Commander In Chump Prepares to Shitcan 550 O-4s

Since the US has no intention of defending the country and making it impossible to do the most prudent course of action for individual Americans would be to identify a possible ally themselves.

If either Russia or China decide to do a takedown either one should find enormous support among the citizens.

Can you name a country capable of invading the continental United States?

Canada? Mexico?

See, your limited knowledge of history and the present concludes that "invasion" is the tactic that would be used.

Do tell..

And don't forget the part where 550 Majors will make a difference
What war has ended under Obama? I mean passed Bush ending Iraq, but then Obama is now back in Iraq... So Iraq no longer counts and is 100% Obama's mess. Sooo, what wars did Obama end? I know he is heating up another with Russia.

A few hundred soldiers going back to Iraq does not equate to the hundred thousand under Bush

We no longer need the ramped up force structure we had at that time

Sooo, Obama's war is not war because it's not yet as big as Bush's war.... Iraq was all bad under Bush but now it's perfectly acceptable under Obama to do it... Gotcha.

Why do you guys struggle so much with equivalencies?

750 advisors with no casualties is not the same thing as 130,000 combat troops and 5000 casualties
I was in the service during the last big RIFs (Reduction in Force) under Clinton in the mid 90s.

A HUGE morale killer at the time.

We all knew it was a huge mistake, which was borne out in the early 2000s.

Remember when servicemen were doing four and five combat tours and those "stop loss" policies? All a consequence of the Clinton RIFs.

But idiots don't learn from history, they repeat it. And these idiots are no different.
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I can't wait for Jeb Bush to get elected so we can invade Iraq for a third time

Third time's a charmer. Maybe you'll finally grow some nuts and enlist. They are taking queers now - so you're good to go!

I hate seeing this as well, especially if these people joined with the intent of being "Lifers" in's harder on the Captains being let go, because they usually have not put in their 20 years, thus not qualifying for retirement pay is what one article I read on this was saying...

If they are good, they will be hired as civil servants and work for the FAA or the Defense Dept in the Civil Service ranks....they have
Veteran's Preference and skill and knowledge on their side.

So hopefully, it will work out for them and their families....and settling in one place and not having to be transferred all over the nation could actually be good for their whole family, allowing the wife and older kids to actually have a career vs just a job that she/they will have to leave in a year or two, due to the officer's transfers.

I know the cuts are necessary, we more than doubled defense spending the past 10 years with the war build up, it is time to reduce it.... I just wish all the cuts could come from the military industrial complex spending, but that truly is not realistic, and people have to be let go too....imo.
I was in the service during the last big RIFs (Reduction in Force) under Clinton in the mid 90s.

We all knew it was a huge mistake, which was borne out in the early 2000s.

A HUGE morale killer.

Remember when servicemen were doing four and five combat tours and those "stop loss" policies? All a consequence of the Clinton RIFs.

But idiots don't learn from history, they repeat it. And these idiots are no different.


You mean liberals.
We no longer need the ramped up force structure we had at that time

There's another misinformed idiot who never served his country who thinks like you. His name is Barry Hussein Obamo, or Sotereo, or whatever the fuck his dope-smoking Muslim name is.
We no longer need the ramped up force structure we had at that time

There's another misinformed idiot who never served his country who thinks like you. His name is Barry Hussein Obamo, or Sotereo, or whatever the fuck his dope-smoking Muslim name is.

Can you justify a force structure in line with what we had ten years ago?

Give us some insight from all those years you served in the Navy?
Can you justify a force structure in line with what we had ten years ago?

Nope. I'm no longer on active duty.
Have not a clue who's needed there, what's been closed, what the mission is, etc.
But you keep "armchairing" with your lack of fucking experience, asswipe. Just like your Daddy.
Bush "gutted" the military when the Cold War ended

That's complete bullshit as well as a fucking lie.
no, it isn't bull crud warrior....

President George Hw Bush began the millitary draw down and spending....

military spending was 515 billion, (inflation adjusted dollars) the year's budget for the year before GHW Bush became president and he lowered military spending in today's dollars down to 417 billion, (Inflation adjusted dollars)

NOTE! This was in just 4 years under GHW Bush reign as president.

the year before Clinton was the 417 Billion (inflation adjusted dollars), and Clinton's last budget spending on Military was $354 Billion, (inflation adjusted dollars)...

NOTE! this reduction in the Military took place over 8 years of reign as president.

Facts are Facts, and Pres. GHW Bush cut the Military by much much much more in just 4 years, than President Clinton did in all of his 8 years in office.

US Military Spending Over the Years
Can you justify a force structure in line with what we had ten years ago?

Nope. I'm no longer on active duty.
Have not a clue who's needed there, what's been closed, what the mission is, etc.
But you keep "armchairing" with your lack of fucking experience, asswipe. Just like your Daddy.

I have more interaction with our current military and at a higher level than you ever have
Bush "gutted" the military when the Cold War ended

That's complete bullshit as well as a fucking lie.
no, it isn't bull crud warrior....

President George Hw Bush began the millitary draw down and spending....

military spending was 515 billion, (inflation adjusted dollars) the year's budget for the year before GHW Bush became president and he lowered military spending in today's dollars down to 417 billion, (Inflation adjusted dollars)

NOTE! This was in just 4 years under GHW Bush reign as president.

the year before Clinton was the 417 Billion (inflation adjusted dollars), and Clinton's last budget spending on Military was $354 Billion, (inflation adjusted dollars)...

NOTE! this reduction in the Military took place over 8 years of reign as president.

Facts are Facts, and Pres. GHW Bush cut the Military by much much much more in just 4 years, than President Clinton did in all of his 8 years in office.

US Military Spending Over the Years

Wars are expensive.
When all your dealing with are blow-jobs and impeachment - the military falls by the wayside.
Brilliant morale booster.
No wonder retention/recruiting are in the shitter.

Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan - Army - Stripes

Love it ... "Commander In Chump!" Hahaha

The twerp hates America's might and status. He fawns all over himself that he's "created all of these jobs" then turns around and fires talented and educated leaders. He's a two-faced prick (pardon my French).

May I offer a biblical prayer over Obama?:

Psalms 109:8, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."
He fawns all over himself that he's "created all of these jobs" then turns around and fires talented and educated leaders.

Morale is so far in the shitter now, this latest "stunt" is more icing on the cake of the military's "loathing" of this asswipe.
Hmmm...Let me see,
Obama is evil because he spends too much money.
Obama is evil because he reduces spending by agreeing with the Pentagon to lay off unnecessary officers.
Obama is evil for deficit spending for laying off military that Congress has not allocated the money to pay.

Hmmm...Let me see,
Obama is evil because he spends too much money.
Obama is evil because he reduces spending by agreeing with the Pentagon to lay off unnecessary officers.
Obama is evil for deficit spending for laying off military that Congress has not allocated the money to pay.


What about the debt? What about runaway spending?

What? You want to get rid of 550 unnecessary O-4s?
What is Obama thinking?
Brilliant morale booster.
No wonder retention/recruiting are in the shitter.

Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan - Army - Stripes

Obama's fault? As usual, you are full of shit:

The Army has close to 514,000 soldiers now, but will have to be down to 510,000 by October, shrink to 490,000 by October 2015 and be down to 450,000 by 2019. In addition, if Congress doesn't act to prevent automatic budget cuts from resuming, the Army may eventually have to get down to 420,000 — a size that that leaders say may not allow them to wage even one major, prolonged military campaign.
I was in the service during the last big RIFs (Reduction in Force) under Clinton in the mid 90s.

A HUGE morale killer at the time.

We all knew it was a huge mistake, which was borne out in the early 2000s.

Remember when servicemen were doing four and five combat tours and those "stop loss" policies? All a consequence of the Clinton RIFs.

But idiots don't learn from history, they repeat it. And these idiots are no different.

The government gravy train has to stop sometime. Military expect to be taken care of from enlist-to-grave nowadays. No one is owed a living. It used to be that the Veterans Administration was there to treat combat related, military related injuries. Now, fat, retired support personnel use it to treat their sleep apnea and plantar fascia. And we get to pay for it! Fucking moochers.

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