Communism: The Melody Lingers On


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.There was a time when being a communist was…. understandable. During the period when FDR extended a recession into America's longest depression, many decided that capitalism was unsustainable, that it failed as a national or global policy.

And, at that time, most folks didn’t know that communism’s homeland, Mother Russia, was engaging in wholesale slaughter as government policy.

OK….doubting capitalism, and ignorance of the homicidal nature of communism….one might be persuaded to try communism.

But as the saying goes, ‘the song is over, but the melody lingers on.’
No excuse today, we've all seen what communism economies and to human beings.

Many still vote for and support communism under its disguises such as Progressivism, socialism, Liberalism, the Democrat Party, Leftism, whatever.

These folks are fools.

2. Today, of course, the excuse for singing the communist tune is forced indoctrination in government school. The course they neglected to teach might have begun with Kim Philby.

Philby was a double-agent, outwardly working for British Intelligence, MI6, their version of our CIA, but actually an ideological communist who worked for Russia. Philby was one of a number of British agents who leaned Left, and served Stalin.

BTW, another college-bred communist, who also worked for British MI6, and actually followed Philby’s model, has roiled American politics for nearly a decade: Christopher Steele.

3. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.

4. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Communism, Marxism, is clearly the enemy of everything America stands for, and the obverse of capitalism and religion.

There seem to be no end to agents willing to work for communism such as Kim Philby, or Christopher Steele.

5. If one has any doubts as to the Kremlin’s choice for President, that would be Hillary, Dossier author Christopher Steele worked as a subcontractor for Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report

Steele facilitated a meeting in September 2015 between Deripaska and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, according to The Hill. Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

The dossier was meant to sink Trump’s candidacy, and the path is clear: Putin- Steele-Ohr-Hillary, the CIA, the FBI, etc.- the media.

6. Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

To understand Steele’s hatred of Trump, and, alternatively, his love of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, one need understand who this man is, and his worldview......and it is all about Russia- the country, their aim for world domination, who they bribed and why Trump is an obstacle to this.

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.
Trump sure was communist for supporting the socialist Foxconn deal in WI.
Trump sure was communist for supporting the socialist Foxconn deal in WI.

No doubt you are 'Brain' in the same way folks call other dolts 'Einstein.'

Perhaps you meant this:

"CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.

Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he "froze" while taking a CIA polygraph test four years later when the questioner asked him if he had ever worked with or for a group that was "dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.," CNN reported.

"This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate," Brennan said at a panel discussion regarding diversity in the intelligence community during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference."
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

Or this....

"Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism"

When will you be changing your avi to "MORON"????
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?
Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.

7. “Secret wartime documents passed by a British double agent to his Soviet handlers have been made public for the first time at a Moscow exhibition dedicated to the spy’s career.

Kim Philby was the most notorious of the “Cambridge five”, British communists who spied for Moscow and evaded suspicion for years due to their upper-class credentials.

He worked for the Soviet Union from the 1930s onwards and was unmasked in 1963. During his years working for British intelligence as a double agent, he passed hundreds of sensitive documents to the Russians.

One, dated 31 July 1944, is a record of a cable from the Japanese ambassador in Venice to the foreign minister in Tokyo, and recounts a meeting the ambassador had with Benito Mussolini, in which the Italian leader spoke of a visit to Germany to meet Adolf Hitler on 20 July, the day an assassination plot against the Nazi leader failed.”
Documents that Kim Philby passed to USSR on display for first time

It is interesting to conjecture as to why so many became communists during the first half of the 20th century.

Far harder is to justify those who cling to the evil doctrines at this late date.

8. “POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Nothing succeeds like Communism! The leaders hit the jackpot like they sponsored the hottest IPO and the rubes who thought handing their weapons, property and freedoms to the Communist was a "good idea" end up selling their kids and eating their pets. Perfect System! Works 100% of the time.
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.

The only Establishment democrat is Soros; he'll hand pick the candidate. Lizzy Cheekbones is a genuine Commie, so she's probably going to get the nod
9. Kim Philby’s red path is known, he died in 1988 in his beloved Moscow, where they’ve named a square for their hero.

“ The seeds of Philby's double life lay in his childhood, his father, his upbringing and the intense ideological conversation that shaped him in early adulthood... Like many late-Empire products of the establishment, he had an inborn faith in his ability, and right, to change and rule the world." Laurence Tanner, interviewed by Andrew Boyle for his book The Climate of Treason (1979)

During his formative years, the great actors on the world stage were folks such as Lenin, Stalin, Goebbels and then Hitler.

10.”In 1928 Philby went to Trinity College on a history scholarship. Philby joined the Cambridge University Socialist Society and most of his new friends held left-wing views. This included Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, David Guest and James Klugmann. His biographer, Ben Macintyre, points out: "He (Philby) canvassed on behalf of the Labour Party. But there was no sudden conversion, no revolutionary epiphany when the religion of communism seized his soul. Instead, the student moved slowly leftwards."
Kim Philby, The Times (28th April, 1937)

But Christopher Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, and the truth about Stalin, communism and Mother Russia was known by then. How did he become a communist spy? The red tint has been integral in Western society since FDR’s time.

11. A famous passage in Whitaker Chamber’s book, Witness, continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

“Kim Philby was the most notorious of the “Cambridge five”, British communists who spied for Moscow and evaded suspicion for years due to their upper-class credentials.”
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.

The democrats are down to their third stringers. The first and second teams have been decimated. Unless someone new jumps in, which is highly unlikely, Steyer?? Another rich white guy? In 2016 the DNC screwed Bernie by using super-delegates to nominate Hillary. In 2020 who will the DNC tell the super-delegates to nominate? If Bernie sends his supporters to Warren, I don't see anyone beating her.

Even the Vegas odds-makers give Warren a good shot at winning?!
I was very surprised that Trump's odds went from 4:1 to 2:1 when Bernie had health issues.
Like you say, is a socialist in America's future?? I hope not.
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.

The democrats are down to their third stringers. The first and second teams have been decimated. Unless someone new jumps in, which is highly unlikely, Steyer?? Another rich white guy? In 2016 the DNC screwed Bernie by using super-delegates to nominate Hillary. In 2020 who will the DNC tell the super-delegates to nominate? If Bernie sends his supporters to Warren, I don't see anyone beating her.

Even the Vegas odds-makers give Warren a good shot at winning?!
I was very surprised that Trump's odds went from 4:1 to 2:1 when Bernie had health issues.
Like you say, is a socialist in America's future?? I hope not.

I often listen to professional Las Vegas gambler, RJ Bell, and he said this is their rule....careful study and prognostication.....still expect no more than 60% accuracy on bets.....
Trump sure was communist for supporting the socialist Foxconn deal in WI.

No doubt you are 'Brain' in the same way folks call other dolts 'Einstein.'

Perhaps you meant this:

"CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.

Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he "froze" while taking a CIA polygraph test four years later when the questioner asked him if he had ever worked with or for a group that was "dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.," CNN reported.

"This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate," Brennan said at a panel discussion regarding diversity in the intelligence community during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference."
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

Or this....

"Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism"

When will you be changing your avi to "MORON"????
No I meant to point out how communist trump is.
Trump sure was communist for supporting the socialist Foxconn deal in WI.

No doubt you are 'Brain' in the same way folks call other dolts 'Einstein.'

Perhaps you meant this:

"CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.

Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he "froze" while taking a CIA polygraph test four years later when the questioner asked him if he had ever worked with or for a group that was "dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.," CNN reported.

"This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate," Brennan said at a panel discussion regarding diversity in the intelligence community during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference."
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

Or this....

"Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism"

When will you be changing your avi to "MORON"????
No I meant to point out how communist trump is.

That's because you're a fool.

No one in the history of the presidency has ever lied as much as Hussein Obama.

BTW....did you vote for Hussein????
Trump sure was communist for supporting the socialist Foxconn deal in WI.

No doubt you are 'Brain' in the same way folks call other dolts 'Einstein.'

Perhaps you meant this:

"CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.

Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he "froze" while taking a CIA polygraph test four years later when the questioner asked him if he had ever worked with or for a group that was "dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.," CNN reported.

"This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate," Brennan said at a panel discussion regarding diversity in the intelligence community during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference."
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

Or this....

"Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism"

When will you be changing your avi to "MORON"????
No I meant to point out how communist trump is.

That's because you're a fool.

No one in the history of the presidency has ever lied as much as Hussein Obama.

BTW....did you vote for Hussein????
All this big government trying to control trade seems pretty communist...

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