Common Core Sixth Grade Assignment: Destroy the Bill of Rights

the progressive-commies have control over our schools, the media and our government so it won't be long
this country will be TRANSFORMED...

Obama promised you all that
The American public can always change the Constitution.

That is part of the Constitution.

A great assignment for a youngster learning about it: s/he has to know it before s/he can offer sensible changes.

you're an idiot....."sensible changes" a 6th grader that barely even knows the Constitution.....?

what you are actually seeing is lefist propaganda that seeks to instill the idea that changing the Constitution is a good thing...

Grow up. Compare and contrast is an excellent pedagogical exercise. Students have teachers to keep them on the right track.

Learning about the Constitution is American values, not far right reactionary propaganda.

Ooops, you violated a USMB using words with more than 4 syllables.
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What if these kids question the second amendment?
What if these kids question the second amendment?

after being trained in the liberal schools for years to not play with anything resembling a gun....or even going 'bang-bang' with their finger.....what do you think they'll think....?

can you connect the dots......?
its a critical thinking assignment, no wonder you are against it. it involves thinking
The far right reactionaries have lost this OP big time.

The kids know far more about the Constitution and our historical narrative than the reactionaries beyond the right fringe.
Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights (Includes interview)

Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights!

A student in Bryant School District in Arkansas brought home a worksheet that presented her with a scenario that referred to the Bill of Rights as “outdated” and that as part of a special committee she would need to throw out two of the Amendments.
The worksheet was handed out to Sixth grade students in a History class. According to the girl’s mother, Lela Spears, she has not received any government or civics classes and this was the first assignment dealing with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The school district is participating in the embattled Common Core curriculum.


ok i can do this. Anchor babies - Gone
I have to admit that I have no problem with this assignment. I think it would teach first of all what the Bill of Rights is and what it contains. Secondly, in being tasked to prioritize the rights, it would require that the student understand each of them and then make a decision which ones were least important.

There is no "priority" for rights, they are all equally important.

No Jury Trials? People are not Sovereign.

No Firearms? People are not Sovereign.

Prohibited from speaking against the Government? People are not Sovereign.

Soldiers and Paramilitary forces can be quartered in your house? People are not Sovereign.

Forced to adhere to religious mandates? People are not Sovereign.

You can be searched and seized at any time? People are not Sovereign.

Popular Sovereignty is the model of the Enlightenment, the entire Bil of Rights protects your Sovereignty.

Republic or Oligarchy, those are your two choices.
The American public can always change the Constitution.

That is part of the Constitution.

A great assignment for a youngster learning about it: s/he has to know it before s/he can offer sensible changes.

Which parts of the Bill of Rights woud you like to throw out, Fakey?

Oh! Oh! Don't tell me! . . . . . . . I know the answer:

All of it!
It's an exercise. They are given a scenario and asked to back up their decisions with a cogent argument.

I wish I had exercises like this in school. In my day too much of school was rote memorization and regurgitation.

did you memorize or even know the Bill of Rights in the 6th grade....? i doubt it...

you can't have an intelligent "exercise" if you don't even know what you are talking about...

Memorizing isn't learning

Sure it is. Only those who want to undermine the kind of learning that actually works would even suggest that it isn't.

Discussing the amendments and why we have them is learning. Want to eliminate the first amendment? Here are the consequences

Great assignment

Where does it say anything about discussing why we have them?
did you memorize or even know the Bill of Rights in the 6th grade....? i doubt it...

you can't have an intelligent "exercise" if you don't even know what you are talking about...

Memorizing isn't learning

Sure it is. Only those who want to undermine the kind of learning that actually works would even suggest that it isn't.

Discussing the amendments and why we have them is learning. Want to eliminate the first amendment? Here are the consequences

Great assignment

Where does it say anything about discussing why we have them?

How else do you decide which two to take out and what to add?

education........what a concept
What if these kids question the second amendment?

What if they give it more teeth? And with an ever growing number of gun owners and gun rights supporters, that is the likely reality

That is part of the assignment...they could remove that pesky militia stuff

the militia patrt isn't pesky. it was madisons way of ensuring our government never had militarty control over its own population
Memorizing isn't learning

Sure it is. Only those who want to undermine the kind of learning that actually works would even suggest that it isn't.

Discussing the amendments and why we have them is learning. Want to eliminate the first amendment? Here are the consequences

Great assignment

Where does it say anything about discussing why we have them?

How else do you decide which two to take out and what to add?

education........what a concept

kids today are growing up on call of duty, halo and a host of other gun glorifying games. good luck getting the 2nd amendment reduced
What if these kids question the second amendment?

What if they give it more teeth? And with an ever growing number of gun owners and gun rights supporters, that is the likely reality

That is part of the assignment...they could remove that pesky militia stuff

The MILITIA is the most important part, it says you right the right to bear military grade weapons, without being under Government control.
What if they give it more teeth? And with an ever growing number of gun owners and gun rights supporters, that is the likely reality

That is part of the assignment...they could remove that pesky militia stuff

The MILITIA is the most important part, it says you right the right to bear military grade weapons, without being under Government control.
I'm 99% sure he was being sarcastic.

Honestly I think this is a great assignment for thought about the BoR and the consequences of taking things out and putting things in.

I actually don't like a lot of the stuff in Common Core, but this is not part of that stuff. This is a clever assignment.

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