Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

Just because you said so doesn't make it real.

Let me introduce myself. When pssmet says "Mrguncontrol" he's talking about me. I don't say one way or another. But I do go for common sense gun laws. If I wanted a gun today, I can get one....LEGALLY. Common Sense Gun laws don't prevent me from having almost any reasonable gun that is made today. Since I have no criminal record, don't beat the wife or terrorize the kids, I don't have a problem purchasing, owning and using a gun. I also don't cry my little head off that 'They are coming to take all my guns' like some do in here. If you are worried about "Them" coming to take all your guns, you are either up to no good or loony enough to maybe warrant the court to remove your right to own since you are a threat to society. Either way works for me. If you do not fit in either of those categories then you should follow your local, state and federal laws. And only after that, you have the right to own that gun.

Or you can do what pssmet does and keep screaming that the sky is falling.
Firearm ownership is none of the federal governments business...
That is why firearm registration is never acceptable… In fact it’s unconstitutional

You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
No one has to register firearms when they buy them, because it’s unconstitutional.
I do an Insta check for the customer and the second that’s over, I throw away the information on the firearm purchased, every single customer requests I do that. It’s up to the customer dumbass

The guns are registered before you get it and then when you receive them. They can track the gun, if they need to, right back to you. If you really are a FFL holder you would know this. Plus, does the state know that you are immediately throwing the background check away right after it's run? I can bet the Feds would be interested in that as well. FOLLOW THE F***ING law.
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.
------------------------------- i had always heard that the 4473 was destroyed after a certain period of time if the records are kept outside the Gun Store on Electronic storage and if the Police follow the Law Rustic . [who knows eh ??}
Firearm ownership is none of the federal governments business...
That is why firearm registration is never acceptable… In fact it’s unconstitutional

You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
No one has to register firearms when they buy them, because it’s unconstitutional.
I do an Insta check for the customer and the second that’s over, I throw away the information on the firearm purchased, every single customer requests I do that. It’s up to the customer dumbass

The guns are registered before you get it and then when you receive them. They can track the gun, if they need to, right back to you. If you really are a FFL holder you would know this. Plus, does the state know that you are immediately throwing the background check away right after it's run? I can bet the Feds would be interested in that as well. FOLLOW THE F***ING law.
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.
------------------------------- i had always heard that the 4473 was destroyed after a certain period of time if the records are kept outside the Gun Store on Electronic storage and if the Police follow the Law . [who knows eh ??}

You are absolutely correct. Ristbucket just claims to be a gun dealer. He's not one really. He's a fake.
No one has to register firearms when they buy them, because it’s unconstitutional.
I do an Insta check for the customer and the second that’s over, I throw away the information on the firearm purchased, every single customer requests I do that. It’s up to the customer dumbass

The guns are registered before you get it and then when you receive them. They can track the gun, if they need to, right back to you. If you really are a FFL holder you would know this. Plus, does the state know that you are immediately throwing the background check away right after it's run? I can bet the Feds would be interested in that as well. FOLLOW THE F***ING law.
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.

The Feds, not the state, normally determines how long you have to keep it on file. And you are required retain those records for X amount of time. If this area is read by any ATF agents expect a visit with a search warrant.
As soon as the background check is completed and approved there is no need to hold onto it that is the law...

Since you are fake dealer, what I am going to say next won't affect you. If you were a real Gun Dealer (Legal one) then you wouldn't mind if I have the FBI look into it, do you?
Oh, look -- a totalitarian threatening someone with government violence.

Gosh, that NEVER happens.
COMRADE , i like that description and illustrative name and description . Its easier to type than 'mrguncontrol' but both 'mrguncontrol' and 'comrade' are good and i'll use Both Ladies and Gents on this Message Board .
The guns are registered before you get it and then when you receive them. They can track the gun, if they need to, right back to you. If you really are a FFL holder you would know this. Plus, does the state know that you are immediately throwing the background check away right after it's run? I can bet the Feds would be interested in that as well. FOLLOW THE F***ING law.
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.

The Feds, not the state, normally determines how long you have to keep it on file. And you are required retain those records for X amount of time. If this area is read by any ATF agents expect a visit with a search warrant.
As soon as the background check is completed and approved there is no need to hold onto it that is the law...

Since you are fake dealer, what I am going to say next won't affect you. If you were a real Gun Dealer (Legal one) then you wouldn't mind if I have the FBI look into it, do you?
Oh, look -- a totalitarian threatening someone with government violence.

Gosh, that NEVER happens.
----------------------------------- THREATS , thats the work of a Frantic pwick and is funny to see eh ??
You keep saying the same thing and doesn't make any sense, cupcake. This has nothing to do with common sense gun regulations. But your gun is already registered. It was registered by the Manufacturer, it was registered every time it goes though a FFL dealer which you "Claim" to be. Are you telling us all that you are advocating breaking State and Federal Laws when you sell a gun? If you are then maybe you need a visit from the Treasury Department to explain the error of your ways.
No one has to register firearms when they buy them, because it’s unconstitutional.
I do an Insta check for the customer and the second that’s over, I throw away the information on the firearm purchased, every single customer requests I do that. It’s up to the customer dumbass

The guns are registered before you get it and then when you receive them. They can track the gun, if they need to, right back to you. If you really are a FFL holder you would know this. Plus, does the state know that you are immediately throwing the background check away right after it's run? I can bet the Feds would be interested in that as well. FOLLOW THE F***ING law.
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.
------------------------------- i had always heard that the 4473 was destroyed after a certain period of time if the records are kept outside the Gun Store on Electronic storage and if the Police follow the Law . [who knows eh ??}

You are absolutely correct. Ristbucket just claims to be a gun dealer. He's not one really. He's a fake.
Obviously you’ll think what you want to think, but by federal law there is no reason whatsoever to keep the record of an individual background check. There’s at least 400 million legally owned firearms in this country… Like any other consumer product it’s No one else’s business on the firearm ownership.
No serial numbers are sent in The only thing that requested on the form is whether it’s a long rifle or handgun... lol
Of course as the seller, But there is no record of the buyer per request of the buyer.

There is no requirement to hold onto the background check after it’s done at all. If you sold firearms you would know this.

The Feds, not the state, normally determines how long you have to keep it on file. And you are required retain those records for X amount of time. If this area is read by any ATF agents expect a visit with a search warrant.
As soon as the background check is completed and approved there is no need to hold onto it that is the law...

Since you are fake dealer, what I am going to say next won't affect you. If you were a real Gun Dealer (Legal one) then you wouldn't mind if I have the FBI look into it, do you?
Oh, look -- a totalitarian threatening someone with government violence.

Gosh, that NEVER happens.
----------------------------------- THREATS , thats the work of a Frantic pwick and is funny to see eh ??
Rustic committed Thoughtcrime. Comrade Daryl wants him punished.

Using the literal meaning, You have the right to dress like this and no one can infringe on it.


If that is what you think it says then you must be a Democrat.
aw , i just want to see an end to 'mrguncontrols' BS , i don't like him and his 'BS' . And to think that guys like him are in or were in USA Military . He reminds me of 'gabby giffords' crew of retired military looking to disarm Americans . One or 2 names of that 'gabby giffords' anti gun military crew is ' astronaut kelly' and 'a general named ' mc crystal ' and probably 'mrobamas' boy 'petraus' .
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
A gun grabber was shot and killed the other day. Literally, a GUN GRABER Kendrick Castilio was killed trying to take away a gun from a transsexual clowniforinian WITH a gun in a local Colorado tec school. No joke. Talk about a confused set of circumstances.
"Common sense" is understanding and adhering to the Bill of Rights.
People can do a lot more damage with a 20 clip than they can a ten.

Let’s just limit clips to ten and the most clips you can buy per gun is 6

Lets not. I have never done any damage with my 30 round "clips" so you can go fuck yourself.
I’ve never pushed the button on my nuke but my city doesn’t want me having it. Can I move to your city with my nuke?
And there it is the dumbest argument in the history of firearms.
How do defend guns when a unarmed person defending unarmed people is slain trying to grab away a gun from weirdo that never should have had a gun shoots people?

Using the literal meaning, You have the right to dress like this and no one can infringe on it.


If that is what you think it says then you must be a Democrat.

You say that we must take the 2nd literally. That means, according to you, any infringement is unconstitutional. You think things like common sense gun laws goes against your rights. You think it's a God Given Right to have completely unfettered access to any kind of weapon even the unimaginable ones. You say that we must not "Interpret" the 2nd. You are wrong and getting wronger each day.

We lost another person to a school shooting that could have been much more tragic that it already was and it wasn't more guns that stopped it from going any further, it was 3 unarmed Patriots who brought him down and we lost a real hero that day to the one that distracted the shooter and died so that others could bring the shooter down. It wasn't more Guns, it was More Patriots and a Patriot doesn't always need a gun to keep armed shooters from harming others.

So, since you want to use the last portion of the 2nd amendment verbatim, that's what I did. I used it word for word. Our weapons of destruction have long since outgrown the common person. Therefore, the way the 2nd amendment is written does require some creative interpretation. When our forefathers discovered this, the first gun regs were created for the greater good of the free citizen. They protected those that could not protect themselves in a way they thought was best. Did they go against God's will? No, they went with the blessings of the scriptures. They protected the weak and that is covered in the teachings of Jesus Christ. But the ones that want common sense gun laws don't stand on their Charlton soapbox and preach that it's the will of God.

If you want to use the 2nd as you claim, you have to use it as it was written. From 1688 to 1859, the 2nd meant what it was "Interpreted" to mean. But our weapons to kill each other went into overdrive. Like any other War, the Civil War brought advances to weapons and availability to weapons to a new high. For the first time in history, man outgrew his weapons. All of a sudden, instead of 10 or even 200 people dying in battle, they lost thousands in each battle. When the war ended, many left for what was left or out west when they learned nothing was left, and carried those same weapons with them. Colt, Remington and others made those weapons and still do today. No longer could one person shoot once and have to do the painstaking reloading to fire again. You had one shot and if you tried to intimidate 3 persons then you would almost always fail when you were confronted with 2 or more letting you know that they would not tolerate it. History is not one of your strong suits.

So I use your own logic and don't interpret the 2nd amendment. I don't change a word and use the word in it's most modern form. And don't try and put "Secrit" words in it that only I can read. So we take it EXACTLY as written.

The right to bear arms will not be infringed

Without interpreting it, it means you have the right to wear sleaveless shirts and blouses. Well, unless your name is Michelle.
But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
How do defend guns when a unarmed person defending unarmed people is slain trying to grab away a gun from weirdo that never should have had a gun shoots people?
How do you not blame people for the crimes they commit?
"Common sense" is understanding and adhering to the Bill of Rights.
People can do a lot more damage with a 20 clip than they can a ten.

Let’s just limit clips to ten and the most clips you can buy per gun is 6
Wow you really are ignorant about firearms

YOU absolutely should not own one until you learn more about them
I’m getting a Ruger 1911 45. Holds 8 plus 1. A smart regulation is to not make clips any bigger than this. It’s enough.

Good guys with guns can stop a bad guy with a gun as long as bad guy doesn’t have an assault rifle that can shoot or spray 40 bullets at a time.

Why would it be better to limit the ability to kill to eight people in lieu of nine people or twenty people? Some otherwise logical people seem to get fascinated by the number of people killed, versus the fact that people are killed.

Children are killed, all over this country, at school, on the way to school, or on the way home from school, every day, and few seem to notice. So, what is the magic number of dead people that causes so much concern? It is obviously not the deaths, it is the numbers of deaths that creates the concern.
There is no ultimate solve all solution. The goal is to lower the number of people a nut can kill because guns aren’t going away.

You’re talking about a completely different problem. Why people kill. I’m just trying to lower the number of people they can kill. I wish none of us could get a ten round clip because they don’t make them.

And my Ruger bushmaster only holds 4. And you have to do the thing each time to unload the spent cartridge and put another in the chamber. I couldn’t do the kind of damage the Vegas shooter did. Or the guys on the movie heat with their assault weapons. That was based on a real case. Those weapons shouldn’t be available.

Solve the crazy male problem first then I’ll consider letting anyone own and carry a gun.

So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
“Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone”


In fact, there are common sense measures that can be taken having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as universal background checks and ensuring the states have the funding and ability to update the NICS database in a timely manner.

But the NRA and most on the right continue to propagate their ridiculous lie and slippery slope fallacy that common sense measures will lead to the ‘banning’ of all guns and their eventual ‘confiscation.’

So called "universal background checks" are just gun registration in disguise. States don't update the NCIS database. What most of the leftwing douche bags in here are demanding is making semi-automatic weapons illegal. That would make about 3/4 of all the guns in this country illegal.
States PROVIDE the data for the NCIS database and a lot of them are falling down on the job. Even the military which is federal is not (or was not) reporting felony domestic violence convictions of military personnel. How good a background check do you get when half the convictions aren't in the database? Who even knows about the folks deemed dangerous to themselves or others by psychiatrists.

So now law abiding gun owners are responsible for the failures of government?

What else can we blame law abiding gun owners for?

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