Common Sense & Mass Murder

The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

A gun cannot murder anyone. People murder people. The gun is just the method. I'm sure that none of those 3 would have been any happier if they had been blown up to Kingdom Come with dynamite, or if they were decapitated with a scimitar.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

What are "common sense" gun regulations. Can you give me examples?
Ive seen a billion gun grabber threads started by bubble dwellers in here for over ten years. They never amount to dick just like that st00pid kid march last year. Congress goes right back to sleep because well..........they have to!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

How many times do we see Wry Catcher come in here like Linus in the Pumpkin Patch, "Whats that?!!! Whats that?!! Time to grab the guns!"


Taking bows because, "Well I have empathy!"

LOL..........nobody cares s0n!:flirtysmile4:

More evidence that you murder the truth and lack any lick of common sense.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

List the thousands and I'll get back to you.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
We already have thousands of gun laws on the books that aren't enforced which ones of those are not "common sense"?

Exactly. They don't really want common sense regulations. They want all the guns. As we have seen over and over again these common sense regulations don't work. We have yet to see a proposal put forward that would have prevented these killings.

The Republicans get on board with legislation because they too are political. They don't want to be seen as "heartless" when kids are killed. So more dumb bills are passed that actually don't do anything.

Why post when you have nothing to offer? You begin with an echo, the damn lie that gun control = gun confiscation.

Your second borrowed opinion negates how other nations do not have gun violence anywhere near what we have here.

There is no law which prevents law breakers from breaking the law. Most citizens obey laws because they are common sense, such as not going through a red light. And when they do and get caught they are punished.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

A gun cannot murder anyone. People murder people. The gun is just the method. I'm sure that none of those 3 would have been any happier if they had been blown up to Kingdom Come with dynamite, or if they were decapitated with a scimitar.

Another stupid analogy by a thoughtless person.
  • Dynamite requires a license to purchase, and the purchaser's identification is recorded.
  • Using a knife or other device to decapitate someone require stealth, strength and likely a struggle
  • Guns can be purchased on the black market, stolen or purchased; no record is kept on private sales purchases
Why not reevaluate the 1st Amendment and the 5th Amendment for that matter? Hell, reevaluate the whole freaking Bill of Rights if you think you can get a couple of votes from ignorant Americans. It's a sad thing that three Americans were gunned down by a maniac but nobody seems to care about the hundreds of people murdered in Commings Baltimore.
Of course people care about the hundreds of people murdered in Baltimore. And Chicago, and St. Louis and New Orleans and....
What do you think the fight for gun control is about? Unlike 2AGuy, who thinks those people don't count because they're the product of single mothers or something, we believe all our citizens' lives count.
Why not reevaluate the 1st Amendment and the 5th Amendment for that matter? Hell, reevaluate the whole freaking Bill of Rights if you think you can get a couple of votes from ignorant Americans. It's a sad thing that three Americans were gunned down by a maniac but nobody seems to care about the hundreds of people murdered in Commings Baltimore.
Of course people care about the hundreds of people murdered in Baltimore. And Chicago, and St. Louis and New Orleans and....
What do you think the fight for gun control is about? Unlike 2AGuy, who thinks those people don't count because they're the product of single mothers or something, we believe all our citizens' lives count.

murder has always been a culture problem not a gun problem,,,
What I do plan is to un-invent the Second Amendment written two hundred and thirty years ago that gives everyone an inalienable right to own whatever kind of goddamned gun they want.
It takes just 13 states to stop you.
The 13 states most likely to do so contain 7-8% of the population.
I hope you can handle repeated, colossal failure, from this day to the day you die.

And... even if you succeed... people will STILL have guns.
It is a lot easier for Toltalitarians to round up their opposition after they have been disarmed
Let's see if I get the Left's arguments right.

1. Police are racist murderers.

2. The military would happily join a coup to install Trump if he lost the election.

3. Everybody else should be disarmed.
There are excellent comments and information from multiple sides in this thread. I always have to filter out or scroll right on by your total BS when reading informative threads.
So far the reasons - so to speak - of those who oppose any and all gun control is limited to:

  • "Shall not be infringed"
  • Gun don't kill, people kill
  • It's my right
  • Confiscation (slippery slope argument)
  • attacks on Democrats, liberals and progressives.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend; the cost by LE to respond, EMT's to Respond, hospitals to respond; the disruption to life of those thousands of people who attended, or will attend functions anywhere in the United States do to their selfish and callous disregard for others.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend....
Because rational, reasoned people aren't swayed by fallacious appeals to emotion .

For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, > 12.7 million were not.
Your knee-jerk reactionary response: SEE!!! WE --NEED-- TO RESTRICT THE RIGHTS OF THE LAW ABIDING!!!!
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The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

A gun cannot murder anyone. People murder people. The gun is just the method. I'm sure that none of those 3 would have been any happier if they had been blown up to Kingdom Come with dynamite, or if they were decapitated with a scimitar.
If it were as easy in this country to build a bomb as to buy a gun, I'm sure there would be more bombings. But that is not the case.
If there were 393 million scimtars in the hands of US citizens, probably we would see more murders by scimtar. But that is not the case.
The reality is that we have 393 million guns in the country. Anyone can buy one (if not legally, you folks say it is no problem to buy one illegally on the street). So that is why 10,000 people a year are shot dead.
If it were as easy in this country to build a bomb as to buy a gun, I'm sure there would be more bombings. But that is not the case.
Gasoline is cheap and easy to find.
The reality is that we have 393 million guns in the country.
This only means for every gun used to commit murder yesterday, >13,600,000 were not.
Why don't you explain to us how to use gasoline to make a bomb? I'm sure the FBI would be interested, as well.
If it were as easy in this country to build a bomb as to buy a gun, I'm sure there would be more bombings. But that is not the case.
Gasoline is cheap and easy to find.
The reality is that we have 393 million guns in the country.
This only means for every gun used to commit murder yesterday, >13,600,000 were not.
Why don't you explain to us how to use gasoline to make a bomb? I'm sure the FBI would be interested, as well.
If you cannot figure this our for yourself, it explains a LOT about why you have the positions you do on gun control
You need a container and an ignition source.
The reality is that we have 393 million guns in the country.
This only means for every gun used to commit murder yesterday, >13,600,000 were not.
Notice, not one single post by those who oppose any and all gun controls have made mentioned of the victims, those shot, those killed; their family and friend....
Because rational, reasoned people aren't swayed by fallacious appeals to emotion .

For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, > 12.7 million were not.
Your knee-jerk reactionary response: SEE!!! WE --NEED-- TO RESTRICT THE RIGHTS OF THE LAW ABIDING!!!!
Yeah, god knows it's silly to get emotional about mass shootings like last weekend's, or like Newtown's, or like Las Vegas'.
Anyone who doesn't get emotional about that has something wrong with them.

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