Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

Why would it be better to limit the ability to kill to eight people in lieu of nine people or twenty people? Some otherwise logical people seem to get fascinated by the number of people killed, versus the fact that people are killed.

Children are killed, all over this country, at school, on the way to school, or on the way home from school, every day, and few seem to notice. So, what is the magic number of dead people that causes so much concern? It is obviously not the deaths, it is the numbers of deaths that creates the concern.
There is no ultimate solve all solution. The goal is to lower the number of people a nut can kill because guns aren’t going away.

You’re talking about a completely different problem. Why people kill. I’m just trying to lower the number of people they can kill. I wish none of us could get a ten round clip because they don’t make them.

And my Ruger bushmaster only holds 4. And you have to do the thing each time to unload the spent cartridge and put another in the chamber. I couldn’t do the kind of damage the Vegas shooter did. Or the guys on the movie heat with their assault weapons. That was based on a real case. Those weapons shouldn’t be available.

Solve the crazy male problem first then I’ll consider letting anyone own and carry a gun.

So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
It's so insanely simple.


No one is preventing anyone from carrying weapons.

Otherwise, this is no solution.
Why is it not a solution? Why don't you want people to be able to defend themselves against criminals?

Disclaimer: I know why you don't. I want to know if YOU know why you don't.
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .

Just because you said so doesn't make it real.

Let me introduce myself. When pssmet says "Mrguncontrol" he's talking about me. I don't say one way or another. But I do go for common sense gun laws. If I wanted a gun today, I can get one....LEGALLY. Common Sense Gun laws don't prevent me from having almost any reasonable gun that is made today. Since I have no criminal record, don't beat the wife or terrorize the kids, I don't have a problem purchasing, owning and using a gun. I also don't cry my little head off that 'They are coming to take all my guns' like some do in here. If you are worried about "Them" coming to take all your guns, you are either up to no good or loony enough to maybe warrant the court to remove your right to own since you are a threat to society. Either way works for me. If you do not fit in either of those categories then you should follow your local, state and federal laws. And only after that, you have the right to own that gun.

Or you can do what pssmet does and keep screaming that the sky is falling.
Firearm ownership is none of the federal governments business...
That is why firearm registration is never acceptable… In fact it’s unconstitutional

You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
Yeah! How else is the government going to confiscate guns if they don't know who has them? You tell 'em, Comrade!
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Hear all this screaming, not one gun I own has been taken away. there have been a few silly useless regulations added in a few places, that's about it.
the fact that the last school killing did not get much more than a ho hum, you could consider the feelings of those with children in school or who teach, or just worry about violence.
there afraid, not crazy or stupid.
The answer is simple...
Yet you don’t want anything stopping us from getting guns? Or any system that might catch and stop a nut?

Unfortunately casualties are a terrible byproduct of freedom and liberty.
Government regulation of freedom and liberty sucks...We have plenty now.
Why not prefer the imposition of a full police state in Democratic strongholds...Why not impose our will on the bad guys only?
We do. Blue states have different laws than red ones. People in red states don’t have to deal with the kinds of people we have to deal with if you know what I mean.

For example some red states allow conceal carry without a permit. Republicans in Michigan almost passed it but I’m sure they didn’t want blacks to be able to carry guns freely without having to first go through the class and jump through the hoops.

You know who hates guns? Cops.
You’re wrong, any self-respecting lawman Encourages law abiding firearm ownership...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
Cops don’t want the people they ticket all having guns. You’re mistaken.

You anti-gunners just make crap up, and then expect the rest of us to just accept it as truth....

You are wrong, nothing you have posted is based in facts, truth or reality......

Police Gun Control Survey: Are legally-armed citizens the best solution to gun violence?

And when it comes to finding ways to reduce gun violence and large scale shootings, most cops say a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” isn’t the answer.

More than 91 percent of respondents say it would either have no effect or a negative effect in reducing violent crime. This is an overwhelming response by those whose job it is to actually deal with this issue on the front lines.

Instead, it is interesting to note that many respondents consider armed citizens as a potential asset in reducing the carnage from a mass murder situation; proactive choices dominate over gun and magazine restrictions and bans.

More than 91 percent of respondents support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable.

A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 60 percent).
Hear all this screaming, not one gun I own has been taken away. there have been a few silly useless regulations added in a few places, that's about it.
the fact that the last school killing did not get much more than a ho hum, you could consider the feelings of those with children in school or who teach, or just worry about violence.
there afraid, not crazy or stupid.
------------------------------------ I say feck'em , they oughta grow up is my attitude SPlay .
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
Your second paragraph demonizes people who carry guns. They're not using them. They're not killing or threatening people.

But you want the government to punish them.
i think that most everyone knows WHO 'mrguncontrol' is eh !! [chuckle]
Trump slipped when he said he’d take the guns first then go to court over it later.

In other words eventually the gop is going to have to leave the nra. If and when it starts costing them elections. The more liberal people get the more common sense gun regulations will follow. Until then you’re right.

Do you think Americans 100 years will even notice if all they can buy are revolvers and hunting rifles that only take 4 bullets? I don’t think so. They’ll understand there are too many nuts in the USA to allow anyone and everyone to have wmds.

Don’t worry you can still carry 4 guns.

Maybe in the future only one gun per citizen. One revolver and hunting rifle.

If that’s what it was now I guess I’d be happy with my revolver.

Right now I can shoot 10 plus 1 and I have two 8 round clips. I could easily take out 27.

Too much.
Firearms are not weapons of mass destruction.

Could you stop being an emotional little girl for like two minutes?
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .

Just because you said so doesn't make it real.

Let me introduce myself. When pssmet says "Mrguncontrol" he's talking about me. I don't say one way or another. But I do go for common sense gun laws. If I wanted a gun today, I can get one....LEGALLY. Common Sense Gun laws don't prevent me from having almost any reasonable gun that is made today. Since I have no criminal record, don't beat the wife or terrorize the kids, I don't have a problem purchasing, owning and using a gun. I also don't cry my little head off that 'They are coming to take all my guns' like some do in here. If you are worried about "Them" coming to take all your guns, you are either up to no good or loony enough to maybe warrant the court to remove your right to own since you are a threat to society. Either way works for me. If you do not fit in either of those categories then you should follow your local, state and federal laws. And only after that, you have the right to own that gun.

Or you can do what pssmet does and keep screaming that the sky is falling.
Firearm ownership is none of the federal governments business...
That is why firearm registration is never acceptable… In fact it’s unconstitutional

You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
No one has to register firearms when they buy them, because it’s unconstitutional.
I do an Insta check for the customer and the second that’s over, I throw away the information on the firearm purchased, every single customer requests I do that. It’s up to the customer dumbass
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
The vast majority of violence is done in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders… With extremely strict gun control laws. That’s the reason why there is violence, we have no criminal control.
So shut the fuck up
The answer is simple...
Yet you don’t want anything stopping us from getting guns? Or any system that might catch and stop a nut?

Unfortunately casualties are a terrible byproduct of freedom and liberty.
Government regulation of freedom and liberty sucks...We have plenty now.
Why not prefer the imposition of a full police state in Democratic strongholds...Why not impose our will on the bad guys only?
We do. Blue states have different laws than red ones. People in red states don’t have to deal with the kinds of people we have to deal with if you know what I mean.

For example some red states allow conceal carry without a permit. Republicans in Michigan almost passed it but I’m sure they didn’t want blacks to be able to carry guns freely without having to first go through the class and jump through the hoops.

You know who hates guns? Cops.
You’re wrong, any self-respecting lawman Encourages law abiding firearm ownership...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves
Cops don’t want the people they ticket all having guns. You’re mistaken.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right by law-abiding Americans... so shut the fuck up you fucking retard
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit
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My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit

So you don't watch where you go? You frequent urban areas where gang-bangers war with each other? Where do you live in the U.S.?

I'll pass on the insult. A person who calls me "a fucking piece shit" has already revealed that he is someone from the sewer, perhaps raised in a bar by parents who had only known each other for 15 minutes when you were conceived.

Why can't Americans enjoy public spaces, restaurants, movies, parks, etc., without the threat that someone next to us is carrying a loaded gun and we don't know his/her mental state?
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit

So you don't watch where you go? You frequent urban areas where gang-bangers war with each other? Where do you live in the U.S.?

I'll pass on the insult. A person who calls me "a fucking piece shit" has already revealed that he is someone from the sewer, perhaps raised in a bar by parents who had only known each other for 15 minutes when you were conceived.

Why can't Americans enjoy public spaces, restaurants, movies, parks, etc., without the threat that someone next to us is carrying a loaded gun and we don't know his/her mental state?
You can and undoubtedly have many, many times.

Legal gun owners are a threat to nothing but leftist totalitarianism.
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit

So you don't watch where you go? You frequent urban areas where gang-bangers war with each other? Where do you live in the U.S.?

I'll pass on the insult. A person who calls me "a fucking piece shit" has already revealed that he is someone from the sewer, perhaps raised in a bar by parents who had only known each other for 15 minutes when you were conceived.

Why can't Americans enjoy public spaces, restaurants, movies, parks, etc., without the threat that someone next to us is carrying a loaded gun and we don't know his/her mental state?
Blame the individual never the firearm
My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit

So you don't watch where you go? You frequent urban areas where gang-bangers war with each other? Where do you live in the U.S.?

I'll pass on the insult. A person who calls me "a fucking piece shit" has already revealed that he is someone from the sewer, perhaps raised in a bar by parents who had only known each other for 15 minutes when you were conceived.

Why can't Americans enjoy public spaces, restaurants, movies, parks, etc., without the threat that someone next to us is carrying a loaded gun and we don't know his/her mental state?
Blame the individual never the firearm
you shot him do something about guns.jpg
----------------------------------- quit importing the 'third world' savages and their animal and criminal culture Lysis .

Who is? The vast majority of these savages are U.S.-born white males. What about these white gangs known as "militia" running around with loaded guns? Not all males of European descent are disgusting savages, and I would never imply that. But what about this savage hopkins? The ones who showed up armed at the bundy ranch? Those who took over the wildlife refuge?

Now this stupid pig has killed someone.It's one thing to stick a loaded gun in your pants and shoot your own nuts off. You uncivilized tribal louts can do what you please to your own selves, but you are now a threat to civilized society.
Vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas by repeat offenders with extremely strict gun control laws... you fucking piece of shit

So you don't watch where you go? You frequent urban areas where gang-bangers war with each other? Where do you live in the U.S.?

I'll pass on the insult. A person who calls me "a fucking piece shit" has already revealed that he is someone from the sewer, perhaps raised in a bar by parents who had only known each other for 15 minutes when you were conceived.

Why can't Americans enjoy public spaces, restaurants, movies, parks, etc., without the threat that someone next to us is carrying a loaded gun and we don't know his/her mental state?
Blame the individual never the firearm
View attachment 260459
Yep, Gun control is never been about firearms… It’s always been about control
But I do go for common sense gun laws.

What exactly is it about "...shall not be infringed" that is confusing to you? You're allowed to not care about your rights, but you do understand what you "go for" is infringing on others rights, yes?

Okay, here we go again.

The End amendment has all but been legislated out of existance. Due to the first 2/3rds, the National Guard Act of 1917 pretty well trashed that part. That part of it needs to be taken out. Not just rewritten but taken completely out.

Now, about the last part. This is the part you and others like you keep repeating over and over.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We outgrew that as of 1859 when the first Walker Colt was introduced. If you know anything about the real Western History you would see that the word infringed no longer applied. And we outgrew the word "Arms" in the process. Public safety became a real problem and the first Gun Regs were introduced in 1871 in western towns and cities. I won't go into why or how but they made some pretty drastic (for the time) choices and then upheld those actions. You can't change the facts that we DO need some firearms regulations these days as much as we needed them in 1871.

So now we get it to read

the right of the people to keep and bear Firearms, shall not be infringed.

It's still not right. There are classes of weapons that no sane person will ever attempt to own, buy or operate in a civilian world. I don't believe you need a M-2 50 cal machine gun bolted on the back of your Pickup Truck. I don't think you need a Nuclear Weapon of any kind. I don't think you need a surplus M-60 Nato 7.62 Belt Fed Machine gun also mounted on that already overloaded half ton. (btw, you can buy a M-60 but you can't buy it's replacement, the M-240). You tell me how it can be rewritten so it makes sense. In such a short form, I just don't see a way.

Okay, you want to keep hammering us with the 2nd amendment over and over and you want to use it EXACTLY as it is written. Sounds good to me. Here is is one more time.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You want a literal meaning exactly as worded? Sure, let's do that. You have the right to wear sleaveless shirts and display both or your Manly Muscles. You want it verbatim, fine, but that is exactly what it says.

Now, do you agree that we need to upgrade it? I certainly do.

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