Common Sense & Mass Murder

The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
I'm not clear, did the gun kill these 3, or did the person holding the gun?

The projectile did. The item the holder of the gun most likely placed in the gun, with the intent to shoot an innocent person.

The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
How about just the federal I'm not going to list all the laws in all 50 states

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.
If you get nothing else from this thread.......

It should be clear that these radical leftists definitely are wanting to take away your means of self defense.
No matter what other bullshit they candy coat their lies with.

Every one of their "common sense" suggestions is designed to give government more power to control your rights and also to identify gun owners. Wonder why?

You wonder why? I wonder where you get these ^^^ fantasies?
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
How about just the federal I'm not going to list all the laws in all 50 states

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.

So Thieves will be leaving receipts now?

Sure, and they'll keep a bill of sale too.

Q. Why do you ask such a stupid question
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
How about just the federal I'm not going to list all the laws in all 50 states

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
How about just the federal I'm not going to list all the laws in all 50 states

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.

So Thieves will be leaving receipts now?

Sure, and they'll keep a bill of sale too.

Q. Why do you ask such a stupid question

Read your statement, you deep state troglodyte....

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

In CA a gun charge is an enhancement, adding custody time to the offender who had a gun in his/her possession during a crime.

I've learned that the law has changed since my retirement, here are two links on the issue. In the former the reason for granting discretion to the gun charge now up to the trier of fact as explained in the first link.


"Personal Use of a Firearm" Sentencing Enhancement in California

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

In CA a gun charge is an enhancement, adding custody time to the offender who had a gun in his/her possession during a crime.

I've learned that the law has changed since my retirement, here are two links on the issue. In the former the reason for granting discretion to the gun charge now up to the trier of fact as explained in the first link.


"Personal Use of a Firearm" Sentencing Enhancement in California

Wow a gun law in CA that actually targets the fucking criminals

That has to be a first

But the animals will still probably get paroled just as early and be right back on the streets

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

In CA a gun charge is an enhancement, adding custody time to the offender who had a gun in his/her possession during a crime.

I've learned that the law has changed since my retirement, here are two links on the issue. In the former the reason for granting discretion to the gun charge now up to the trier of fact as explained in the first link.


"Personal Use of a Firearm" Sentencing Enhancement in California

The three strike rule needs to be put into effect nationwide.

Strike One Rob a store
Strike Two Have a gun on you while robbing the store
Strike Three Use the gun, assault, shoot someone, fire the weapon, while robbing the store

Three strikes, life in prison- no parole.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

Exactly. They don't really want common sense regulations. They want all the guns. As we have seen over and over again these common sense regulations don't work. We have yet to see a proposal put forward that would have prevented these killings.

The Republicans get on board with legislation because they too are political. They don't want to be seen as "heartless" when kids are killed. So more dumb bills are passed that actually don't do anything.

Why post when you have nothing to offer? You begin with an echo, the damn lie that gun control = gun confiscation.

Your second borrowed opinion negates how other nations do not have gun violence anywhere near what we have here.

There is no law which prevents law breakers from breaking the law. Most citizens obey laws because they are common sense, such as not going through a red light. And when they do and get caught they are punished.

Okay then, my offer is to allow more law abiding people to have guns and carry them concealed or openly.

It's not a lie, it's what you want. Evidence? Your mentioning of other nations. In those nation's they have the strictest anti gun laws which prohibit their citizens from having guns. Which IS gun confiscation. You have not offered ANYTHING that would stop the issue at hand. Not one thing.

Give us the common sense gun legislation that would stop the situation. Please.

What distinguishes a criminal from a law abiding citizen?

I know from experience, having a gun in one's possession can have some people act recklessly, when they should not have acted at all.
So far the reasons - so to speak - of those who oppose any and all gun control is limited to:

  • "Shall not be infringed"
  • Gun don't kill, people kill
  • It's my right
  • Confiscation (slippery slope argument)
  • attacks on Democrats, liberals and progressives.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend; the cost by LE to respond, EMT's to Respond, hospitals to respond; the disruption to life of those thousands of people who attended, or will attend functions anywhere in the United States do to their selfish and callous disregard for others.

Notice than NONE of you have actually offered a solution to the problem. What exactly is common sense regulations?

Q. What are common sense regulations

A. Licensing & Registration
  • Each individual state which wants to can pass legislation requiring anyone in their state, who wants to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm needs to:
    • Pass a gun safety course
    • Pass a background check
    • Register and insure their firearms
    • Have never been convicted of a crime of violence; detain as a danger to themselves or others, or been served with a protective order, to stay away from anyone.

How does passing a safety course prevent gun violence?

How does registering your gun prevent gun violence?

And most states already have these types of laws on the books.

And none of them would have prevented the vast majority of the mass murders.

So it appears that your common sense legislation is already in effect, but isn't stopping the gun violence.

So give us some laws that would actually curb the violence we have.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
How about just the federal I'm not going to list all the laws in all 50 states

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

Just another example of the left a inability to be honest. They want to Target the gun and not the criminal. Especially if the criminal happens to be black. If you target the criminal then it's racist.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

Exactly. They don't really want common sense regulations. They want all the guns. As we have seen over and over again these common sense regulations don't work. We have yet to see a proposal put forward that would have prevented these killings.

The Republicans get on board with legislation because they too are political. They don't want to be seen as "heartless" when kids are killed. So more dumb bills are passed that actually don't do anything.

Why post when you have nothing to offer? You begin with an echo, the damn lie that gun control = gun confiscation.

Your second borrowed opinion negates how other nations do not have gun violence anywhere near what we have here.

There is no law which prevents law breakers from breaking the law. Most citizens obey laws because they are common sense, such as not going through a red light. And when they do and get caught they are punished.

Okay then, my offer is to allow more law abiding people to have guns and carry them concealed or openly.

It's not a lie, it's what you want. Evidence? Your mentioning of other nations. In those nation's they have the strictest anti gun laws which prohibit their citizens from having guns. Which IS gun confiscation. You have not offered ANYTHING that would stop the issue at hand. Not one thing.

Give us the common sense gun legislation that would stop the situation. Please.

What distinguishes a criminal from a law abiding citizen?

I know from experience, having a gun in one's possession can have some people act recklessly, when they should not have acted at all.
So far the reasons - so to speak - of those who oppose any and all gun control is limited to:

  • "Shall not be infringed"
  • Gun don't kill, people kill
  • It's my right
  • Confiscation (slippery slope argument)
  • attacks on Democrats, liberals and progressives.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend; the cost by LE to respond, EMT's to Respond, hospitals to respond; the disruption to life of those thousands of people who attended, or will attend functions anywhere in the United States do to their selfish and callous disregard for others.

Notice than NONE of you have actually offered a solution to the problem. What exactly is common sense regulations?

Q. What are common sense regulations

A. Licensing & Registration
  • Each individual state which wants to can pass legislation requiring anyone in their state, who wants to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm needs to:
    • Pass a gun safety course
    • Pass a background check
    • Register and insure their firearms
    • Have never been convicted of a crime of violence; detain as a danger to themselves or others, or been served with a protective order, to stay away from anyone.

How does passing a safety course prevent gun violence?

How does registering your gun prevent gun violence?

And most states already have these types of laws on the books.

And none of them would have prevented the vast majority of the mass murders.

So it appears that your common sense legislation is already in effect, but isn't stopping the gun violence.

So give us some laws that would actually curb the violence we have.

The idea that no solution exists is your strength. The fact is I've told you and others dozens of times that gun controls are not a panacea curing gun violence. So stop asking this stupid question.

Why do we have speed limits, cars can go faster than the speed limits. Would you like to drive your family to the store when drivers ignore red lights, speed limits, stop signs and straying onto the wrong side of the road?

We require those who want to drive to secure a license to do so. They must prove by a driving and written test to obtain the license, and when they prove to not be responsible that license can be suspended or revoked; and even then some will continue to drive.
Exactly. They don't really want common sense regulations. They want all the guns. As we have seen over and over again these common sense regulations don't work. We have yet to see a proposal put forward that would have prevented these killings.

The Republicans get on board with legislation because they too are political. They don't want to be seen as "heartless" when kids are killed. So more dumb bills are passed that actually don't do anything.

Why post when you have nothing to offer? You begin with an echo, the damn lie that gun control = gun confiscation.

Your second borrowed opinion negates how other nations do not have gun violence anywhere near what we have here.

There is no law which prevents law breakers from breaking the law. Most citizens obey laws because they are common sense, such as not going through a red light. And when they do and get caught they are punished.

Okay then, my offer is to allow more law abiding people to have guns and carry them concealed or openly.

It's not a lie, it's what you want. Evidence? Your mentioning of other nations. In those nation's they have the strictest anti gun laws which prohibit their citizens from having guns. Which IS gun confiscation. You have not offered ANYTHING that would stop the issue at hand. Not one thing.

Give us the common sense gun legislation that would stop the situation. Please.

What distinguishes a criminal from a law abiding citizen?

I know from experience, having a gun in one's possession can have some people act recklessly, when they should not have acted at all.
So far the reasons - so to speak - of those who oppose any and all gun control is limited to:

  • "Shall not be infringed"
  • Gun don't kill, people kill
  • It's my right
  • Confiscation (slippery slope argument)
  • attacks on Democrats, liberals and progressives.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend; the cost by LE to respond, EMT's to Respond, hospitals to respond; the disruption to life of those thousands of people who attended, or will attend functions anywhere in the United States do to their selfish and callous disregard for others.

Notice than NONE of you have actually offered a solution to the problem. What exactly is common sense regulations?

Q. What are common sense regulations

A. Licensing & Registration
  • Each individual state which wants to can pass legislation requiring anyone in their state, who wants to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm needs to:
    • Pass a gun safety course
    • Pass a background check
    • Register and insure their firearms
    • Have never been convicted of a crime of violence; detain as a danger to themselves or others, or been served with a protective order, to stay away from anyone.

How does passing a safety course prevent gun violence?

How does registering your gun prevent gun violence?

And most states already have these types of laws on the books.

And none of them would have prevented the vast majority of the mass murders.

So it appears that your common sense legislation is already in effect, but isn't stopping the gun violence.

So give us some laws that would actually curb the violence we have.

The idea that no solution exists is your strength. The fact is I've told you and others dozens of times that gun controls are not a panacea curing gun violence. So stop asking this stupid question.

Why do we have speed limits, cars can go faster than the speed limits. Would you like to drive your family to the store when drivers ignore red lights, speed limits, stop signs and straying onto the wrong side of the road?

We require those who want to drive to secure a license to do so. They must prove by a driving and written test to obtain the license, and when they prove to not be responsible that license can be suspended or revoked; and even then some will continue to drive.

The solution is to enforce the laws on the books not simply to add more and more laws that will not be enforced
The shooter according to news reports cut through a back fence to avoid security checkpoints legally purchased the gun in Nevada where background checks are required on all gun purchases unless you have a valid CCW permit. So forgive me but I’m not sure what common sense gun law would have prevented this.
In fact, every "common sense" law mindlessly demanded by the anti-gun loons failed to prevent this shooting.
Because laws cannot prevent people from breaking another law.

I think you are wrong here........What if we made a law that said it was "Super Dooper, reallly, Really against the law to murder people, and that we really, really mean it this time.....oh, and this means you...." I think that might actually achieve something....
The idea that no solution exists is your strength.
Your refusal to understand there is no seense at all in the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you seek o tpla0n the law abiding is yours.
The fact is I've told you and others dozens of times that gun controls are not a panacea curing gun violence.
And yet, you continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the law abiding.
Why do we have speed limits, cars can go faster than the speed limits.
You have no right to drive on public roads, your so your question and analog is irrelevant - the state can set any restriction it wants; if you want to retain your privilege to drove on the roads, you abide by those restrictions.

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

In CA a gun charge is an enhancement, adding custody time to the offender who had a gun in his/her possession during a crime.

I've learned that the law has changed since my retirement, here are two links on the issue. In the former the reason for granting discretion to the gun charge now up to the trier of fact as explained in the first link.


"Personal Use of a Firearm" Sentencing Enhancement in California

And that is why we have gun crime in this country....there is no price to pay for using a gun to commit rape, robbery and murder.

In Japan, they got the Yakuza to stop using guns by giving an automatic life sentence for any crime where a gun is used....gun crime dried up immediately....

Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty. The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

I am grabbing that first link...

It is the same in Chicago...which is why Chicago has such high gun crime rates.......

Crime isn't caused by normal people who own guns for sport and self is caused by actual criminals using guns for crime...then democrats let them out of jail on bond, and out of prison with light sentences....

It isn't about stopping crime...if it was they would keep those repeat, violent gun offenders in prison, and hold them without is about attacking normal people who want to own guns for self defense....that offends left wingers...

I suppose they are enforced, even though they are violated every day. Common sense suggests that all guns be registered with both the state and federal government, and when sold or stolen the transaction include a bill of sale with both parties identified.
But they aren't enforced

Every time someone is caught illegally possessing a firearm he has committed a federal crime but how often do gun charges get dropped in plea deals?

What would the most violent areas in the country look like if every person who was caught illegally possessing a firearm got 5 years in a federal prison?

There is no need to register guns in order to get the fucking criminals who illegally possess guns off the street.

It worked in Richmond VA when they did it but they stopped because no one had the balls to keep it up the minute someone said that the people being sent to federal prison were unproportionally minorities

P1. I don't know, do you?

P2. Probably less violent

P3. How they got the gun illegally is the issue

P4. Bullshit, with a covert from of racism.

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

That's just one city

2. Not probably. Definitely.

3. you can crack down on illegal gun trafficking the same way you do illegal drug trafficking.

4. Not Bullshit

And in many cities, defense attorneys say black defendants and families have borne a disproportionately large share of Exile’s burden.

In CA a gun charge is an enhancement, adding custody time to the offender who had a gun in his/her possession during a crime.

I've learned that the law has changed since my retirement, here are two links on the issue. In the former the reason for granting discretion to the gun charge now up to the trier of fact as explained in the first link.


"Personal Use of a Firearm" Sentencing Enhancement in California

Yes...expect gun crime to increase now that left wing judges can let repeat gun offenders off the hook for the gun...

The new ability to strike firearm enhancements went into effect January 1, 2018....

Gun Deaths at Record High

Los Angeles County has seen a similar rise after many years of declines in gun deaths.

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