Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

I’ve never heard of anyone shooting their gun till it’s empty then reloading it and shooting more bullets in defense during a home invasion. Maybe they empty their gun and reload it just in case but I bet it’s very rare that the extra magazine is ever used. When’s the last time you were in a shootout? Don’t you love the weapons mass murderers use? You sure do.
Post # 511
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
I don't see your response, even though it was a direct response to one of your posts.
I notice when this happened you didn't cry too much.
Still waiting for you to provide a meaningful response to post #511.
I don't want to take your guns away. I just want to stop manufacturing those kinds of guns.
You manufacture guns?

It's like when pitbull owners get all bent out of shape when I say we should fix all pitbulls and stop making them. I never said I want to take their dogs away or kill them. I just want them to stop making them. Too many iresponsible dog/gun owners out there. Too many bad citizens. The sale of these guns/dogs has to be better regulated.
So, it's not really the guns that are the problem. It's the bad citizens who need ridding.

That's what we will use our guns for.

Define common sense gun laws and make sure they are not things that are already in place.
bump stocks were banned by the U.S. Justice Department in December 2018, with the regulation in effect as of March 2019.

Now I know you don't like the ban but you don't think any regulations make sense you've already admitted that.
All you did with that response is show how much you don’t know. I already knew about the bump stock ban and didn’t care I found them rather silly it has only been used in Vegas shooting as far as I know and before that most people wouldn’t have known a bump stock from a bumper car.
Us Democrats need to feel safe

Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights.

Your obsession with guns and gun control are bordering on an irrational fear that someone will come and take away your guns.

The fact that you don't see your concern for your Right to own a gun or guns without any infringement is selfish, and disregards the grief of the parents whose children went to school one day, and never came home. The terror children felt when they heard gun fire in the halls of learning and saw the carnage left behind.

But you don't care, it's all about you, a spoiled child.
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

You should be concerned. You support the narrative of the Russians who hacked our election. Are you a Russian. Are you one of the stupid ones who were organized by Russians
Not one person here has told me that the federal gun laws are not common sense.

So what exactly about our federal gun laws lacks common sense?
Us Democrats need to feel safe
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights.
Your obsession with guns and gun control are bordering on an irrational fear that someone will come and take away your guns.
Wow. That reach was sad, even for you
The fact that you don't see your concern for your Right to own a gun or guns without any infringement is selfish
Just reading the Constitution and taking it at its word. You should try it.
and disregards the grief of the parents whose children went to school one day, and never came home.
Rational, reasoned people are not swayed by fallacious appeals to emotion -- why are you?
But you don't care, it's all about you, a spoiled child.
You know you cannot make your point with facts or rational, reasoned thought.
Not a surprise.

Fact remains:
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights
Not one person here has told me that the federal gun laws are not common sense.

So what exactly about our federal gun laws lacks common sense?

They do not work!
Us Democrats need to feel safe
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights.
Your obsession with guns and gun control are bordering on an irrational fear that someone will come and take away your guns.
Wow. That reach was sad, even for you
The fact that you don't see your concern for your Right to own a gun or guns without any infringement is selfish
Just reading the Constitution and taking it at its word. You should try it.
and disregards the grief of the parents whose children went to school one day, and never came home.
Rational, reasoned people are not swayed by fallacious appeals to emotion -- why are you?
But you don't care, it's all about you, a spoiled child.
You know you cannot make your point with facts or rational, reasoned thought.
Not a surprise.

Fact remains:
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights

I didn't expect a spoiled brat like you to take kindly to my statement. I do expect some readers will see you and 2aguy are so obsessed with guns and have zero concern for the innocent victims, dead, wounded and psychological damaged.

The fact that your kind LIE CONSTANTLY that the goal of gun control is to confiscate all guns in private hands, and that the 2nd A. Right cannot be infringed; yet is everyday in terms of a persons history, the type of arms and ammunition.

You should STFU and get some therapy, paranoia can lead you too, to break the law.
Your obsession with guns and gun control are bordering on an irrational fear that someone will come and take away your guns.
Democrats have been pretty clear. It's not an irrational fear WHEN THEY FUCKING SAY THE WILL!!!


It is rational, and your comment is once again a BIG LIE.

Irrational fear is what Trump has created by his fear mongering, an excuse to create 21st Century Jim Crow Laws.

A parent with a child in school has a rational fear, whenever another school shooting is broadcast as Breaking News.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
They do not work!
Then repeal the 2nd Amendment. That's pretty much all you have left.


The 2nd is one of the most ambiguous statements within COTUS.

Herein is a rebuttal to BLF's Bullshit:

A grammar lesson for gun nuts: Second Amendment does not guarantee gun rights

From the link:

Read these sentences:

“Their project being complete, the team disbanded.”

“Stern discipline being called for, the offending student was expelled.”

In both cases, the initial dependent clause is not superfluous to the meaning of the entire sentence: it is integral. The team disbanded because the project was complete; the student was expelled because his offense called for stern discipline. This causal relationship cannot be ignored. Reading the Second Amendment as “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed,” clearly shows the same causal relationship as the example sentences; in this case, that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed because it is essential to maintaining a well-regulated militia.
I didn't expect a spoiled brat like you to take kindly to my statement.
On the contrary - you managed to self-sodomize your credibility as a sentient human being better than I could have ever hoped.
Keep up the good work.

Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights
Define common sense gun laws and make sure they are not things that are already in place.

Easy answer but it's going to require you to read.

Colorado Gun Laws: The Complete List (2018 updated)
This makes no sense:

"Colorado gun laws operate on a “Shall Issue” policy at the county level. Permits are not usually issued to non-residents however they may obtain a permit if they can demonstrate good cause such as owning a property in Colorado, frequent travel etc. All resident permits are issued by the local county sheriff while the Department of Public Safety handles applications for non-residents. Applicants are required to demonstrate that they are competent with handling a firearm."

One must get permission to exercise an inalienable right?

Did you notice this graphic:

"Gun Law Rating - Average"

"Assault Weapon"
Assault weapon shall include all firearms with any of the following characteristics: d. Any firearm which has been modified to be operable as an assault weapon as defined herein. e. Any part or combination of parts designed or intended to convert a firearm into an assault weapon, including a detachable magazine with a capacity of twenty-one (21) or more rounds, or any combination of parts from which an assault weapon may be readily assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person.

What does that mean?

It's not clarified here:

"Large-Capacity Magazines Prohibited – Penalties – Exceptions"


  • (a) except as otherwise provided in this section, on and after July 1,2013, a person who sells, transfers, or possesses a large-capacity magazine commits a class 2 misdemeanor.
  • (b) any person who violates subsection (1) of this section after having been convicted of a prior violation of said subsection (1) commits a class 1 misdemeanor.
  • (c) any person who violates subsection (1) of this section commits a class 6 felony if the person possessed a large-capacity magazine during the commission of a felony or any crime of violence, as defined in section 18-1.3-406.
(2) (a) a person may possess a large-capacity magazine if he or she:

  • (I) Owns the large-capacity magazine on July 1, 2013; and
  • (II) maintains continuous possession of the large-capacity magazine.
(b) if a person who is alleged to have violated subsection (1) of this section asserts that he or she is permitted to legally possess a large-capacity magazine pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), the prosecution has the burden of proof to refute the assertion.

I am left more confused than informed. Do you have a better source?

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.
There's no sound argument for the necessity of these restrictions; they are both arbitrary and capricious.
Sure there is. If I take my Ruger 450 Bushmaster gun to a clock tower and decide to do harm to people, the gun only holds 3 plus one in the chamber. Why do you think they made this gun this way? Because it's made for hunting. No need for more than 4 bullets.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting; it protects all bearable arms suitable for all legal purposes with equal veracity.
That is, under the Constitution, the bolt action rifle and revolver are the same as the AR15 and Glock 19.
So why do you want a mag that can hold 10? Because you want to do more damage.
Sometimes it is necessary to do "more damage" than a 4-shot bolt action rifle can do.
And since we have nuts on a weekly basis trying to break the record for most murders, I don't think we should make these high power assault rifles available to the masses.
On average, 1982-2018, per year, 2-3 'assault weapons' are used to kill ~10 people in mass shootings.
How does that override the constitutional protections afforded to all bearable arms?
Keep in mind: Handguns are used to commit >60x more murders than 'assault weapons' and cannot be banned.
I saw some high power guns on the net. Some were $1000 and some were $3000. If I were the government I'd tax these guns at 50%.
This violates the constitution in exactly the same way as a similar tax on abortions.

There's no sound argument for the necessity of these restrictions; they are both arbitrary and capricious
Didn't Saddam...
Nothing here addresses the points I made.
Thank you for continuing to prove you cannot present a sound argument for the necessity of the restrictions you seek, and proving they are both arbitrary and capricious.
Nothing will be a fix all. A combination of common sense regulations will lower the number of people who get killed each year under the current status quo.

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