Commander In Chump Prepares to Shitcan 550 O-4s

think there's a lot of political information in oer's? are majors junior officers?

Do you know any liberals in positions of power? Look at university admissions for the template. In places like California university admissions are supposed to be made in a race-blind fashion and yet, somehow, through the magic of holistic criteria, they manage to admit the same number of unqualified minorities that they did by using official demographic data of the students under the old affirmative action programs.

I have plenty of faith in liberal ability to inject politics in everything. You can't even go to a football game in DC without liberal politics ruining the game.

What am I talking about, look at the most obvious example of all - a depoliticized civil service. Yeah, the liberals haven't weaponized the IRS, right?

you're making a lot of assumptions and providing little to no evidence to back it up.

the fact is that political information would have no place in an oer and the sheer number of people that have to sign off on them would all but guarantee it stayed out.
What I am reading here seems to be, "Mine is bigger than yours, and that is why we should give everyone in the military a guaranteed lifetime job, immeasurable perks and pensions, the opportunity to 'double-dip', and immunity from the Pentagon's budget restraints..."
What I am reading here seems to be, "Mine is bigger than yours, and that is why we should give everyone in the military a guaranteed lifetime job, immeasurable perks and pensions, the opportunity to 'double-dip', and immunity from the Pentagon's budget restraints..."

Hogwash. I've already stated my position upthread and it's not blindly pro-military so I'm not just a mouthpiece for military-focused advocates.

The men in the military make trade-offs when they enlist - they trade lower pay + less freedom for more job security and special benefits. In other words, those benefits that you're complaining about are EARNED.

The lower pay in exchange for job security used to be the model for civil service workers until liberals screwed that up by combining higher than market wages with job security and generous pensions, a triple bonus over the private sector indicating graft rather than EARNED benefits.
If a serviceman goes to war and is injured while defending his nation, he gets first call on societal resources. That's the bargain we make with these men. Sour grapes from liberals after the deal has been struck are in poor taste.
This was not a big deal until a few minutes ago. I had CBS This Morning on and glanced at the screen and saw a blurb that said "Drawdown affects black majors." Now it will become a "major" deal. For those who are not that familiar with the military, every rank has a maximum number of years you can serve before you must retire or get out. For example, I believe an E7 can serve 23 years. If they haven't made the E8 list by that time, they are forced to retire. Same with officers. It's called a RIF (reduction in force.) And happens every year or so. Normally affects captains and majors who fail to get promoted. Normally nothing to see here, but now that race is involved, look out.
550 Majors?

Who cares? The armed forces are cutting back after the end of the Iraq and Afganistan wars. Why should we keep a force level we don't need?


The partisan right and military hawk's knee-jerk reaction speaks volumes: rather than justifying and need for 550 O-5's, they'd rather blindly attack the decision to reduce numbers.

While inviting and "hiring" millions of illegals. Good thinking ol' chap!!
Couldn't handle the military, huh?
Did you at least make e4 once or twice before crying home to mommy?

That's a negative.

In the Navy the worst wound Warrior102 suffered was shitting his Trousers, White, Jumper while squeezing out a wet one after stuffing himself with too much spicy Pilipino Pancit during shore leave.

What are you
Steady mercury's sock, dingbat?

Another Newsflash:

There's more than one who disagrees with your narrow POV.
550 Majors?

Who cares? The armed forces are cutting back after the end of the Iraq and Afganistan wars. Why should we keep a force level we don't need?


The partisan right and military hawk's knee-jerk reaction speaks volumes: rather than justifying and need for 550 O-5's, they'd rather blindly attack the decision to reduce numbers.

While inviting and "hiring" millions of illegals. Good thinking ol' chap!!

There's probably some audience for this response.

Sadly, most cannot read.
You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.

sorry, but the government can't be guaranteed to wipe your ass forever.
And they created a post-war economic boom but where are the jobs for these guys?
ask Boehner.

More like, ask Reid. He is the one that won't let anything be voted on.
False. Obama's Jobs Bill has been on Boehner's desk since 2011.

Why hasn't it been voted on?

American Jobs Act: Read All the Details


President Barack Obama outlines the details of the American Jobs Act during an address to a Joint Session of Congress in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sept. 8, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

On Thursday September 8, President Obama presented the American Jobs Act in an address to Congress. The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple: put more people back to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. We've created some fact sheets you can download that explain what the President is asking Congress to do, and what the Jobs Act will mean for you.

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Brilliant morale booster.
No wonder retention/recruiting are in the shitter.

Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan - Army - Stripes

The funny thing about conservatives is that they want the best but don't want to pay for the best. They have champaign taste but only a beer budget.

Moral is low because Bush spread our troops thin so they didn't win in Afganistan or Iraq. Exactly what he wanted. He wanted to break the army so he could use Haloburton contractors and make $$$ not to mention bankrupt America so they could renig on government worker pensions and break the government unions.

Anyways, too much to explain it to you dead head.

Also, it doesn't help that we're in Afgan trying to help them but they are killing our 2 star generals. NOT to mention they treat women like shit. If anything we should ONLY arm the Afgan women. Hide your gun under your burka.

No Taliban man is tougher than an Afgan women if she has a gun and is willing to use it.

Also, if we don't ever stand down they will never stand up for themselves. Wake up grunt.
I think the military guys are getting screwed over. With unions there would be equal pay for equal work. Don't want military men unionizing? Get the "defense" contractors to kick in with bonuses with all the lucre they're receiving, to bring regular military at least up to mercenary blackwater pay. Maybe even more money than mercenaries receive, because regular military is subject to ucmj. Exxon and the other oil trillionaires could kick some in to help the guys that are risking their necks for corporate profit, which is what the middle east wars are all about anyway.
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We won in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It took obama to snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
ask Boehner.

More like, ask Reid. He is the one that won't let anything be voted on.
False. Obama's Jobs Bill has been on Boehner's desk since 2011.

Why hasn't it been voted on?

American Jobs Act: Read All the Details


President Barack Obama outlines the details of the American Jobs Act during an address to a Joint Session of Congress in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sept. 8, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

On Thursday September 8, President Obama presented the American Jobs Act in an address to Congress. The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple: put more people back to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. We've created some fact sheets you can download that explain what the President is asking Congress to do, and what the Jobs Act will mean for you.

Why won't it be acted on? Because the republicans don't want any possibility of employment getting better under Obama. They are basically economic terrorists and proud of it.
You say that like it was a good thing. Was the Prez at the time an American or a Democrat?

Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.

You say "a strong military to protect America and her interests?". Explain what those interests are. I say those "interests" are always corporations doing business internationally and using our military as protection. To add insult to injury, these bastards do everything possible to pay as few taxes as possible, like claiming residences in foreign countries. It's economics. Nothing whatsoever to do with protecting America.
We won in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It took obama to snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Sure we did. :eusa_liar: The surge worked. :eusa_liar:

You Americans have to be some of the dumbest people on the planet.

You were able to take America, the largest creditor in the world, and turn it into the largest debtor nation on the planet.

The rich really fucked you stupid Americans. They went international and now have you competing with Chinese, Mexican and Indian labor, you dumb shits. :badgrin:

Keep praying to Jesus and maybe things will get better. :eusa_pray::cuckoo:
Who cares?

We didn't need a million man Army

Let's see ... "who cares?" The men getting fired maybe? Perhaps their families might be a bit concerned? How about Americans who believe in a strong military to protect America and her interests? Hopefully that doesn't overload your fragile thought process.

You say "a strong military to protect America and her interests?". Explain what those interests are. I say those "interests" are always corporations doing business internationally and using our military as protection. To add insult to injury, these bastards do everything possible to pay as few taxes as possible, like claiming residences in foreign countries. It's economics. Nothing whatsoever to do with protecting America.

Great post.
550 Majors?

Who cares? The armed forces are cutting back after the end of the Iraq and Afganistan wars. Why should we keep a force level we don't need?
the same should be done with those non essential federal employees in Washington..
The ones that get a free taxpayer funded holiday every time it snows more than 3".
Except on a much grander scale
550 Majors?

Who cares? The armed forces are cutting back after the end of the Iraq and Afganistan wars. Why should we keep a force level we don't need?
the same should be done with those non essential federal employees in Washington..
The ones that get a free taxpayer funded holiday every time it snows more than 3".
Except on a much grander scale

3 inches? Hell ive seen the fed close because it was raining too hard
I shit u not!

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