"Common sense gun control"

White 6 solved the problem, by talking to the neighbor. I am known to handle not only my own problems, but neighborhood problems, at times with direct intervention. When I needed police to handle something too risky, I have call them. Neighbor never did anything like that again. Other neighbor were aware. They knew the person and trusted my judgement, whether you do or not. Goal is not to get people in trouble with authorities if there is a problem. Goal is to stop or solve the problem.
So you're a felon with a habit of interfering in the lives of others and taking the law into your own hands? That explains your affinity with the left and the socialists here and in general. As a group, "felon with a habit of interfering in the lives of others and taking the law into their own hands" accurately describes Antifa and the left.
The Miller Court also held that the regulatory provisions of the National Firearms Act were perfectly Constitutional and did not violate the Second Amendment, that the Second Amendment right is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited,’ and that there are firearms outside of the scope of the Second Amendment not entitled to Constitutional protections – such as an unregistered shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches long.
Sometimes the Supreme Court gets it right; sometimes they get it wrong. Can you think of any case where they got it wrong or are you going to argue that they're always right so whatever they said is right?

We'll disagree, of course, on which cases the Court got wrong and right but, hopefully, we agree that they do get it wrong and we, again hopefully, agree that they're the Supreme Court and not the Supreme Rulers so they cannot change the Constitution by decree or ruling.

Hopefully, again, we agree that the Constitution is absolute and that the government has no authority not granted by the Constitution. If you disagree, please tell how and where they get that authority. Is it by birth? A king we don't know about? Do they have blue blood? How does the United States government have any authority or power not granted in the Constitution? If the Court is limited by the Constitution then we must surely agree that they do not have the authority to change the Constitution or rule in violation of it. Do we agree on that?

Assuming we agree on all of those things, then the only thing left to resolve is what do the words of the Constitution say on the matter and, by original intent, what do those words mean?

The Second Amendment is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited.’

The notion that all firearm regulatory measures are somehow an ‘infringement’ on the Second Amendment right is both wrong and ridiculous.

Just for the sake of grammar and to further your understanding, all laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms are a violation of the 2nd Amendment because they infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Regulatory measures, on the other hand, means things like requiring the chambers to be tested and proven safe at standard pressures with enough excess pressure capacity to make the gun safe to shoot. Those do not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
Try to remember reality. A felon is not a felon until charged and proven in a court. I'm good with local police and my neighbors. Always have been and probably always will be. Neighbor know me as somebody to call or go get when something comes up, so they do.
No, a felon is someone who commits a felony. A hunter is someone who hunts. A dishwasher is someone who washes dishes. A convicted felon is someone who has been convicted of committing a felony.

You may not yet be a convicted felon but you are, without a doubt, a felon; a confessed felon. You're good with the local police because they don't know that you took the law into your own hands, lied to them, and obstructed justice.
Government has the authority to regulate firearms consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.
There's a right, a "RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE," mind you, that, quote, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." What part of that are you overprivileged communist legal scholars not willing to understand?
The Second Amendment is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited.’
The notion that all firearm regulatory measures are somehow an ‘infringement’ on the Second Amendment right is both wrong and ridiculous.
Says the guy proven to have lied.
Why should we believe you?
So you're a felon with a habit of interfering in the lives of others and taking the law into your own hands? That explains your affinity with the left and the socialists here and in general. As a group, "felon with a habit of interfering in the lives of others and taking the law into their own hands" accurately describes Antifa and the left.
First sentence works for me, except for the felon part. I have no particular affinity with the left. Your view is skewed from being on the radical right nut-ball sites. I just help people when called upon or needed and take care of me and mine. Raised in the country from farming stock, remember? I do think fast on my feet and take individual action as necessary now, just as I have done in multiple countries at a younger age, to great advantage.
Did somebody take your AR-15? They didn't take mine. What did you do? Got any 5.56 you want to sell cheap, since you won't be needing it?

Do you really believe the next step after total gun registration is something other than taking the "military style" guns?
First sentence works for me, except for the felon part. I have no particular affinity with the left. Your view is skewed from being on the radical right nut-ball sites. I just help people when called upon or needed and take care of me and mine. Raised in the country from farming stock, remember? I do think fast on my feet and take individual action as necessary now, just as I have done in multiple countries at a younger age, to great advantage.
If you commit felonies you're a felon. Is a bank robber a felon? Is a murderer a felon? You're a liar and a hypocrite.

Do you really believe the next step after total gun registration is something other than taking the "military style" guns?
Won't pass. Won't even come close. Besides, it would be like Australia, the most restrictive, I know of. They may not easily buy more and all are supposed to be registered since around 1998. 75% rifles and shotguns that are still out there are not thought to be registered.
If you commit felonies you're a felon. Is a bank robber a felon? Is a murderer a felon? You're a liar and a hypocrite.
Not until adjudicated through the trial courts, you're not. This is America. Get back to the troll farm Yuri.
First sentence works for me, except for the felon part. I have no particular affinity with the left. Your view is skewed from being on the radical right nut-ball sites. I just help people when called upon or needed and take care of me and mine. Raised in the country from farming stock, remember? I do think fast on my feet and take individual action as necessary now, just as I have done in multiple countries at a younger age, to great advantage.

I actually don't know what a radical right nut-ball site is. I usually spend my research time on well-known news sites, the Constitution itself, and the writings of the Founders. My recreational time is usually spent here. Like all leftists, you immediately cry Alex Jones when someone quotes the Constitution or otherwise defeats your anti-gun, anti-liberty arguments.

Since I don't know what radical right nut-ball sites are, I checked this page on Wikipedia:

Of all the sites listed under Websites with far-right material, I've only ever heard of one: Info Wars. I was on that website once more than 10 years ago. I dismissed Alex Jones as a nutcase and haven't been back.

No; it's not radical right nut-ball sites that I read to know you're an anti-gun leftist. It's your own words compared to the words of the Constitution and of the Founders. You're a gun controller. You're most certainly anti-Constitution.

People like you are dangerous. You think you're above the law, you operate outside the law and the Constitution. It is the likes of you that people are thinking when they talk about the zombie hordes to be defended against.
Not until adjudicated through the trial courts, you're not. This is America. Get back to the troll farm Yuri.
Commit the crime and you're a felon. The courts make you a convicted felon. Why do you think the courts differentiate between felons and convicted felons? Why is the term convicted felon even a thing if felon includes convicted. That would be redundant, felon. You're a criminal. You're a felon. But even if you won't admit to being a felon, surely you'll admit to being a criminal, right, felon?
Not until adjudicated through the trial courts, you're not. This is America. Get back to the troll farm Yuri.

one who has committed a felony.

Nothing in there about conviction, felon.
I actually don't know what a radical right nut-ball site is. I usually spend my research time on well-known news sites, the Constitution itself, and the writings of the Founders. My recreational time is usually spent here. Like all leftists, you immediately cry Alex Jones when someone quotes the Constitution or otherwise defeats your anti-gun, anti-liberty arguments.

Since I don't know what radical right nut-ball sites are, I checked this page on Wikipedia:

Of all the sites listed under Websites with far-right material, I've only ever heard of one: Info Wars. I was on that website once more than 10 years ago. I dismissed Alex Jones as a nutcase and haven't been back.

No; it's not radical right nut-ball sites that I read to know you're an anti-gun leftist. It's your own words compared to the words of the Constitution and of the Founders. You're a gun controller. You're most certainly anti-Constitution.

People like you are dangerous. You think you're above the law, you operate outside the law and the Constitution. It is the likes of you that people are thinking when they talk about the zombie hordes to be defended against.
No need to get defensive about Alex. I'm sure you just visit that nut-ball site for the Survival Shield and the Super Male Vitality, Alex hawks on his site.
Commit the crime and you're a felon. The courts make you a convicted felon. Why do you think the courts differentiate between felons and convicted felons? Why is the term convicted felon even a thing if felon includes convicted. That would be redundant, felon. You're a criminal. You're a felon. But even if you won't admit to being a felon, surely you'll admit to being a criminal, right, felon?
Because you are not a felon until convicted and all are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? What did you think it was? Just a public opinion thing on internet chat rooms? Failed history and civics, did you? Does not sound like that GED got the job done, dude.
None of this matter one Iota.
The powers that run this nation have decided long ago civilians must be disarmed.
There is no meaningful resistance.
Americans WILL lose their firearms. I don't care how much Internet Tuff Guy talk you spew. You are going to give them up sooner or later.

At every single crossroad where Americans needed to take a firm stand and not budge, they opted instead to watch Netflix or go to the kneeling ball game.
Americans made a choice....temporary comfort and "fun" over liberty and rights.

Now it's time to pay the price.
Too bad if you think you will make your stand at the Alamo and fight off the Feds when they roll in with heavily armed troops and armored vehicles,
many of which could very well be foreign forces under the control of the UN (which loathes you, your guns and America) Biden is busy in the process of signing awy your 2A rights at the UN as we speak.

You have no plan. They do. You're done, bend over. Warrior Pussy Society.
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Not until adjudicated through the trial courts, you're not. This is America. Get back to the troll farm Yuri.
According to the FBI, you're a felon. It doesn't require or assume conviction, it assumes you've committed a felony:

The program classifies justifiable homicides separately and limits the definition to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty; or (2) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.

Nothing in that that implies conviction in order to fit the definition of being a felon.

An individual who commits a crime of a serious nature, such as Burglary or murder. A person who commits a felony.
None of this matter one Iota.
The powers that run this nation have decided long ago civilians must be disarmed.
There is no meaningful resistance.
Americans WILL lose their firearms. I don't care how much Internet Tuff Guy talk you spew. You are going to give them up sooner or later.

At every single crossroad where Americans needed to take a firm stand and not budge, they opted instead to watch Netflix or go to the kneeling ball game.
Americans made a choice....temporary comfort and "fun" over liberty and rights.

Now it's time to pay the price.
Too bad if you think you will make your stand at the Alamo and fight off the Feds when they roll in with heavily armed troops and armored vehicles,
many of which could very well be foreign forces under the control of the UN (which loathes you, your guns and America) Biden is busy in the process of signing awy your 2A rights at the UN as we speak.

You have no plan. They do. You're done, bend over. Warrior Pussy Society.
Are you getting enough sleep? Here is a site you should see if you think the anti-gun movement is actually winning. Cheer up.
18 States: As Constitutional Carry Advances, There's Still a Long Way to Go - The Truth About Guns
So you can't carry a machine gun around. Big deal. Neither could my father. My grandfather could not carry one most of his life either. How do you miss, what your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers never had?
According to the FBI, you're a felon. It doesn't require or assume conviction, it assumes you've committed a felony:

The program classifies justifiable homicides separately and limits the definition to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty; or (2) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.

Nothing in that that implies conviction in order to fit the definition of being a felon.

An individual who commits a crime of a serious nature, such as Burglary or murder. A person who commits a felony.
Nope. Passed FBI, Homeland Security, ATF, TBI and all local agencies. You just don't get what it is to be an American under our system of justice.

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