.
They'll fold in nicely into the welfare lines with the rest of the Liberal non-productive slugs that are out there - many of which are in this thread!
And why only worry about the 500 Majors etc being cut, the army is cutting more than 20,000 enlisted service men, who WILL find it hard to find another job, while the Majors will be scooped up by Defense Contractors, the FAA, and other Federal Civil Service jobs and the National Guard?

I don't worry about the Majors losing their jobs, they will get retirement and the benefits that go with it, ALONG WITH the good civil service etc jobs....

but the enlisted men being drawn down, will surely have a problem getting work right away...

You're assuming all these Majors are hard-chargers.
I disagree.
The Army isn't letting go of the hard-chargers. My guess is these 550 Majors have been passed over countless times. Are shitbirds. They'd be a good frag for their own troops.
They'll fold in nicely into the welfare lines with the rest of the Liberal non-productive slugs that are out there - many of which are in this thread!

Then why the phony outrage in your OP?
550 displaced servicemen and their families.
See the Libberhoid "compassion" folks?

Millions were "displaced" after WWII
And they created a post-war economic boom but where are the jobs for these guys?
The economic BOOM after the war came from government spending on benefits for these educations, VA guaranteed home loans and many other VA benefits were all added to the Military/veteran perks....
Millions were "displaced" after WWII

You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.
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