Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone.

This was a hasty generalization fallacy over a year ago and it remains a fallacy today.

One person's opinion is not representative of an entire class of persons; and just because one politician advocates for a certain law doesn't mean that law will be enacted.
I’m getting a Ruger 1911 45. Holds 8 plus 1. A smart regulation is to not make clips any bigger than this. It’s enough.

Good guys with guns can stop a bad guy with a gun as long as bad guy doesn’t have an assault rifle that can shoot or spray 40 bullets at a time.

Why would it be better to limit the ability to kill to eight people in lieu of nine people or twenty people? Some otherwise logical people seem to get fascinated by the number of people killed, versus the fact that people are killed.

Children are killed, all over this country, at school, on the way to school, or on the way home from school, every day, and few seem to notice. So, what is the magic number of dead people that causes so much concern? It is obviously not the deaths, it is the numbers of deaths that creates the concern.
There is no ultimate solve all solution. The goal is to lower the number of people a nut can kill because guns aren’t going away.

You’re talking about a completely different problem. Why people kill. I’m just trying to lower the number of people they can kill. I wish none of us could get a ten round clip because they don’t make them.

And my Ruger bushmaster only holds 4. And you have to do the thing each time to unload the spent cartridge and put another in the chamber. I couldn’t do the kind of damage the Vegas shooter did. Or the guys on the movie heat with their assault weapons. That was based on a real case. Those weapons shouldn’t be available.

Solve the crazy male problem first then I’ll consider letting anyone own and carry a gun.

So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
It's so insanely simple.


No one is preventing anyone from carrying weapons.

Otherwise, this is no solution.
Why would it be better to limit the ability to kill to eight people in lieu of nine people or twenty people? Some otherwise logical people seem to get fascinated by the number of people killed, versus the fact that people are killed.

Children are killed, all over this country, at school, on the way to school, or on the way home from school, every day, and few seem to notice. So, what is the magic number of dead people that causes so much concern? It is obviously not the deaths, it is the numbers of deaths that creates the concern.
There is no ultimate solve all solution. The goal is to lower the number of people a nut can kill because guns aren’t going away.

You’re talking about a completely different problem. Why people kill. I’m just trying to lower the number of people they can kill. I wish none of us could get a ten round clip because they don’t make them.

And my Ruger bushmaster only holds 4. And you have to do the thing each time to unload the spent cartridge and put another in the chamber. I couldn’t do the kind of damage the Vegas shooter did. Or the guys on the movie heat with their assault weapons. That was based on a real case. Those weapons shouldn’t be available.

Solve the crazy male problem first then I’ll consider letting anyone own and carry a gun.

So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
It's so insanely simple.


No one is preventing anyone from carrying weapons.

Otherwise, this is no solution.
The solution is for the federal government to stay the fuck out of people’s personal lives
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone.

This was a hasty generalization fallacy over a year ago and it remains a fallacy today.

One person's opinion is not representative of an entire class of persons; and just because one politician advocates for a certain law doesn't mean that law will be enacted.

----------------------------------------- 'gun control' is 'unAmerican' so those advocating for it are my political enemies . And those advocating for Gun Control already have all sorts of 'anti gun' laws on the books and ready to enforce . Gun Controllers won't be happy until Americans are disarmed of Efficient and Effective Weapons just like things are in 'england' , 'wales' and other 'wanker ' nations and 'islands' like recently disarmed 'new zealand' Clayton
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Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone.

This was a hasty generalization fallacy over a year ago and it remains a fallacy today.

One person's opinion is not representative of an entire class of persons; and just because one politician advocates for a certain law doesn't mean that law will be enacted.

---------------------------------- anti gun political enemies in USA Government have more power and money and EAR's than a normal regular American Gun Owner Clayton .
in 'england' their government will allow the 'subjects' to have a double barrel shotgun or reduced 3 round capacity pump shotgun if the shotgun owner has the ability to follow 'englands' nightmare restrictions and storage rules and if they have 'need' and belong to a shooting club or hunting club . And thats the Model for America that the gun controllers in the USA have planned for the USA Clayton .
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but retired 'tony blair' and the 'queen' and 'royal family' are ALL protected by armed men and thats at 'taxpayer expense' Ladies and Gents of this board .
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
The latest school shooting in Colorado shows the world there’s no possible gun law that cures mental illness. God bless the students for walking out on the actual gun problem
in 'england' their government will allow the 'subjects' to have a double barrel shotgun or reduced 3 round capacity pump shotgun if they shotgun owner has the ability to follow 'englands' nightmare restrictions and storage rules and if they have 'need' and belong to a shooting club or hunting club . And thats the Model for America that the gun controllers in the USA have planned for the USA Clayton .
Sounds excellent.
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .


First they want to have so that you have to have permission. You know, background check and silly shit like that. Like all lying Liberals they will tell you "nothing to worry about, we are not going to take your firearms way, only the bad guys". Then they expand the requirements. Then they determine that there are many guns that you shouldn't have because "they are dangerous". Then magazines and ammo and everything else you can think of. Then no need for anybody to have gun except the State and pretty soon you have oppressive gun laws like we see in many states and cities where the Liberals have power.

Liberals are never to be trusted with our Constitutional rights. The Constitution is an impediment to making this country a socialist shithole and they will do away with the Bill of Rights in a nanosecond if it stands in their way of getting free stuff. Since the Second is the Guarantor of all the other rights it is tops on their list to go. Free speech and freedom of religion right after that.
I’m just saying I don’t mind to learn my hunting rifle is only 3+1. I think that makes sense and would be ok if they never made them with more.

The nuts usually go buy their shit at the store. They aren’t going on the black market to find higher capacity rounds and ways to maximize damage. Some do but most just work with what’s available. Or what their parents have.

I wish klebolt and Harris parents only had five round revolvers.

The answer is simple...
Yet you don’t want anything stopping us from getting guns? Or any system that might catch and stop a nut?

Unfortunately casualties are a terrible byproduct of freedom and liberty.
Government regulation of freedom and liberty sucks...We have plenty now.
Why not prefer the imposition of a full police state in Democratic strongholds...Why not impose our will on the bad guys only?
We do. Blue states have different laws than red ones. People in red states don’t have to deal with the kinds of people we have to deal with if you know what I mean.

For example some red states allow conceal carry without a permit. Republicans in Michigan almost passed it but I’m sure they didn’t want blacks to be able to carry guns freely without having to first go through the class and jump through the hoops.

You know who hates guns? Cops.
You’re wrong, any self-respecting lawman Encourages law abiding firearm ownership...
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves

they know, I posted the article from PoliceOne, where actual cops stated in a survey they support civilians having guns.
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .


First they want to have so that you have to have permission. You know, background check and silly shit like that. Like all lying Liberals they will tell you "nothing to worry about, we are not going to take your firearms way, only the bad guys". Then they expand the requirements. Then they determine that there are many guns that you shouldn't have because "they are dangerous". Then magazines and ammo and everything else you can think of. Then no need for anybody to have gun except the State and pretty soon you have oppressive gun laws like we see in many states and cities where the Liberals have power.

Liberals are never to be trusted with our Constitutional rights. The Constitution is an impediment to making this country a socialist shithole and they will do away with the Bill of Rights in a nanosecond if it stands in their way of getting free stuff. Since the Second is the Guarantor of all the other rights it is tops on their list to go. Free speech and freedom of religion right after that.
Or we say fk off
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .

Just because you said so doesn't make it real.

Let me introduce myself. When pssmet says "Mrguncontrol" he's talking about me. I don't say one way or another. But I do go for common sense gun laws. If I wanted a gun today, I can get one....LEGALLY. Common Sense Gun laws don't prevent me from having almost any reasonable gun that is made today. Since I have no criminal record, don't beat the wife or terrorize the kids, I don't have a problem purchasing, owning and using a gun. I also don't cry my little head off that 'They are coming to take all my guns' like some do in here. If you are worried about "Them" coming to take all your guns, you are either up to no good or loony enough to maybe warrant the court to remove your right to own since you are a threat to society. Either way works for me. If you do not fit in either of those categories then you should follow your local, state and federal laws. And only after that, you have the right to own that gun.

Or you can do what pssmet does and keep screaming that the sky is falling.
Firearm ownership is none of the federal governments business...
That is why firearm registration is never acceptable… In fact it’s unconstitutional

You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
gun controllers , lefties , dems and many 'repubs' and 'mrguncontrol' himself want to turn gun ownership in the USA into a FAVOR Granted by 'govenment' just like its a favor granted by 'government' in 'england' , 'wales' and other places and 'governments' .


First they want to have so that you have to have permission. You know, background check and silly shit like that. Like all lying Liberals they will tell you "nothing to worry about, we are not going to take your firearms way, only the bad guys". Then they expand the requirements. Then they determine that there are many guns that you shouldn't have because "they are dangerous". Then magazines and ammo and everything else you can think of. Then no need for anybody to have gun except the State and pretty soon you have oppressive gun laws like we see in many states and cities where the Liberals have power.

Liberals are never to be trusted with our Constitutional rights. The Constitution is an impediment to making this country a socialist shithole and they will do away with the Bill of Rights in a nanosecond if it stands in their way of getting free stuff. Since the Second is the Guarantor of all the other rights it is tops on their list to go. Free speech and freedom of religion right after that.
----------------------------------------------- and thats the important thing , never trust the 'gun controllers' , dems or lefties and always trust the Advice in your last paragraph . Their plan is to make Americans into accepting 'subjects' as in 'england' , wales and newly disarmed 'new zealanders' and other areas of the world . So thanks Flash .
and this guy with the thousand guns . I'll wait until he is Tried and Convicted in a Court of LAW . And those that have hinted or said that many of the semi collectibil Guns will just go to new owners , yep , thats a possibility Ladies and Gents of the Board !!
and this guy with the thousand guns . I'll wait until he is Tried and Convicted in a Court of LAW . And those that have hinted or said that many of the semi collectibil Guns will just go to new owners , yep , thats a possibility Ladies and Gents of the Board !!

A thousand firearms????

My father had guns and we shot them. He sighted for me when I was under ten. He never flourished them on street corners and cautioned me never, ever to point a gun unless I seriously had to use it. But that was back in the time that Americans were civilized and responsible people.

Now we are dealing with animals who have rapid-fire weapons of war that they prance around with on street corners, people who carry loaded guns while gathered on street corners, and in public places: restaurants, movie theaters, the public streets, and assert on the internet that they are "locked and loaded." Now that we are "gifted" with these uncivilized tribal louts, we have to deal with guns in a different and more restrictive manner.

How about that guy who murdered a co-worker the other day when he was getting out of his truck. WTF was the truck driver doing with a loaded gun on a worksite?

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