Commander In Chump Prepares to Shitcan 550 O-4s

Oh please

The chickenhawks are at it again

Who should we be preparing to invade this time? Maybe we should wait till we elect another Republican till we start talking needless invasion again

The usual suspects.

Russia, who still is ambivalent about its own borders with none other than Mighty Ukraine.

China, whose biggest problem is buying more real estate in the USA than the USA has to sell.

I can't wait for Jeb Bush to get elected so we can invade Iraq for a third time

He'll have to, since Obama won't do jackshit about the rise of ISIS.
You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.


Men Get Fired: Families Concerned.

General Motors, General Electric, Halliburton....they all fire people.

Why should the US Armed Forces be immune?


Oh, forgot: They're not expendable in your vivid imagination.
The usual suspects.

Russia, who still is ambivalent about its own borders with none other than Mighty Ukraine.

China, whose biggest problem is buying more real estate in the USA than the USA has to sell.

I can't wait for Jeb Bush to get elected so we can invade Iraq for a third time

He'll have to, since Obama won't do jackshit about the rise of ISIS.

Hell' its been weeks since we sent in 300 "advisors."

Haven't they kicked ISIS ass yet?
Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.


Men Get Fired: Families Concerned.

General Motors, General Electric, Halliburton....they all fire people.

Why should the US Armed Forces be immune?


Oh, forgot: They're not expendable in your vivid imagination.

Another non-serving pussy
Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.


Men Get Fired: Families Concerned.

General Motors, General Electric, Halliburton....they all fire people.

Why should the US Armed Forces be immune?


Oh, forgot: They're not expendable in your vivid imagination.

Another non-serving pussy

[MENTION=30094]Warrior102[/MENTION] =Another whiny dependent of the nanny state.
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I have nine years, of 23 active, at sea
Ahhh an enlisted navy lifer. Get shot at a lot?

Couldn't handle the military, huh?
Did you at least make e4 once or twice before crying home to mommy?

That's a negative.

In the Navy the worst wound Warrior102 suffered was shitting his Trousers, White, Jumper while squeezing out a wet one after stuffing himself with too much spicy Pilipino Pancit during shore leave.
Ahhh an enlisted navy lifer. Get shot at a lot?

Couldn't handle the military, huh?
Did you at least make e4 once or twice before crying home to mommy?

That's a negative.

In the Navy the worst wound Warrior102 suffered was shitting his Trousers, White, Jumper while squeezing out a wet one after stuffing himself with too much spicy Pilipino Pancit during shore leave.

What are you
Steady mercury's sock, dingbat?
Couldn't handle the military, huh?
Did you at least make e4 once or twice before crying home to mommy?

That's a negative.

In the Navy the worst wound Warrior102 suffered was shitting his Trousers, White, Jumper while squeezing out a wet one after stuffing himself with too much spicy Pilipino Pancit during shore leave.

What are you
Steady mercury's sock, dingbat?

Did you do duty on a merchant marine or a capital ship?
Maybe once these pole-smoking Libberhoids experience getting shot at a few times, they'll value our veteran's a little more.
Like you did sitting on a ship?

Tough talk from a deck swabber.

I have nine years, of 23 active, at sea

A walk in the park with a pension. Nine years at sea in a peacetime navy and you call yourself a warrior? This insults real warriors like John Kerry and Oliver Stone.
You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.

It's always America and her "interests". Do you ever question what those interests are? It's always corporations doing business for profit in dangerous parts of the world and our military provides protection for them. If you're an ordinary American in trouble in a foreign country, you are on your own. How about the Marine that was thrown in a Mexican prison? Do we protect him? No.
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active duty officers 15 years in should be more than majors by now.

tells me these are probably not the cream of the crop.
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You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.

if firing the weakest 6.5% of majors makes our military weak there are other issues to worry about.
Ahhh an enlisted navy lifer. Get shot at a lot?

Couldn't handle the military, huh?
Did you at least make e4 once or twice before crying home to mommy?
So the answer would be... NOPE, never got shot at.

Not much funnier than a career enlisted Navy playing tough guy about how others should go serve in the military to get shot at. Did you at least get sea sick a few times? Maybe stub your tow in the galley? Thanks for your brave service, and thanks for choosing the toughest, riskiest branch to serve in, Mr. Tough Navy Hero.

People are generally supportive of spending reductions for the Federal Government but always seem to come down as fierce opponents of reducing the spending that they depend on or like for ideological reasons.

To be true to the principles of fiscal conservatism you need to accept the need for reduced spending in the programs you favor in order to deny liberals any excuses for cutting their favored spending.

Secondly, America is using the wrong model for military planning. We're looking about the world and declaring we need a military of X size when we should instead be supporting a military which we can afford and then prioritizing how to pack maximum effectiveness into the budget constraints.

The yo-yo-ing of reducing the military and then expanding it and then reducing it after the last crisis is an asinine approach in that with every reduction we lose institutional knowledge and that can't be easily replaced by heavy recruiting in times of crisis.

The military is like insurance - it has to be maintained even when it's not being used so that it's ready to do its job when its called on to do the job.

That said, 550 Majors and 1,200 Captains, isn't some massive bloodletting. Sucks to be them, just like it sucked to be a janitor or accountant at Enron when it got liquidated. People lose their jobs, families suffer the hit, it happens everywhere and the military shouldn't be immune.

Lastly, I'd love to get my hands on all these personnel records for I wouldn't be surprised if Obama's minions have politicized the selection procedures in their bid to Leftify society's principal institution which still upholds conservative values. A political purge of junior officers disguised as a budgetary force reduction is exactly what Obama and his vultures do - they inject politics into every god damned thing.
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People are generally supportive of spending reductions for the Federal Government but always seem to come down as fierce opponents of reducing the spending that they depend on or like for ideological reasons.

To be true to the principles of fiscal conservatism you need to accept the need for reduced spending in the programs you favor in order to deny liberals any excuses for cutting their favored spending.

Secondly, America is using the wrong model for military planning. We're looking about the world and declaring we need a military of X size when we should instead be supporting a military which we can afford and then prioritizing how to pack maximum effectiveness into the budget constraints.

The yo-yo-ing of reducing the military and then expanding it and then reducing it after the last crisis is an asinine approach in that with every reduction we lose institutional knowledge and that can't be easily replaced by heavy recruiting in times of crisis.

The military is like insurance - it has to be maintained even when it's not being used so that it's ready to do its job when its called on to do the job.

That said, 550 Majors and 1,200 Captains, isn't some massive bloodletting. Sucks to be them, just like it sucked to be a janitor or accountant at Enron when it got liquidated. People lose their jobs, families suffer the hit, it happens everywhere and the military shouldn't be immune.

Lastly, I'd love to get my hands on all these personnel records for I wouldn't be surprised if Obama's minions have politicized the selection procedures in their bid to Leftify society's principal institution which still upholds conservative values. A political purge of junior officers disguised as a budgetary force reduction is exactly what Obama and his vultures do - they inject politics into every god damned thing.
think there's a lot of political information in oer's? are majors junior officers?

the rest i agree with. we need to look at how the dollars we have can be best spent and build the military around that. that's the main reason (and i'll admit there is personal bias here) that i support decreasing the size of the active duty army and shifting more resources to the national guard and reserves. they are much cheaper to maintain, and carried as much of the burden in iraq and afghanistan as their active duty counterparts.
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And the far right wails and sails right out to nothingness.

They no longer have the power they once had, and after the falls election JB can ignore them altogether in the GOP House Caucus.
think there's a lot of political information in oer's? are majors junior officers?

Do you know any liberals in positions of power? Look at university admissions for the template. In places like California university admissions are supposed to be made in a race-blind fashion and yet, somehow, through the magic of holistic criteria, they manage to admit the same number of unqualified minorities that they did by using official demographic data of the students under the old affirmative action programs.

I have plenty of faith in liberal ability to inject politics in everything. You can't even go to a football game in DC without liberal politics ruining the game.

What am I talking about, look at the most obvious example of all - a depoliticized civil service. Yeah, the liberals haven't weaponized the IRS, right?

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