"common Sense Gun Laws"

Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.
i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.
i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless
Your demonstrable inability to post anything of substance, especially in response to criticisms and questions about your positions, speaks more loudly than any claim I, or anyone else, could ever make about you.

you have never said anything of substance to discuss.

but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser
Being able to neg someone didn't really fix anything, but it did make one feel better... well right up to the part where the worst posters were allowed to form a pos rep ring of socks.
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
None. Everyone should be packing. An uzi.
Inconsequential poster remains inconsequential.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.
i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.
i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless
Your demonstrable inability to post anything of substance, especially in response to criticisms and questions about your positions, speaks more loudly than any claim I, or anyone else, could ever make about you.

you have never said anything of substance to discuss.

but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser
Being able to neg someone didn't really fix anything, but it did make one feel better... well right up to the part where the worst posters were allowed to form a pos rep ring of socks.

part of the problem is that the neg/rep system, when used honestly, set up a system of social control on the retards.

and now they proliferate and think they have something to say.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.
i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.
i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless
Your demonstrable inability to post anything of substance, especially in response to criticisms and questions about your positions, speaks more loudly than any claim I, or anyone else, could ever make about you.

you have never said anything of substance to discuss.

but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser
Being able to neg someone didn't really fix anything, but it did make one feel better... well right up to the part where the worst posters were allowed to form a pos rep ring of socks.

part of the problem is that the neg/rep system, when used honestly, set up a system of social control on the retards.

and now they proliferate and think they have something to say.
It set up an "illusion" of control. They don't really have anything more to say now than they did then. It just pisses you off that you can't slap them with a neg in anger :) Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself.
part of the problem is that the neg/rep system, when used honestly, set up a system of social control on the retards.
and now they proliferate and think they have something to say.
Funny how you refer to people as retards and yet demonstrate no ability whatsoever to refute the points they make.
i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.
i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless
Your demonstrable inability to post anything of substance, especially in response to criticisms and questions about your positions, speaks more loudly than any claim I, or anyone else, could ever make about you.

you have never said anything of substance to discuss.

but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser
Being able to neg someone didn't really fix anything, but it did make one feel better... well right up to the part where the worst posters were allowed to form a pos rep ring of socks.

part of the problem is that the neg/rep system, when used honestly, set up a system of social control on the retards.

and now they proliferate and think they have something to say.
It set up an "illusion" of control. They don't really have anything more to say now than they did then. It just pisses you off that you can't slap them with a neg in anger :) Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself.

i don't get angry. i know who i am. what they say is irrelevant. but they are like mosquitos.
Your demonstrable inability to post anything of substance, especially in response to criticisms and questions about your positions, speaks more loudly than any claim I, or anyone else, could ever make about you.

you have never said anything of substance to discuss.

but whatever makes you feel better about being a loser
Being able to neg someone didn't really fix anything, but it did make one feel better... well right up to the part where the worst posters were allowed to form a pos rep ring of socks.

part of the problem is that the neg/rep system, when used honestly, set up a system of social control on the retards.

and now they proliferate and think they have something to say.
It set up an "illusion" of control. They don't really have anything more to say now than they did then. It just pisses you off that you can't slap them with a neg in anger :) Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself.

i don't get angry. i know who i am. what they say is irrelevant. but they are like mosquitos.
That ignore button is the equivalent of mosquito spray.
That ignore button is the equivalent of mosquito spray.

The ignore button is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

It is a form of cowardice, a means of avoiding criticism or challenges to ones arguments.
I think she's talking about the people who don't argue but rather just hurl racist epithets.
That ignore button is the equivalent of mosquito spray.

The ignore button is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

It is a form of cowardice, a means of avoiding criticism or challenges to ones arguments.
I think she's talking about the people who don't argue but rather just hurl racist epithets.

Even Asslips occasionally has something to contribute. I stay out of the obvious racist trolling threads. but other than FakeyJake, I ignore no one.
That ignore button is the equivalent of mosquito spray.

The ignore button is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

It is a form of cowardice, a means of avoiding criticism or challenges to ones arguments.
I think she's talking about the people who don't argue but rather just hurl racist epithets.

Even Asslips occasionally has something to contribute. I stay out of the obvious racist trolling threads. but other than FakeyJake, I ignore no one.
I'm ignoring
Nutz < hey look he got BANNED> and
The benefit of "reasonable" gun control.

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns
Gun laws in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36% (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39% (1304/1879)
FBI mdash Expanded Offense

% US population in CA 12.12% California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
% US murders in CA 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

The benefit of "reasonable" gun control.

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns
Gun laws in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36% (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39% (1304/1879)
FBI mdash Expanded Offense

% US population in CA 12.12% California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
% US murders in CA 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Let me think like a gun grabber...so what you are saying here...is that we need more gun laws...
Common Sense, which many in here lack decisively, dictates that

Miller did not say you could not regulate guns. That is false.
It didn't say you couldn't Hula Hoop on Sundays either.
It DID however, recognize that owning a gun is an individual right. That was a couple of years before Scalia joined the court, as you ignorantly spewed.
Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.

i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.

i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless

who is this malodorous snatch and why is she insulting patriotic gun owners?
It didn't say you couldn't Hula Hoop on Sundays either.
It DID however, recognize that owning a gun is an individual right. That was a couple of years before Scalia joined the court, as you ignorantly spewed.
Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.

i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.

i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless

who is this malodorous snatch and why is she insulting patriotic gun owners?
She says she's a lawyer.
It didn't say you couldn't Hula Hoop on Sundays either.
It DID however, recognize that owning a gun is an individual right. That was a couple of years before Scalia joined the court, as you ignorantly spewed.
Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.

i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.

i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless

who is this malodorous snatch and why is she insulting patriotic gun owners?

Who's the trash who thinks he's a patriot?
Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.

i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.

i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless

who is this malodorous snatch and why is she insulting patriotic gun owners?

Who's the trash who thinks he's a patriot?

a guy who gave 24 years of highly decorated federal service

so who are you other than a hysterical fairy?
Miller was granted standing in his argument that the 2nd protected his right to own the weapon in question.
This necessarily means that the court saw the 2nd as a protection of a right of the individual, not tied to service in the militia.
And so, while Miller does not literally express the sentiment, in practice it states exactly that.
Jillian would do well to take a class in basic law or attempt to gain an understanding of how American Jurisprudence works.
Jillian claims to be an attorney.
Yeah, I laughed too.

i know it makes you idiots feel better about your lack of education and knowledge to say that. but no worries, loon.

i really miss when this board had decent people on it. there used to be place for decent discussion. you trash mouth loons are useless

who is this malodorous snatch and why is she insulting patriotic gun owners?
She says she's a lawyer.

yeah and I am kobie bryant.

she's no lawyer, she's a malodorous snatch

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